
The Xtal group in ExpoFCT

Marino and Bruno are introducing secondary school students to the potentialities of crystallography.

New book chapter!

Congratulations, Rita!

PhD student Ana Rita Otrelo Cardoso is at this moment defending her PhD thesis work entitled "Structural studies on molybdenum-dependent enzymes: from transporters to enzymes", co-supervised by Teresa Santos Silva and Maria João Romão. Well done, Rita! We're all very proud of your work!

Congrats, Diana!

Today, PhD student Diana Ribeiro publicly presented her PhD Workplan to the Thesis Advisory Committee. Congratulations, Diana, your thesis is in the right track!

New paper online!

Congrats, Frederico!

Today, our MSc student Frederico Lourenço defended his thesis entitled "Assignment of new roles for malectin-like domains to understand their divergent evolution". Congratulations to Frederico and his supervisor Benedita Pinheiro! All the best for future projects!

Maria João appointed Co-Editor of Acta F

Congratulations to our group leader Maria João Romão, who is now Co-editor of Acta Crystallographica Section F (Structural Biology Communications), appointed by the IUCr Executive Committee!
Maria João is now part of an excellent Editorial Board of renowned scientists.

This journal welcomes articles on relevant aspects of structural biology.

Congrats, Diogo!

Diogo Melo, MSc student supervised by Catarina Coelho and Maria João Romão, is right now defending his master's thesis! His research work is entitled “Structure based reaction mechanism studies on periplasmic nitrate reductase”. Congratulations and all the best for your future projects, Diogo!


PhD student Diana Ribeiro presented her work on the functional and structural characterization of a new protein that binds to chitin. Well done, Diana!


In her oral presentation, PhD student Viviana Correia described how she looks for new protein-glycan interactions of the human microbiome. Another successful talk!