The CleanMIPTech Group have been mainly supported by FCT funded projects (over 640k€), funds from the Associated Laboratory Requimte (plurianual) and Awards.
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PTDC/QUI/66086/2006: “Green” production of cyclodextrin-based matrixes using supercritical carbon dioxide (98806€).
PTDC/QUI-QUI/102460/2008: Development of molecular recognition-based materials using supercritical fluid technology. Application to chromatography, catalysis and extraction. (182492€).
IF/00915/2015/CP1224/CT0002:Mimicking nature: Multi-functional affinity materials for targeted molecular recognition (2015-2019). 49500€.
PTDC/EQU-EQU/32473/2017: Green strategy on the development of plastic antibodies for bio-recognition. (236303.38€). Starting in October 2018.
PTDC/QEQ-PRS/2757/2012: GENOSEP - Removal of Genotoxic Impurities from Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. IST/FF/FCTNova. (PI Frederico IST) 65k€ for FCT (July 2013-2015).
EXPL/CTM-ENE/1502/2013: Células Biofotovoltaicas (Artificial Leaves). (PI Vasco Bonifácio IST) 15k€ for FCT-NOVA (May 2014-April 2015).
PTDC/BII-BIO/30884/2017: BioRevinery Aplicação do conceito de biorefinaria à valorização dos resíduos da poda das vinhas por processos sustentáveis de extração e de catálise (Application of the biorefinery concept to the recovery of residues from pruning of vines by sustainable processes as extraction and catalysis)(PI Cristina Freire).
PTDC/ART-OUT/29692/2017: Green CO2 Technologies for the Cleaning of Plastics in Museums and Heritage Collections 236.960,86€ (PI Joana Lia Ferreira [as Co-PI]). Starting in September 2018.
- Synthesis, functionalization and characterization of affinity materials
- High throughput in static and dynamic binding assays
- Shaker IKA KS 4000i control
- UV/VIS spectrophotometer PerkinElmer, Lambda 25
- Visiprep™ SPE Vacuum Manifold
- Buchi Rotary Evaporator R-3