Low-spin sulfite reductases: a new homologous group of non-heme iron-siroheme proteins in anaerobic bacteria,
Moura, I., Lino A. R., Moura J. J., Xavier A. V., Fauque G., Peck, H. D. Jr., and Legall J.
, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Dec 30, Volume 141, Number 3, p.1032-41, (1986)
AbstractTwo new low molecular weight proteins with sulfite reductase activity, isolated from Methanosarcina barkeri (DSM 800) and Desulfuromonas acetoxidans (strain 5071), were studied by EPR and optical spectroscopic techniques. Both proteins have visible spectra similar to that of the low-spin sulfite reductase of Desulfovibrio vulgaris strain Hildenborough and no band at 715 nm, characteristic of high-spin Fe3+ complexes in isobacteriochlorins is observed. EPR shows that as isolated the siroheme is in a low-spin ferric state (S = 1/2) with g-values at 2.40, 2.30 and 1.88 for the Methanosarcina barkeri enzyme and g-values at 2.44, 2.33 and 1.81 for the Desulfuromonas acetoxidans enzyme. Chemical analysis shows that both proteins contain one siroheme and one [Fe4S4] center per polypeptidic chain. These results suggest that the low molecular weight, low-spin non-heme iron siroheme proteins represent a new homologous class of sulfite reductases common to anaerobic microorganisms.
Low-spin heme b(3) in the catalytic center of nitric oxide reductase from Pseudomonas nautica,
Timoteo, C. G., Pereira A. S., Martins C. E., Naik S. G., Duarte A. G., Moura J. J., Tavares P., Huynh B. H., and Moura I.
, Biochemistry, May 24, Volume 50, Number 20, p.4251-62, (2011)
AbstractRespiratory nitric oxide reductase (NOR) was purified from membrane extract of Pseudomonas (Ps.) nautica cells to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified protein is a heterodimer with subunits of molecular masses of 54 and 18 kDa. The gene encoding both subunits was cloned and sequenced. The amino acid sequence shows strong homology with enzymes of the cNOR class. Iron/heme determinations show that one heme c is present in the small subunit (NORC) and that approximately two heme b and one non-heme iron are associated with the large subunit (NORB), in agreement with the available data for enzymes of the cNOR class. Mossbauer characterization of the as-purified, ascorbate-reduced, and dithionite-reduced enzyme confirms the presence of three heme groups (the catalytic heme b(3) and the electron transfer heme b and heme c) and one redox-active non-heme Fe (Fe(B)). Consistent with results obtained for other cNORs, heme c and heme b in Ps. nautica cNOR were found to be low-spin while Fe(B) was found to be high-spin. Unexpectedly, as opposed to the presumed high-spin state for heme b(3), the Mossbauer data demonstrate unambiguously that heme b(3) is, in fact, low-spin in both ferric and ferrous states, suggesting that heme b(3) is six-coordinated regardless of its oxidation state. EPR spectroscopic measurements of the as-purified enzyme show resonances at the g approximately 6 and g approximately 2-3 regions very similar to those reported previously for other cNORs. The signals at g = 3.60, 2.99, 2.26, and 1.43 are attributed to the two charge-transfer low-spin ferric heme c and heme b. Previously, resonances at the g approximately 6 region were assigned to a small quantity of uncoupled high-spin Fe(III) heme b(3). This assignment is now questionable because heme b(3) is low-spin. On the basis of our spectroscopic data, we argue that the g = 6.34 signal is likely arising from a spin-spin coupled binuclear center comprising the low-spin Fe(III) heme b(3) and the high-spin Fe(B)(III). Activity assays performed under various reducing conditions indicate that heme b(3) has to be reduced for the enzyme to be active. But, from an energetic point of view, the formation of a ferrous heme-NO as an initial reaction intermediate for NO reduction is disfavored because heme [FeNO](7) is a stable product. We suspect that the presence of a sixth ligand in the Fe(II)-heme b(3) may weaken its affinity for NO and thus promotes, in the first catalytic step, binding of NO at the Fe(B)(II) site. The function of heme b(3) would then be to orient the Fe(B)-bound NO molecules for the formation of the N-N bond and to provide reducing equivalents for NO reduction.
Ligand K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and DFT calculations on [Fe3S4]0,+ clusters: delocalization, redox, and effect of the protein environment,
Dey, A., Glaser T., Moura J. J., Holm R. H., Hedman B., Hodgson K. O., and Solomon E. I.
, J Am Chem Soc, Dec 29, Volume 126, Number 51, p.16868-78, (2004)
AbstractLigand K-edge XAS of an [Fe3S4]0 model complex is reported. The pre-edge can be resolved into contributions from the mu(2)S(sulfide), mu(3)S(sulfide), and S(thiolate) ligands. The average ligand-metal bond covalencies obtained from these pre-edges are further distributed between Fe(3+) and Fe(2.5+) components using DFT calculations. The bridging ligand covalency in the [Fe2S2]+ subsite of the [Fe3S4]0 cluster is found to be significantly lower than its value in a reduced [Fe2S2] cluster (38% vs 61%, respectively). This lowered bridging ligand covalency reduces the superexchange coupling parameter J relative to its value in a reduced [Fe2S2]+ site (-146 cm(-1) vs -360 cm(-1), respectively). This decrease in J, along with estimates of the double exchange parameter B and vibronic coupling parameter lambda2/k(-), leads to an S = 2 delocalized ground state in the [Fe3S4]0 cluster. The S K-edge XAS of the protein ferredoxin II (Fd II) from the D. gigas active site shows a decrease in covalency compared to the model complex, in the same oxidation state, which correlates with the number of H-bonding interactions to specific sulfur ligands present in the active site. The changes in ligand-metal bond covalencies upon redox compared with DFT calculations indicate that the redox reaction involves a two-electron change (one-electron ionization plus a spin change of a second electron) with significant electronic relaxation. The presence of the redox inactive Fe(3+) center is found to decrease the barrier of the redox process in the [Fe3S4] cluster due to its strong antiferromagnetic coupling with the redox active Fe2S2 subsite.
Ligand accessibility to heme cytochrome b5 coordinating sphere and enzymatic activity enhancement upon tyrosine ionization,
Samhan-Arias, A. K., Cordas C. M., Carepo M. S., Maia L. B., Gutierrez-Merino C., Moura I., and Moura J. J. G.
, J Biol Inorg Chem, Volume 24, p.317-330, (2019)
Large core-shell affinity beads for gravity-driven API purification processes: A green strategy by molecular imprinting in supercritical CO2,
Viveiros, R., Dias F. M., Maia L. B., Heggie W., and Casimiro T.
, J Ind Eng Chem, Volume 54, p.341-349, (2017)