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Aldehyde oxidoreductases and other molybdenum containing enzymes, Moura, J. J., and Barata B. A. , Methods Enzymol, Volume 243, p.24-42, (1994) AbstractWebsite
Characterization of the Dihemic Cytochrome C549 from the Marine Denitrifying Bacterium Pseudomonas nautica 617, Saraiva, L. M., Besson S., Fauque G., and Moura I. , Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 199, Number 3, p.1289-1296, (1994) AbstractWebsite
Ferredoxins, Moura, J. J., Macedo A. L., and Palma P. N. , Methods Enzymol, Volume 243, p.165-88, (1994) AbstractWebsite
Physico-chemical and Spectroscopic Properties of the Monohemic Cytochrome C552 from Pseudomonas nautica 617, Saraiva, Lígia M., Fauque Guy, Besson Stéphane, and Moura Isabel , European Journal of Biochemistry, Volume 224, Number 3, p.1011-1017, (1994) AbstractWebsite

A c-type monohemic ferricytochrome c552 (11 kDa) was isolated from the soluble extract of a marine denitrifier, Pseudomonas nautica strain 617, grown under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as final electron acceptor. The NH2-terminal sequence and the amino acid composition of the cytochrome were determined. The heme iron of the cytochrome c552 has histidine-methionine as axial ligands, and a pH-dependent mid-point redox potential, equal to 250 mV at pH 7.6. The presence of methionine was demonstrated by visible, EPR and NMR spectroscopies. The assignment of most of the hemic protons was performed applying two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy (NOESY), and the aromatic region was assigned through two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY) experiments. The EPR spectrum of the oxidised form of the cytochrome c552 is typical of a low-spin ferric heme.

Replacement of Methionine as the Axial Ligand of Achromobacter cycloclastes Cytochrome C554 at High pH Values Revealed by Absorption, EPR and MCD Spectroscopy, Saraiva, L. M., Thomson A. J., Lebrun N. E., Liu M. Y., Payne W. J., Legall J., and Moura I. , Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 204, Number 1, p.120-128, (1994) AbstractWebsite
[15] Characterization of three proteins containing multiple iron sites: Rubrerythrin, desulfoferrodoxin, and a protein containing a six-iron cluster, Moura, Isabel, Tavares Pedro, and Ravi Natarajan , Methods in Enzymology, Volume Volume 243, p.216-240, (1994) Abstract
[16] Adenylylsulfate reductases from sulfate-reducing bacteria, Lampreia, Jorge, Pereira Alice S., and Moura José J. G. , Methods in Enzymology, Volume Volume 243, p.241-260, (1994) Abstract
[20] Low-spin sulfite reductases, Moura, Isabel, and Lino Ana Rosa , Methods in Enzymology, Volume Volume 243, p.296-303, (1994) Abstract
[21] Hexaheme nitrite reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774), Liu, Ming-Cheh, Costa Cristina, and Moura Isabel , Methods in Enzymology, Volume Volume 243, p.303-319, (1994) Abstract
Spectroscopic characterization of cytochrome c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans, Gilmour, R., Goodhew C. F., Pettigrew G. W., Prazeres S., Moura I., and Moura J. J. , Biochem J, Sep 15, Volume 294 ( Pt 3), p.745-52, (1993) AbstractWebsite

The cytochrome c peroxidase of Paracoccus denitrificans is similar to the well-studied enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Like the Pseudomonas enzyme, the Paracoccus peroxidase contains two haem c groups, one high potential and one low potential. The high-potential haem acts as a source of the second electron for H2O2 reduction, and the low-potential haem acts as a peroxidatic centre. Reduction with ascorbate of the high-potential haem of the Paracoccus enzyme results in a switch of the low-potential haem to a high-spin state, as shown by visible and n.m.r. spectroscopy. This high-spin haem of the mixed-valence enzyme is accessible to ligands and binds CN- with a KD of 5 microM. The Paracoccus enzyme is significantly different from that from Pseudomonas in the time course of high-spin formation after reduction of the high-potential haem, and in the requirement for bivalent cations. Reduction with 1 mM ascorbate at pH 6 is complete within 2 min, and this is followed by a slow appearance of the high-spin state with a half-time of 10 min. Thus the process of reduction and spin state change can be easily separated in time and the intermediate form obtained. This separation is also evident in e.p.r. spectra, although the slow change involves an alteration in the low-spin ligation at this temperature rather than a change in spin state. The separation is even more striking at pH 7.5, where no high-spin form is obtained until 1 mM Ca2+ is added to the mixed-valence enzyme. The spin-state switch of the low-potential haem shifts the midpoint redox potential of the high-potential haem by 50 mV, a further indication of haem-haem interaction.

