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Ferraz, R, Costa-Rodrigues J, Fernandes MH, Santos MM, Marrucho IM, Rebelo LPN, Prudencio C, Noronha JP, Petrovski Z, Branco LC.  2015.  Antitumor Activity of Ionic Liquids Based on Ampicillin, 2015. Chemmedchem. 10(9):1480-1483. AbstractWebsite
Ventura, MG, Paninho AI, Nunes AVM, Fonseca IM, Branco LC.  2015.  Biocompatible locust bean gum mesoporous matrices prepared by ionic liquids and a scCO(2) sustainable system, 2015. Rsc Advances. 5(130):107700-107706. AbstractWebsite
Coutinho, ML, Miller AZ, Macedo MF.  2015.  Biological colonization and biodeterioration of architectural ceramic materials: An overview, 2015. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 16(5):759-777. AbstractWebsite
Delgado, JM, Raymundo A, Vilarigues M, Branco LC, Laia CAT.  2015.  Characterization of a Novel Intrinsic Luminescent Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid Based on P-6,P-6,P-6,P-14 ANS, 2015. Chemistry-a European Journal. 21(2):726-732. AbstractWebsite
Mendo, AS, Figueiredo S, Roma-Rodrigues C, Videira PA, Ma Z, Diniz M, Larguinho M, Costa PM, Lima JC, Pombeiro AJL, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR.  2015.  Characterization of antiproliferative potential and biological targets of a copper compound containing 4'-phenyl terpyridine, 2015. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 20(6):935-948. AbstractWebsite
Cruz, L, Basilio N, Mateus N, Pina F, de Freitas V.  2015.  Characterization of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters of Cyanidin-3-glucoside Methyl and Glucuronyl Metabolite Conjugates, 2015. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119(5):2010-2018. AbstractWebsite
Carrera, GVSM, Jordao N, Branco LC, da Ponte MN.  2015.  CO2 capture and reversible release using mono-saccharides and an organic superbase, 2015. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 105:151-157. AbstractWebsite
Carrera, GVSM, Jordao N, Branco LC, da Ponte MN.  2015.  CO2 capture systems based on saccharides and organic superbases, 2015. Faraday Discussions. 183:429-444. AbstractWebsite
Moro, AJ, Rome B, Aguilo E, Arcau J, Puttreddy R, Rissanen K, Lima JC, Rodriguez L.  2015.  A coumarin based gold(I)-alkynyl complex: a new class of supramolecular hydrogelators, 2015. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 13(7):2026-2033. AbstractWebsite
Viciosa, MT, Santos G, Costa A, Danede F, Branco LC, Jordao N, Correia NT, Dionisio M.  2015.  Dipolar motions and ionic conduction in an ibuprofen derived ionic liquid, 2015. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17(37):24108-24120. AbstractWebsite
Stampar, SN, Morandini AC, Branco LC, da Silveira FL, Migotto AE.  2015.  Drifting in the oceans: Isarachnanthus nocturnus (Cnidaria, Ceriantharia, Arachnactidae), an anthozoan with an extended planktonic stage, 2015. Marine Biology. 162(11):2161-2169. AbstractWebsite
Coutinho, IB, Freitas A, Macanita AL, Lima JC.  2015.  Effect of water content on the acid-base equilibrium of cyanidin-3-glucoside, 2015. Food Chemistry. 172:476-480. AbstractWebsite
Jordao, N, Cruz H, Branco A, Pina F, Branco LC.  2015.  Electrochromic Devices Based on Disubstituted Oxo-Bipyridinium Ionic Liquids, 2015. Chempluschem. 80(1):202-208. AbstractWebsite
Nascimento, SMC, Linhares JMM, Joao CAR, Amano K, Montagner C, Melo MJ, Vilarigues M.  2015.  Estimating the Colors of Paintings, 2015. Computational Color Imaging, Cciw 2015. 9016(Tremeau, A., Schettini, R., Tominaga, S., Eds.).:236-242. Abstract
Basilio, N, Laia CAT, Pina F.  2015.  Excited-State Proton Transfer in Confined Medium. 4-Methy1-7-hydroxyflavylium and beta-Naphthol Incorporated in Cucurbit 7 uril, 2015. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 119(6):2749-2757. AbstractWebsite
Basilio, N, Spudeit DA, Bastos J, Scorsin L, Fiedler HD, Nome F, Garcia-Rio L.  2015.  Exploring the charged nature of supramolecular micelles based on p-sulfonatocalix 6 arene and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, 2015. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17(39):26378-26385. AbstractWebsite
Gago, S, Basilio N, Moro AJ, Pina F.  2015.  Flavylium based dual photochromism: addressing cis-trans isomerization and ring opening-closure by different light inputs, 2015. Chemical Communications. 51(34):7349-7351. AbstractWebsite
Fernandez-Rosas, J, Pessego M, Cepeda-Plaza M, Basilio N, Parajo M, Rodriguez-Dafonte P, Garcia-Rio L.  2015.  gamma-Cyclodextrin modulates the chemical reactivity by multiple complexation, 2015. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 13(4):1213-1224. AbstractWebsite
Bassani, DM, Cucinotta F, Bohne C, Basilio N, Lemon C, Allain C, Sundstrom V, Campagna S, Rohacova J, Ketteler Y, Ryan STJ, Vos J, de Silva AP, Slota M.  2015.  Light activated molecular machines and logic gates: general discussion, 2015. Faraday Discussions. 185:399-411. AbstractWebsite
Rosado, LS, Santos TG, Ramos PM, Vilaça P, Piedade M.  2015.  A new dual driver planar eddy current probe with dynamically controlled induction pattern, 2015. NDT and E International. 70:29-37.: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite
Vitorino, T, Casini A, Cucci C, Melo MJ, Picollo M, Stefani L.  2015.  Non-invasive identification of traditional red lake pigments in fourteenth to sixteenth centuries paintings through the use of hyperspectral imaging technique, 2015. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing. 121(3):891-901. AbstractWebsite
Tiago, G, Restolho J, Forte A, Colaco R, Branco LC, Saramago B.  2015.  Novel ionic liquids for interfacial and tribological applications, 2015. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 472:1-8. AbstractWebsite
Petrov, V, Slavcheva S, Stanimirov S, Pina F.  2015.  Origin of the Metastable Stability in Flavylium Multistate Systems, 2015. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 119(12):2908-2918. AbstractWebsite
Costa, D, Galvao AM, Di Paolo RE, Freitas AA, Lima JC, Quina FH, Macanita AL.  2015.  Photochemistry of the hemiketal form of anthocyanins and its potential role in plant protection from UV-B radiation, 2015. Tetrahedron. 71(20):3157-3162. AbstractWebsite