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Copper-substituted forms of the wild type and C42A variant of rubredoxin, Thapper, A., Rizzi A. C., Brondino C. D., Wedd A. G., Pais R. J., Maiti B. K., Moura I., Pauleta S. R., and Moura J. J. G. , J Inorg Biochem, Volume 127, p.232-237, (2013)
Correlating EPR and X-ray structural analysis of arsenite-inhibited forms of aldehyde oxidoreductase, Thapper, A., Boer D. R., Brondino C. D., Moura J. J., and Romao M. J. , J Biol Inorg Chem, Mar, Volume 12, Number 3, p.353-66, (2007) AbstractWebsite

Two arsenite-inhibited forms of each of the aldehyde oxidoreductases from Desulfovibrio gigas and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans have been studied by X-ray crystallography and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The molybdenum site of these enzymes shows a distorted square-pyramidal geometry in which two ligands, a hydroxyl/water molecule (the catalytic labile site) and a sulfido ligand, have been shown to be essential for catalysis. Arsenite addition to active as-prepared enzyme or to a reduced desulfo form yields two different species called A and B, respectively, which show different Mo(V) EPR signals. Both EPR signals show strong hyperfine and quadrupolar couplings with an arsenic nucleus, which suggests that arsenic interacts with molybdenum through an equatorial ligand. X-ray data of single crystals prepared from EPR-active samples show in both inhibited forms that the arsenic atom interacts with the molybdenum ion through an oxygen atom at the catalytic labile site and that the sulfido ligand is no longer present. EPR and X-ray data indicate that the main difference between both species is an equatorial ligand to molybdenum which was determined to be an oxo ligand in species A and a hydroxyl/water ligand in species B. The conclusion that the sulfido ligand is not essential to determine the EPR properties in both Mo-As complexes is achieved through EPR measurements on a substantial number of randomly oriented chemically reduced crystals immediately followed by X-ray studies on one of those crystals. EPR saturation studies show that the electron transfer pathway, which is essential for catalysis, is not modified upon inhibition.

Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the gene of the molybdenum-containing aldehyde oxido-reductase of Desulfovibrio gigas. The deduced amino acid sequence shows similarity to xanthine dehydrogenase, Thoenes, U., Flores O. L., Neves A., Devreese B., Van Beeumen J. J., Huber R., Romao M. J., Legall J., Moura J. J., and Rodrigues-Pousada C. , Eur J Biochem, Mar 15, Volume 220, Number 3, p.901-10, (1994) AbstractWebsite

In this report, we describe the isolation of a 4020-bp genomic PstI fragment of Desulfovibrio gigas harboring the aldehyde oxido-reductase gene. The aldehyde oxido-reductase gene spans 2718 bp of genomic DNA and codes for a protein with 906 residues. The protein sequence shows an average 52% (+/- 1.5%) similarity to xanthine dehydrogenase from different organisms. The codon usage of the aldehyde oxidoreductase is almost identical to a calculated codon usage of the Desulfovibrio bacteria.

The three-iron cluster in a ferredoxin from Desulphovibrio gigas. A low-temperature magnetic circular dichroism study, Thomson, A. J., Robinson A. E., Johnson M. K., Moura J. J., Moura I., Xavier A. V., and Legall J. , Biochim Biophys Acta, Aug 28, Volume 670, Number 1, p.93-100, (1981) AbstractWebsite

Ferredoxin II from Desulphovibrio gigas is a tetrameric protein containing a novel iron-sulphur cluster consisting of three iron atoms. The low-temperature magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of the oxidized and dithionite-reduced forms of ferredoxin II have been measured over the wavelength range approx. 300-800 nm. Both oxidation levels of the cluster are shown to be paramagnetic, although only the oxidized form gives an EPR signal. MCD magnetization curves have been constructed over the temperature range approx. 1.5-150 K and at fields between 0 and 5.1 Tesla. The curve for the oxidized protein can be fitted to a ground state of spin S = 1/2 with an isotropic g factor of 2.01. There is evidence for the thermal population of a low-lying electronic state above 50 K. The reduced protein gives a distinctive set of magnetization curves that are tentatively assigned to a ground state of S = 2, with a predominantly axial zero-field distortion that leaves the doublet Ms = +/-2 lowest in energy. The zero-field components have a maximum energy spread of approx. 15 cm-1. which places an upper limit of 4 cm-1 on the axial zero-field parameter D. The MCD spectra of the oxidized and reduced forms of the cluster are quite distinctive from one another. The spectra of the oxidized state are also different from those of oxidized high-potential iron protein from Chromatium and should provide a useful criterion for distinguishing between four- and three-iron clusters in their highest oxidation levels.