Characterization of D. desulfuricans (ATCC 27774) [NiFe] hydrogenase EPR and redox properties of the native and the dihydrogen reacted states, Franco, R., Moura I., Legall J., Peck, H. D. Jr., Huynh B. H., and Moura J. J. , Biochim Biophys Acta, Oct 4, Volume 1144, Number 3, p.302-8, (1993) AbstractWebsite

Redox intermediates of D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774 [NiFe] hydrogenase were generated under dihydrogen. Detailed redox titrations, coupled to EPR measurements, give access to the mid-point redox potentials of the iron-sulfur centers and of the Nickel-B signal that represents the ready form of the enzyme. The interaction between the dihydrogen molecule and the nickel centre was probed by the observation of an isotopic effect on the EPR signals detected in turnover conditions, by comparison of the H2O/H2 and D2O/D2-reacted samples.

Aldehyde oxidoreductase activity in Desulfovibrio gigas: in vitro reconstitution of an electron-transfer chain from aldehydes to the production of molecular hydrogen, Barata, B. A., Legall J., and Moura J. J. , Biochemistry, Nov 2, Volume 32, Number 43, p.11559-68, (1993) AbstractWebsite

The molybdenum [iron-sulfur] protein, first isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas by Moura et al. [Moura, J. J. G., Xavier, A. V., Bruschi, M., Le Gall, J., Hall, D. O., & Cammack, R. (1976) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 72, 782-789], was later shown to mediate the electronic flow from salicylaldehyde to a suitable electron acceptor, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) [Turner, N., Barata, B., Bray, R. C., Deistung, J., LeGall, J., & Moura, J. J. G. (1987) Biochem. J. 243, 755-761]. The DCPIP-dependent aldehyde oxidoreductase activity was studied in detail using a wide range of aldehydes and analogues. Steady-state kinetic analysis (KM and Vmax) was performed for acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, benzaldehyde, and salicylaldehyde in excess DCPIP concentration, and a simple Michaelis-Menten model was shown to be applicable as a first kinetic approach. Xanthine, purine, allopurinol, and N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN) could not be utilized as enzyme substrates. DCPIP and ferricyanide were shown to be capable of cycling the electronic flow, whereas other cation and anion dyes [O2 and NAD(P)+] were not active in this process. The enzyme showed an optimal pH activity profile around 7.8. This molybdenum hydroxylase was shown to be part of an electron-transfer chain comprising four different soluble proteins from D. gigas, with a total of 11 discrete redox centers, which is capable of linking the oxidation of aldehydes to the reduction of protons.

Voltammetric studies of the catalytic electron-transfer process between the Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase and small proteins isolated from the same genus, Moreno, C., Franco R., Moura I., Legall J., and Moura J. J. , Eur J Biochem, Nov 1, Volume 217, Number 3, p.981-9, (1993) AbstractWebsite

The kinetics of electron transfer between the Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase and several electron-transfer proteins from Desulfovibrio species were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, square-wave voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough), Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (Norway 4), Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (American Type Culture Collection 27774) and D. gigas (NCIB 9332) were used as redox carriers. They differ in their redox potentials and isoelectric point. Depending on the pH, all the reduced forms of these cytochromes were effective in electron exchange with hydrogenase. Other small electron-transfer proteins such as ferredoxin I, ferredoxin II and rubredoxin from D. gigas were tentatively used as redox carriers. Only ferredoxin II was effective in mediating electron exchange between hydrogenase and the working electrode. The second-order rate constants k for the reaction between reduced proteins and hydrogenase were calculated based on the theory of the simplest electrocatalytic mechanism [Moreno, C., Costa, C., Moura, I., Le Gall, J., Liu, M. Y., Payne, W. J., van Dijk, C. & Moura, J. J. G. (1993) Eur. J. Biochem. 212, 79-86] and the results obtained by cyclic voltammetry were compared with those obtained by chronoamperometry. Values for k of 10(5)-10(6) M-1 s-1 (cytochrome c3 as electron carrier) and 10(4) M-1 s-1 (ferredoxin II as the electron carrier) were determined. The rate-constant values are discussed in terms of the existence of an electrostatic interaction between the electrode surface and the redox carrier and between the redox carrier and a positively charged part of the enzyme.

