
(English)                                        Brochura (Portuguese)


Handbook for international researchers at FCT NOVA


Applications 2024/2025:

Phase 3: 19 Aug-6 Sep 2024 - closed.

Phase 4: 8-31 Jan 2025: <Online application>

Applications 2023/2024:

Phase 1: 7-22 Mar 2023 - closed

Phase 2: 1-30 Jun 2023 - closed
Phase 3: 23 Aug-4 Sep 2023
 - closed

Phase 4: 8-31 Jan 2024 - closed

Applications 2022/2023:

Phase 3: 15 Dec 2022 - 31 Jan 2023 - closed  
Phase 2: 30 Aug - 15 Oct 2022 - closed
Phase 1: 15 Feb - 15 Jul 2022 - closed

Applications 2021/2022:

Phase 1: 27 Apr - 16 Jul 2021
Phase 2: 30 Aug - 15 Oct 2021
Phase 3: 15 Dec 2021 - 28 Feb 2022

Applications 2020/2021:
Phase 1: 24 Apr - 17 Jul 2020
Phase 2: 26 Aug - 15 Oct 2020 
Phase 3: 14 Dec 2020 - 31 Jan 2021 

Currently, About 100 students are enrolled in our program, which provides a very good critical mass and a supporting environment for the new candidates.


1. The application to the PhD Program requires the submission of a specific application form and valid documentation proving the candidate fulfills the conditions required by the Portuguese law, by the UNL and FCT-UNL norms. The candidate must also satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

a. Possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Electrical and Computer Engineering or related areas;

b. Possess a first degree Electrical and Computer Engineering or related areas and a scholar or scientific curriculum recognized as adequate by the Council of the Electrical Engineering Department;

d. Possess a scholar, professional or scientific curriculum recognized as adequate by the Council of the Electrical Engineering Department.

2. The recognition mentioned in items b) and c) of nº1 above:

a. Will be based on recommendations issued by two professors of researchers with a PhD, experts in Electrical and Computer Engineering, nominated by the Coordinator of the PhD Program;

b. Does not provide the candidate with any equivalence to any degree or its recognition for other purposes besides the admission to the PhD Program.

3. The candidates must be fluent in English, both in speaking and writing. In duly justified cases the Scientific Committee might accept candidates that do not satisfy this condition.



Current annual fee 2019/2020:  2 750 euros

Currently the university is not able to provide scholarships. Therefore, candidates are supposed to find a scholarship on their own or being able to financially support themselves.

Students with a job might apply to a part-time modality.



National students or from a EU Member State

  1. Identity card / passport or citizen card;
  2. Qualifications certificate listing the grades obtained, duly authenticated (*);
  3. CV and professional career;
  4. Photography;
  5. Other (s) document (s) that may be required (s) in the respective course page.

International students

International student is the student who does not have Portuguese nationality, which is not a national of an EU Member State, and has not legally live in Portugal uninterruptedly for more than two years.

Detailed information available in

  1. Personal identification document, which explicitly states the applicant's nationality;
  2. Statement under oath, that the applicant is not covered by any of the points listed in paragraph 2 of Article 3 of Decree-Law No. 36/2014 , of 10 March, translated into Portuguese or English, where it is not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish;
  3. Qualifications certificate listing the grades obtained, duly authenticated (*);
  4. CV and professional career;
  5. Photography;
  6. Attestation of residence in the country where the candidate lives (*);
  7. Other (s) document (s) that may be required (s) in the respective course page;
  8. Proof of payment (bank transfer) of the application fee (51 euros).

(*) Documents should:

- Be translated into Portuguese or English, whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish;

- Covered by the consular service or presented with affixing of the Hague Apostille, issued by the competent authority of the State where the document originates.


The application process will only be evaluated if the candidates have paid the application fee (51 €), regardless of the number of courses he/she is applying to. If you already paid an application fee please do not pay again when you apply for another course. This fee is not refundable under any circumstances.

Payment options:

Bank information: