O Portal de sites destina-se ao alojamento das páginas web das várias iniciativas e projectos desenvolvidos pela FCT NOVA ou que, de alguma forma, estão associados à Faculdade.
Today, our Post-Doctoral researcher Cristiano Mota did the kick-off session of the BioSeminars@UCIBIO initiative, with his presentation entitled: "Greenhouse gas (CO2) fixation by the formate dehydrogenase (Fdh) enzyme"
Correia, V.G., Pinheiro, B.A., Carvalho, A.L. and Palma, A.S. (2020). Resistance to Aminoglycosides. In Antibiotic Drug Resistance (eds J.‐L. Capelo‐Martínez and G. Igrejas). doi:10.1002/9781119282549.ch1
With several poster and oral presentations, the XTAL group was present today in the ENURS2019, the yearly national meeting of the Portuguese users of synchrotron radiation. Very interesting and diverse subjects showing what synchrotrons can do for national research!