Electrochemical studies of the hexaheme nitrite reductase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Moreno, C., Costa C., Moura I., Legall J., Liu M. Y., Payne W. J., Van Dijk C., and Moura J. J. , Eur J Biochem, Feb 15, Volume 212, Number 1, p.79-86, (1993) AbstractWebsite

The electron-transfer kinetics between three different mediators and the hexahemic enzyme nitrite reductase isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774) were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and by chronoamperometry. The mediators, methyl viologen, Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) cytochrome c3 and D. desulfuricans (ATCC 27774) cytochrome c3 differ in structure, redox potential and charge. The reduced form of each mediator exchanged electrons with nitrite reductase. Second-order rate constants, k, were calculated on the basis of the theory for a simple catalytic mechanism and the results, obtained by cyclic voltammetry, were compared with those obtained by chronoamperometry. Values for k are in the range 10(6)-10(8) M-1 s-1 and increase in the direction D. desulfuricans cytochrome c3-->D. vulgaris cytochrome c3-->methyl viologen. An explanation is advanced on the basis of electrostatic interactions and relative orientation between the partners involved. Chronoamperometry (computer controlled) offers advantages over cyclic voltammetry in the determination of homogeneous rate constants (faster, more accurate and better reproducibility). Direct, unmediated electrochemical responses of the hexaheme nitrite reductase were also reported.

Subunit composition, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde oxidoreductase containing molybdenum and [2Fe-2S] centers, Romao, M. J., Barata B. A., Archer M., Lobeck K., Moura I., Carrondo M. A., Legall J., Lottspeich F., Huber R., and Moura J. J. , Eur J Biochem, Aug 1, Volume 215, Number 3, p.729-32, (1993) AbstractWebsite

The Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde oxidoreductase contains molybdenum bound to a pterin cofactor and [2Fe-2S] centers. The enzyme was characterized by SDS/PAGE, gel-filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. It was crystallized at 4 degrees C, pH 7.2, using isopropanol and MgCl2 as precipitants. The crystals diffract beyond 0.3-nm (3.0-A) resolution and belong to space group P6(1)22 or its enantiomorph, with cell dimensions a = b = 14.45 nm and c = 16.32 nm. There is one subunit/asymmetric unit which gives a packing density of 2.5 x 10(-3) nm3/Da (2.5 A3/Da), consistent with the experimental crystal density, rho = 1.14 g/cm3. One dimer (approximately 2 x 100 kDa) is located on a crystallographic twofold axis.

Temperature-dependent proton NMR investigation of the electronic structure of the trinuclear iron cluster of the oxidized Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin II, Macedo, Anjos L., Moura Isabel, Moura Jose J. G., Legall Jean, and Huynh Boi Hanh , Inorganic Chemistry, 1993/03/01, Volume 32, Number 7, p.1101-1105, (1993) AbstractWebsite
Resonance Raman studies of nickel tetrathiolates and nickel-substituted rubredoxins and desulforedoxin, Huang, Yun Hua, Moura Isabel, Moura Jose J. G., Legall Jean, Park Jae Bum, Adams Michael W. W., and Johnson Michael K. , Inorganic Chemistry, 1993/02/01, Volume 32, Number 4, p.406-412, (1993) AbstractWebsite
Control of the spin state of the peroxidatic haem by calcium ions in cytochrome c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans: A 1H NMR study, Prazeres, Susana, Moura Isabel, Moura José J. G., Gilmour Raymond, Goodhew Celia F., and Pettigrew Graham W. , Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Volume 31, Number 13, p.S68-S72, (1993) AbstractWebsite