Vanadate oligomers interaction with phosphorylated myosin, Tiago, T., Aureliano M., Duarte R. O., and Moura J. J. G. , Inorganica Chimica Acta, Nov 15, Volume 339, p.317-321, (2002) AbstractWebsite

Using a myosin preparation containing endogenous myosin light-chain (LC2) kinase and phosphatase and calmodulin, i.e. near physiological ones, the interaction of vanadate oligomers with phosphorylated myosin was evaluated. Decavanadate or metavanadate solutions (2-15 mM total vanadate) did not prevent the phosphorylation state of the regulatory myosin lightchain, as observed by urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The relative order of line broadening upon protein addition, reflecting the interaction of the vanadate oligomers with phosphorylated myosin, was V10 > V-4 > V-1 = 1 whereas, no changes were observed for monomeric vanadate. In the presence of ATP, V-1 signal was shifted upfield 2 ppm and became broadened, while V4 signal became narrowed. Moreover, a significant increase in myosin ATPase inhibition (60%) was observed when decameric vanadate species were present (1.4 mM). It is concluded that, under conditions near physiological ones, decameric vanadate differs from vanadate oligomers present in metavanadate solutions due to its strong interaction with the phosphorylated enzyme and myosin ATPase inhibition. Besides, ATP decreases the affinity of myosin for tetravanadate, induces the interaction with monomeric vanadate, whereas it does not affect decameric vanadate interaction. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Decavanadate as a biochemical tool in the elucidation of muscle contraction regulation, Tiago, T., Aureliano M., and Moura J. J. , J Inorg Biochem, Nov, Volume 98, Number 11, p.1902-10, (2004) AbstractWebsite

Recently reported decameric vanadate (V(10)) high affinity binding site in myosin S1, suggests that it can be used as a tool in the muscle contraction regulation. In the present article, it is shown that V(10) species induces myosin S1 cleavage, upon irradiation, at the 23 and 74 kDa sites, the latter being prevented by actin and the former blocked by the presence of ATP. Identical cleavage patterns were found for meta- and decavanadate solutions, indicating that V(10) and tetrameric vanadate (V(4)) have the same binding sites in myosin S1. Concentrations as low as 50 muM decavanadate (5 muM V(10) species) induces 30% of protein cleavage, whereas 500 muM metavanadate is needed to attain the same extent of cleavage. After irradiation, V(10) species is rapidly decomposed, upon protein addition, forming vanadyl (V(4+)) species during the process. It was also observed by NMR line broadening experiments that, V(10) competes with V(4) for the myosin S1 binding sites, having a higher affinity. In addition, V(4) interaction with myosin S1 is highly affected by the products release during ATP hydrolysis in the presence or absence of actin, whereas V(10) appears to be affected at a much lower extent. From these results it is proposed that the binding of vanadate oligomers to myosin S1 at the phosphate loop (23 kDa site) is probably the cause of the actin stimulated myosin ATPase inhibition by the prevention of ATP/ADP exchange, and that this interaction is favoured for higher vanadate anions, such as V(10).

Low-spin heme b(3) in the catalytic center of nitric oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica, Timoteo, C. G., Pereira A. S., Martins C. E., Naik S. G., Duarte A. G., Moura J. J., Tavares P., Huynh B. H., and Moura I. , Biochemistry, May 24, Volume 50, Number 20, p.4251-62, (2011) AbstractWebsite

