The basis for this program lies in the philosophy of globalization and personnel rotation. Students must be open to, prepared for and competitive in today’s global economy and global health environment. Through this program, they will learn not only through coursework but also through directly participating in collaborative research between institutions involved, running european projects and networks, industry oriented projects as well as in elements as intellectual property, government regulation and industry standards, entrepreneurship. So, this program’s uniqueness makes it extremely attractive to any student who desires a truly global education. Not only do students have the opportunity to live and conduct research in one outstanding research lab in Portugal but also to interact with the different teams spread all over the country (students real mobility by rotating them through the campuses involved).
Besides that, due to existing contacts with foreigner institutions, projects and networking programs (education included) it is expected that students will be also hosts for short stays in the European Institutions involved, giving to this course an unpaired societal dimension.
The mandatory discipline will be taught in the different institutions and all the students must assist to classes which imply mobility. The frequency of optional disciplines may also contribute to mobility as well, but, in the balance e-learning will be used in order to reduce spending. Lecturers and members of the different research teams will also move to other institutions for classes, meetings and discussions.
The Doctoral Program envisages co-guardianship of PhD Thesis work as statutory, with two supervisors to be selected from different institutions, and the students spending part of time in the second institution (the first being the one where they are registered).