Cytochrome c peroxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans LMD 52.44 was recently identified. The enzyme contains two c-type haems: one is reducible physiologically by cytochrome c550 from the same organism or non-physiologically by ascorbate (high-potential haem) and the other by dithionite (low-potential haem). The enzymatically active form of the peroxidase is the half-reduced enzyme state, in which the high-potential haem is in the iron(II) state and the low-potential haem is in the iron(III) state. It was found that the two haems interact and that the enzyme binds calcium ions near the haem sites which are necessary to promote its activation. In the oxidized form, the high-potential haem is in a high-spin and the low-potential haem is in a low-spin state. The half-reduction of the enzyme with ascorbate-diaminodurol changes the high-potential haem (high-spin) into a low-spin state and the low-potential haem converts from a low- into a high-spin state. This high-spin conversion of the low-potential haem is induced by the presence of calcium ions. These processes of reduction and spin state change can be easily resolved in time by removing the calcium from the enzyme using EDTA, facilitating the observation of the intermediate form by NMR.

Oxovanadium(IV) and amino acids—VI. The systems glycylglycine and glycylglycylglycine + VO2+; a potentiometric and spectroscopic study, Pessoa, Costa J., Luz S. M., Duarte R., Moura J. J. G., and Gillard R. D. , Polyhedron, Volume 12, Number 23, p.2857-2867, (1993) AbstractWebsite
Resonance Raman study of sirohydrochlorin and siroheme in sulfite reductases from sulfate reducing bacteria, Underwood-Lemons, Theresa, Moura Isabel, and To Yue Kwok , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, Volume 1157, Number 2, p.275-284, (1993) AbstractWebsite
Two-dimensional 1H NMR studies on Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxins. Assignment of the iron-sulfur cluster cysteinyl ligand protons, Macedo, Anjos L., Palma Nuno P., Moura Isabel, Legall Jean, Wray Victor, and Moura José J. G. , Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Volume 31, Number 13, p.S59-S67, (1993) AbstractWebsite

1D and 2D 1H NMR studies are reported on the oxidized and reduced [4Fe-4S] cluster of Desulfovibrio gigas ferredoxin I (Fdl). Several low-field contact shifted resonances (fast relaxing) are assigned to β-CH2 and α-CH coordinated cysteinyl residues. NOESY patterns (supported by 1D NOE experiments) resolves four pairs of geminal β-CH2 protons at low-field. The cluster ligands are assigned non-specifically to Cys8, Cys11, Cys14 and Cys50, based on the X-ray structural analysis available for the oligomeric form, FdII, that contains a single [3Fe-4S] cluster. It was indicated in this case that Cys11 is not bound to the trinuclear cluster but is tilted towards the solvent. The presence of four pairs of geminal β-CH2 protons for FdI unambiguously proves the occupancy of the fourth site of the [3Fe-4S] complex and implies the coordination of the Cys11 at the cluster. Analysis of the oxidized form of FdII, using the same methodology as described for FdI, supports the presence of three cysteinyl ligands in the [3Fe-4S] core. Further, the combined use of the X-ray coordinates enables the specific assignment of the three cysteinyl ligands of the cluster, extending a previous assignment of Cys50. In addition, very broad resonances were detected for the reduced form of FdII in the low-field region around 200 ppm and in the high field region around −80 ppm.

The photochemical reaction between uranyl-nitrate and azulene, Burrows, H. D., Cardoso A. C., Formosinho S. J., Gil Ampc, Miguel M. D., Barata B., and Moura J. J. G. , Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, Sep 30, Volume 68, Number 3, p.279-287, (1992) AbstractWebsite

On photolysis of solutions of azulene and uranyl nitrate in alcohols, a dark, amorphous precipitate is formed. Various analytical techniques show that this is a mixture of a uranium salt and an organic component, suggested to be polyazulene. The effects of various parameters on the yield of the product have been studied and it is found that oxygen facilitates the reaction. Electron spin resonance studies show that the product is paramagnetic, in agreement with the established ease of oxidation of polyazulene, and suggest that it is formed via electron transfer from azulene to excited uranyl ion, followed by successive dimerizations and deprotonations of radical cation intermediates.