Respiratory nitric oxide reductase (NOR) was purified from membrane extract of Pseudomonas (Ps.) nautica cells to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified protein is a heterodimer with subunits of molecular masses of 54 and 18 kDa. The gene encoding both subunits was cloned and sequenced. The amino acid sequence shows strong homology with enzymes of the cNOR class. Iron/heme determinations show that one heme c is present in the small subunit (NORC) and that approximately two heme b and one non-heme iron are associated with the large subunit (NORB), in agreement with the available data for enzymes of the cNOR class. Mossbauer characterization of the as-purified, ascorbate-reduced, and dithionite-reduced enzyme confirms the presence of three heme groups (the catalytic heme b(3) and the electron transfer heme b and heme c) and one redox-active non-heme Fe (Fe(B)). Consistent with results obtained for other cNORs, heme c and heme b in Ps. nautica cNOR were found to be low-spin while Fe(B) was found to be high-spin. Unexpectedly, as opposed to the presumed high-spin state for heme b(3), the Mossbauer data demonstrate unambiguously that heme b(3) is, in fact, low-spin in both ferric and ferrous states, suggesting that heme b(3) is six-coordinated regardless of its oxidation state. EPR spectroscopic measurements of the as-purified enzyme show resonances at the g approximately 6 and g approximately 2-3 regions very similar to those reported previously for other cNORs. The signals at g = 3.60, 2.99, 2.26, and 1.43 are attributed to the two charge-transfer low-spin ferric heme c and heme b. Previously, resonances at the g approximately 6 region were assigned to a small quantity of uncoupled high-spin Fe(III) heme b(3). This assignment is now questionable because heme b(3) is low-spin. On the basis of our spectroscopic data, we argue that the g = 6.34 signal is likely arising from a spin-spin coupled binuclear center comprising the low-spin Fe(III) heme b(3) and the high-spin Fe(B)(III). Activity assays performed under various reducing conditions indicate that heme b(3) has to be reduced for the enzyme to be active. But, from an energetic point of view, the formation of a ferrous heme-NO as an initial reaction intermediate for NO reduction is disfavored because heme [FeNO](7) is a stable product. We suspect that the presence of a sixth ligand in the Fe(II)-heme b(3) may weaken its affinity for NO and thus promotes, in the first catalytic step, binding of NO at the Fe(B)(II) site. The function of heme b(3) would then be to orient the Fe(B)-bound NO molecules for the formation of the N-N bond and to provide reducing equivalents for NO reduction.

Ca2+ and the bacterial peroxidases: the cytochrome c peroxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri, Timoteo, C. G., Tavares P., Goodhew C. F., Duarte L. C., Jumel K., Girio F. M. F., Harding S., Pettigrew G. W., and Moura I. , Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, Jan, Volume 8, Number 1-2, p.29-37, (2003) AbstractWebsite

The production of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) from Pseudomonas (Ps.) stutzeri (ATCC 11607) was optimized by adjusting the composition of the growth medium and aeration of the culture. The protein was isolated and characterized biochemically and spectroscopically in the oxidized and mixed valence forms. The activity of Ps. stutzeri CCP was studied using two different ferrocytochromes as electron donors: Ps. stutzeri cytochrome C-551 (the physiological electron donor) and horse heart cytochrome c. These electron donors interact differently with Ps. stutzeri CCP, exhibiting different ionic strength dependence. The CCP from Paracoccus (Pa.) denitrificans was proposed to have two different Ca2+ binding sites: one usually occupied (site I) and the other either empty or partially occupied in the oxidized enzyme (site II). The Ps. stutzeri enzyme was purified in a form with tightly bound Ca2+. The affinity for Ca2+ in the mixed valence enzyme is so high that Ca2+ returns to it from the EGTA which was added to empty the site in the oxidized enzyme. Molecular mass determination by ultracentrifugation and behavior on gel filtration chromatography have revealed that this CCP is isolated as an active dimer, in contrast to the Pa. denitrificans CCP which requires added Ca2+ for formation of the dimer and also for activation of the enzyme. This is consistent with the proposal that Ca2+ in the bacterial peroxidases influences the monomer/dimer equilibrium and the transition to the active form of the enzyme. Additional Ca2+ does affect both the kinetics of oxidation of horse heart cytochrome c (but not cytochrome C-551) and higher aggregation states of the enzyme. This suggests the presence of a superficial Ca2+ binding site of low affinity.

The molybdenum iron-sulphur protein from Desulfovibrio gigas as a form of aldehyde oxidase, Turner, N., Barata B., Bray R. C., Deistung J., Legall J., and Moura J. J. , Biochem J, May 1, Volume 243, Number 3, p.755-61, (1987) AbstractWebsite

