Announcing ECS7 - 7th European Crystallographic School, 10-15 July 2022

It is our great pleasure to announce the 7th European Crystallographic School (ECS7). It will be mainly held in Lisbon, Portugal, at the Chemical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University, but also in the Chemistry Department of NOVA School of Science and Technology.
The program of the 2022 School will be focused on powder and single crystal X-ray crystallography, for small molecules and proteins, covering from the fundaments of diffraction to the latest developments in the fields.
It will be directed to young students, undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and young scientists, who want to learn about crystallography, either because they are working on their Master or PhD degrees, or they want to extend their knowledge in this leading and exciting scientific area.
Theoretical and practical lectures, hands-on tutorials, and laboratory practical sessions are planned. The tutorials and laboratory sessions in Macromolecular Crystallography will be off-site, around 10 km away (transportation will be provided).
All the necessary information can be found at