Partial purification and characterization of the first hydrogenase isolated from a thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium, Fauque, G., Czechowski M., Berlier Y. M., Lespinat P. A., Legall J., and Moura J. J. , Biochem Biophys Res Commun, May 15, Volume 184, Number 3, p.1256-60, (1992) AbstractWebsite

A soluble [NiFe] hydrogenase has been partially purified from the obligate thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium Thermodesulfobacterium mobile. A 17% purification yield was obtained after four chromatographic steps and the hydrogenase presents a purity index (A398 nm/A277 nm) equal to 0.21. This protein appears to be 75% pure on SDS-gel electrophoresis showing two major bands of molecular mass around 55 and 15 kDa. This hydrogenase contains 0.6-0.7 nickel atom and 7-8 iron atoms per mole of enzyme and has a specific activity of 783 in the hydrogen uptake reaction, of 231 in the hydrogen production assay and of 84 in the deuterium-proton exchange reaction. The H2/HD ratio is lower than one in the D2-H+ exchange reaction. The enzyme is very sensitive to NO, relatively little inhibited by CO but unaffected by NO2-. The EPR spectrum of the native hydrogenase shows the presence of a [3Fe-4S] oxidized cluster and of a Ni(III) species.

Direct spectroscopic evidence for the presence of a 6Fe cluster in an iron-sulfur protein isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774), Moura, I., Tavares P., Moura J. J., Ravi N., Huynh B. H., Liu M. Y., and Legall J. , J Biol Chem, Mar 5, Volume 267, Number 7, p.4489-96, (1992) AbstractWebsite

A novel iron-sulfur protein was purified from the extract of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (ATCC 27774) to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified protein is a monomer of 57 kDa molecular mass. It contains comparable amounts of iron and inorganic labile sulfur atoms and exhibits an optical spectrum typical of iron-sulfur proteins with maxima at 400, 305, and 280 nm. Mossbauer data of the as-isolated protein show two spectral components, a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic, of equal intensity. Detailed analysis of the paramagnetic component reveals six distinct antiferromagnetically coupled iron sites, providing direct spectroscopic evidence for the presence of a 6Fe cluster in this newly purified protein. One of the iron sites exhibits parameters (delta EQ = 2.67 +/- 0.03 mm/s and delta = 1.09 +/- 0.02 mm/s at 140 K) typical for high spin ferrous ion; the observed large isomer shift indicates an iron environment that is distinct from the tetrahedral sulfur coordination commonly observed for the iron atoms in iron-sulfur clusters and is consistent with a penta- or hexacoordination containing N and/or O ligands. The other five iron sites are most probably high spin ferric. Three of them show parameters characteristic for tetrahedral sulfur coordination. In correlation with the EPR spectrum of the as-purified protein which shows a resonance signal at g = 15.3 and a group of signals between g = 9.8 and 5.4, this 6Fe cluster is assigned to an unusual spin state of 9/2 with zero field splitting parameters D = -1.3 cm-1 and E/D = 0.062. Other EPR signals attributable to minor impurities are also observed at the g = 4.3 and 2.0 regions. The diamagnetic Mossbauer component represents a second iron cluster, which, upon reduction with dithionite, displays an intense S = 1/2 EPR signal with g values at 2.00, 1.83, and 1.31. In addition, an EPR signal of the S = 3/2 type is also observed for the dithionite-reduced protein.

Mossbauer characterization of the tetraheme cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio baculatus (DSM 1743). Spectral deconvolution of the heme components, Ravi, N., Moura I., Costa C., Teixeira M., Legall J., Moura J. J., and Huynh B. H. , Eur J Biochem, Mar 1, Volume 204, Number 2, p.779-82, (1992) AbstractWebsite

Mossbauer spectroscopy was used to study the tetraheme cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio baculatus (DSM 1743). Samples with different degrees of reduction were prepared using a redoxtitration technique. In the reduced cytochrome c3, all four hemes are reduced and exhibit diamagnetic Mossbauer spectra typical for low-spin ferrous hemes (S = 0). In the oxidized protein, the hemes are low-spin ferric (S = 1/2) and exhibit overlapping magnetic Mossbauer spectra. A method of differential spectroscopy was applied to deconvolute the four overlapping heme spectra and a crystal-field model was used for data analysis. Characteristic Mossbauer spectral components for each heme group are obtained. Hyperfine and crystal-field parameters for all four hemes are determined from these deconvoluted spectra.