The molybdenum iron-sulphur protein originally isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas by Moura, Xavier, Bruschi, Le Gall, Hall & Cammack [(1976) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 72, 782-789] has been further investigated by e.p.r. spectroscopy of molybdenum(V). The signal obtained on extended reduction of the protein with sodium dithionite has been shown, by studies at 9 and 35 HGz in 1H2O and 2H2O and computer simulations, to have parameters corresponding to those of the Slow signal from the inactive desulpho form of various molybdenum-containing hydroxylases. Another signal obtained on brief reduction of the protein with small amounts of dithionite was shown by e.p.r. difference techniques to be a Rapid type 2 signal, like that from the active form of such enzymes. In confirmation that the protein is a molybdenum-containing hydroxylase, activity measurements revealed that it had aldehyde:2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol oxidoreductase activity. No such activity towards xanthine or purine was observed. Salicylaldehyde was a particularly good substrate, and treatment of the protein with it also gave rise to the Rapid signal. Molybdenum cofactor liberated from the protein was active in the nit-1 Neurospora crassa nitrate reductase assay. It is concluded that the protein is a form of an aldehyde oxidase or dehydrogenase. From the intensity of the e.p.r. signals and from enzyme activity measurements, 10-30% of the protein in the sample examined appeared to be in the functional form. The evolutionary significance of the protein, which may represent a primitive form of the enzyme rather than a degradation product, is discussed briefly.

Resonance Raman study of sirohydrochlorin and siroheme in sulfite reductases from sulfate reducing bacteria, Underwood-Lemons, Theresa, Moura Isabel, and To Yue Kwok , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, Volume 1157, Number 2, p.275-284, (1993) AbstractWebsite
Human erythrocytes exposure to juglone leads to an increase of superoxide anion production associated with cytochrome b5 reductase uncoupling, Valério, G. N., Gutierrez-Merino C., Nogueira F., Moura I., Moura J. J. G., and Samhan-Arias A. K. , Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg, Volume EPub, (2020)
NMR and electron-paramagnetic-resonance studies of a dihaem cytochrome from Pseudomonas stutzeri (ATCC 11607) (cytochrome c peroxidase), Villalain, J., Moura I., Liu M. C., Payne W. J., Legall J., Xavier A. V., and Moura J. J. , Eur J Biochem, Jun 1, Volume 141, Number 2, p.305-12, (1984) AbstractWebsite

A dihaem cytochrome (Mr 37 400) with cytochrome c peroxidase activity was purified from Pseudomonas stutzeri (ATCC 11 607). The haem redox potentials are far apart: one of the haems is completely ascorbate-reducible and the other is only reduced by dithionite. The coordination, spin states and redox properties of the covalently bound haems were probed by visible, NMR and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies in three oxidation states. In the oxidized state, the low-temperature EPR spectrum of the native enzyme is a complex superimposition of three components: (I) a low-spin haem indicating a histidinyl-methionyl coordination; (II) a low-spin haem indicating a histidinyl-histidinyl coordination; and (III) a minor high-spin haem component. At room temperature, NMR and optical studies indicate the presence of high-spin and low-spin haems, suggesting that for one of the haems a high-spin to low-spin transition is observed when temperature is decreased. In the half-reduced state, the component I (high redox potential) of the EPR spectrum disappears and induces a change in the g-values and linewidth of component II; the high-spin component II is no longer detected at low temperature. Visible and NMR studies reveal the presence of a high-spin ferric and a low-spin (methionyl-coordinated) ferrous state. The NMR data fully support the haem-haem interaction probed by EPR. In the reduced state, the NMR spectrum indicates that the low-potential haem is high-spin ferrous.

Large core-shell affinity beads for gravity-driven API purification processes: A green strategy by molecular imprinting in supercritical CO2, Viveiros, R., Dias F. M., Maia L. B., Heggie W., and Casimiro T. , J Ind Eng Chem, Volume 54, p.341-349, (2017) Website
The nickel site in active Desulfovibrio baculatus [NiFeSe] hydrogenase is diamagnetic. Multifield saturation magnetization measurement of the spin state of Ni(II), Wang, C. P., Franco R., Moura J. J., Moura I., and Day E. P. , J Biol Chem, Apr 15, Volume 267, Number 11, p.7378-80, (1992) AbstractWebsite

The magnetic properties of the nickel(II) site in active Desulfovibrio baculatus (DSM 1743) [NiFeSe] hydrogenase have been measured using the multifield saturation magnetization technique. The periplasmic [NiFeSe] hydrogenase was isolated from bacteria grown in excess selenium in the presence of 57Fe. Saturation magnetization data were collected at three fixed fields (1.375, 2.75, 5.5 tesla) over the temperature range from 2 to 100 K. Mossbauer and EPR spectroscopies were used to characterize the magnetic state of the two [4Fe-4S] clusters of the enzyme and to quantitate the small amounts of iron impurities present in the sample. The nickel(II) site was found to be diamagnetic (low spin, S = 0). In combination with recent results from extended x-ray absorption fine structure studies, this magnetic state indicates that the nickel(II) site of active D. baculatus [NiFeSe] hydrogenase is five-coordinate.

