“GLYCOTwinning Building NETworks to excel in Glycoscience”, HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03. Total funding: €1,479,375, Unit funding: €750,000.
“InnO-Glyco- Innovative approaches for pancreatic cancer: Decoding and manipulating immune response to short sialylated O-glycans”, FCT IP. Total and Unit funding: €247,374.08.
“ProDGNE-Novel therapeutic approaches to target GNE myopathy”, FCT IP. Total funding: €1,056,131 and Unit funding: €250,000.
“GlyCOVID - Impact and Infection of SARS-CoV-2 in Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG)”. Total and Unit funding: €10,000.
“Combinação de vacina de células dendríticas com inibidores de checkpoint imunitário como terapia de primeira linha em doentes com neoplasias malignas sólidas”, DCMATTERS- P2020, Total funding: €3,000,269.42, Unit funding: €421,437.23.
2018 Concurso de Projetos Investigação em Medicina - Tagus TANK, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, Grupo José de Mello, Portugal.
“GenMedcare therapeutics research agreement”, Paula Videira (PI).
aDVANCE Desenvolvimento de novas vacinas anticancro, QREN-ADI 2013-2015.
Prémio de Inovação Bluepharma-Universidade de Coimbra 2014.
Prémio de Mérito Científico Santander Totta – Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2012/2013.
The role of sialic acid in the immunobiology of dendritic cells | PTDC/SAUMII/67561/2006 - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.
Fulbright Commission to P. Videira (2013) and L. Rodrigues (2014).
Bolsa LPCC/PFIZER 2011.