Redox potential measurements of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis heme protein KatG and the isoniazid-resistant enzyme KatG(S315T): insights into isoniazid activation, Wengenack, N. L., Lopes H., Kennedy M. J., Tavares P., Pereira A. S., Moura I., Moura J. J., and Rusnak F. , Biochemistry, Sep 19, Volume 39, Number 37, p.11508-13, (2000) AbstractWebsite

Mycobacterium tuberculosis KatG is a multifunctional heme enzyme responsible for activation of the antibiotic isoniazid. A KatG(S315T) point mutation is found in >50% of isoniazid-resistant clinical isolates. Since isoniazid activation is thought to involve an oxidation reaction, the redox potential of KatG was determined using cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, and spectroelectrochemical titrations. Isoniazid activation may proceed via a cytochrome P450-like mechanism. Therefore, the possibility that substrate binding by KatG leads to an increase in the heme redox potential and the possibility that KatG(S315T) confers isoniazid resistance by altering the redox potential were examined. Effects of the heme spin state on the reduction potentials of KatG and KatG(S315T) were also determined. Assessment of the Fe(3+)/Fe(2+) couple gave a midpoint potential of ca. -50 mV for both KatG and KatG(S315T). In contrast to cytochrome P450s, addition of substrate had no significant effect on either the KatG or KatG(S315T) redox potential. Conversion of the heme to a low-spin configuration resulted in a -150 to -200 mV shift of the KatG and KatG(S315T) redox potentials. These results suggest that isoniazid resistance conferred by KatG(S315T) is not mediated through changes in the heme redox potential. The redox potentials of isoniazid were also determined using cyclic and square wave voltammetry, and the results provide evidence that the ferric KatG and KatG(S315T) midpoint potentials are too low to promote isoniazid oxidation without formation of a high-valent enzyme intermediate such as compounds I and II or oxyferrous KatG.

Proton NMR spectra of rubredoxins: new resonances assignable to .alpha.-CH and .beta.-CH2 hydrogens of cysteinate ligands to iron(II), Werth, Mark T., Kurtz Donald M., Moura Isabel, and Legall Jean , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987/01/01, Volume 109, Number 1, p.273-275, (1987) AbstractWebsite
Role of vitamin B12 in methyl transfer for methane biosynthesis by Methanosarcina barkeri, Wood, J. M., Moura I., Moura J. J., Santos M. H., Xavier A. V., Legall J., and Scandellari M. , Science, Apr 16, Volume 216, Number 4543, p.303-5, (1982) AbstractWebsite

When Methanosarcina barkeri is grown on methanol as the sole carbon source, a B12-containing protein is synthesized by this organism. This B12 protein contains bound aquocobalamin, and when this cofactor is reduced and methylated with [14C]methyl iodide, the resultant [14C]methyl B12 protein is extremely active in the biosynthesis of 14C-labeled methane. These findings indicate that a B12-dependent system is operative in the biological formation of methane in addition to other systems that are B12-independent.

NMR studies of electron carrier proteins from sulphate reducing bacteria, Xavier, A. V., and Moura J. J. , Biochimie, Volume 60, Number 3, p.327-38, (1978) AbstractWebsite

The sulphate-reducing bacteria have a complex electron transfer system which leads to the reduction of sulphate by oxidation of either organic substrates or molecular hydrogen. These bacteria can either produce or consume molecular hydrogen. The central part of this electron pathway for Desulovibrio gigas is constituted by hydrogenase (3 X (4Fe-4S)). cytochrome c3 (4 haems with different redox potentials) and a one (4Fe-4S) cluster ferredoxin. This ferredoxin is isolated in different oligomeric forms, which stabilize different oxidation states and have different physiological roles; the trimer FdI being involved in the production of H2 and the tetramer FdII being more efficient for the consumption of H2. The presence of intrinsic probes (the iron ions) in these proteins is particularly helpful for structural studies using NMR spectroscopy. These studies allowed a characterization of the oxidation states used by the different oligomers of the ferredoxin and obtaintion of structural information on multi-haem cytochromes (c3 and c7). NMR is also suitable to study protein-protein interaction. The study of the complex formed between FdII and cytochrome c3 has shown that there is an alteration of the kinetics of electron transfer upon complexation.

Oxidation-reduction potentials of the hemes in cytochrome C3 from Desulfovibrio gigas in the presence and absence of ferredoxin by EPR spectroscopy, Xavier, A. V., Moura J. J., Legall J., and Dervartanian D. V. , Biochimie, Volume 61, Number 5-6, p.689-95, (1979) AbstractWebsite

1. Ferricytochrome c3 from D. gigas exhibits two low-spin ferric heme EPR resonances with gz-values at 2.959 and 2.853. Ferrocytochrome c3 is diamagnetic based on the absence of any EPR signals. 2. EPR potentiometric titrations result in the resolution of the two low-spin ferric heme resonances into two additional heme components representing in total the four hemes of the cytochrome, with EM values of -235 mV and -315 mV at heme resonance I and EM values of -235 mV and -306 mV at heme resonance II. 3. EPR spectroscopy has detected a significant diminution of intensity (approx. 60 p. 100) in the gx amplitude of ferricytochrome c3 in the presence of D. gigas ferredoxin II. The presence of ferredoxin II also causes a more negative shift in the EM of the second components of the signals at heme resonances I and II of cytochrome C3. Both observations suggest that an interaction has occurred between cytochrome C3 and ferredoxin II. 4. The results presented suggest that the heme ligand environment of ferricytochrome c3 from D. gigas is less perturbed and/or less asymmetric than environment for ferricytochrome c3 from D. vulgaris whose EPR behavior indicates the non-equivalence of all four hemes.

NOVEL STRUCTURES IN IRON-SULFUR PROTEINS, Xavier, A. V., Moura J. J. G., and Moura I. , Structure and Bonding, 1981, Volume 43, p.187-213, (1981) AbstractWebsite
Nickel containing hydrogenases, Xavier, A. V., Teixeira M., Moura I., Moura J. J. G., and Legall J. , Inorganica Chimica Acta, Volume 79, p.13-14, (1983) AbstractWebsite
Novel structures in iron-sulfur proteinsBonding Problems, Xavier, António, Moura José, and Moura Isabel , Volume 43, p.187-213, (1981) Abstract
A variable temperature spectroscopic study on Paracoccus pantotrophus pseudoazurin: Protein constraints on the blue Cu site, Xie, Xiangjin, Hadt Ryan G., Pauleta Sofia R., Gonzalez Pablo J., Un Sun, Moura Isabel, and Solomon Edward I. , Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Oct, Volume 103, Number 10, p.1307-1313, (2009) AbstractWebsite

The blue or Type 1 (T1) copper site of Paracoccus pantotrophus pseudoazurin exhibits significant absorption intensity in both the 450 and 600 nm regions. These are sigma and pi S(Cys) to Cu(2+) charge transfer (CT) transitions. The temperature dependent absorption, EPR, and resonance Raman (rR) vibrations enhanced by these bands indicate that a single species is present at all temperatures. This contrasts the temperature dependent behavior of the T1 center in nitrite reductase [S. Ghosh, X. Xie, A. Dey, Y. Sun, C. Scholes, E. Solomon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106 (2009) 4969-4974] which has a thioether ligand that is unconstrained by the protein. The lack of temperature dependence in the T1 site in pseudoazurin indicates the presence of a protein constraint similar to the blue Cu site in plastocyanin where the thioether ligand is constrained at 2.8 angstrom. However, plastocyanin exhibits only pi CT. This spectral difference between pseudoazurin and plastocyanin reflects a coupled distortion of the site where the axial thiorether in pseudoazurin is also constrained, but at a shorter Cu-S(Met) bond length. This leads to an increase in the Cu(2+)-S(Cys) bond length, and the site undergoes a partial tetragonal distortion in pseudoazurin. Thus, its ground state wavefunction has both sigma and pi character in the Cu(2+)-S(Cys) bond. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Resonance Raman spectra of rubredoxin, desulforedoxin, and the synthetic analog Fe(S2-o-xyl)2: conformational effects, Yachandra, Vittal K., Hare Jeffrey, Moura I., and Spiro Thomas G. , Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1983/10/01, Volume 105, Number 21, p.6455-6462, (1983) AbstractWebsite
Proteins dominate in the surface layers formed on materials exposed to extracellular polymeric substances from bacterial cultures, Yang, Y., Wikieł A. J., Dall'agnol L. T., Eloy P., Genet M. J., Moura J. J. G., Sand W., Dupont-Gillain C. C., and Rouxhet P. G. , Biofouling, Volume 32, p.95-108, (2016)