Sena, FV, Batista AP, Catarino T, Brito JA, Archer M, Viertler M, Madl T, Cabrita EJ, Pereira MM.
Type-II NADH:quinone oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus has two distinct binding sites and is rate limited by quinone reduction, {OCT}. Molecular Microbiology. 98:272-288., Number {2}
AbstractA prerequisite for any rational drug design strategy is understanding the mode of protein-ligand interaction. This motivated us to explore protein-substrate interaction in Type-II NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-2) from Staphylococcus aureus, a worldwide problem in clinical medicine due to its multiple drug resistant forms. NDHs-2 are involved in respiratory chains and recognized as suitable targets for novel antimicrobial therapies, as these are the only enzymes with NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity expressed in many pathogenic organisms. We obtained crystal and solution structures of NDH-2 from S. aureus, showing that it is a dimer in solution. We report fast kinetic analyses of the protein and detected a charge-transfer complex formed between NAD(+) and the reduced flavin, which is dissociated by the quinone. We observed that the quinone reduction is the rate limiting step and also the only half-reaction affected by the presence of HQNO, an inhibitor. We analyzed protein-substrate interactions by fluorescence and STD-NMR spectroscopies, which indicate that NADH and the quinone bind to different sites. In summary, our combined results show the presence of distinct binding sites for the two substrates, identified quinone reduction as the rate limiting step and indicate the establishment of a NAD(+)-protein complex, which is released by the quinone.
Coelho, H, Matsushita T, Artigas G, Hinou H, Javier Canada F, Lo-Man R, Leclerc C, Cabrita EJ, Jimenez-Barbero J, Nishimura S-I, Garcia-Martin F, Marcelo F.
The Quest for Anticancer Vaccines: Deciphering the Fine-Epitope Specificity of Cancer-Related Monoclonal Antibodies by Combining Microarray Screening and Saturation Transfer Difference NMR, {OCT 7}. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137:12438-12441., Number {39}
AbstractThe identification of MUC1 tumor-associated Tn antigen (alpha GalpNAc1-O-Ser/Thr) has boosted the development of anticancer vaccines. Combining microarrays and saturation transfer difference NMR, we have characterized the fine-epitope mapping of a MUC1 chemical library (naked and Tn-glycosylated) toward two families of cancer-related monoclonal antibodies (anti-MUC1 and anti-Tn mAbs). Anti-MUC1 mAbs clone VU-3C6 and VU-11E2 recognize naked MUC1-derived peptides and bind GalNAc in a peptide-sequence-dependent manner. In contrast, anti-Tn mAbs clone 8D4 and 14D6 mostly recognize the GalNAc and do not bind naked MUC1-derived peptides. These anti-Tn mAbs show a clear preference for glycopeptides containing the Tn-Ser antigen rather than the Tn-Thr analogue, stressing the role of the underlying amino acid (serine or threonine) in the binding process. The reported strategy can be employed, in general, to unveil the key minimal structural features that modulate antigen-antibody recognition, with particular relevance for the development of Tn-MUC1-based anticancer vaccines.
Corvo, MC, Sardinha J, Casimiro T, Marin G, Seferin M, Einloft S, Menezes SC, Dupont J, Cabrita EJ.
{A Rational Approach to CO2 Capture by Imidazolium Ionic Liquids: Tuning CO2 Solubility by Cation Alkyl Branching}, {JUN 8}. ChemSusChem. 8:1935-1946., Number {11}
AbstractBranching at the alkyl side chain of the imidazolium cation in ionic liquids (ILs) was evaluated towards its effect on carbon dioxide (CO2) solubilization at 10 and 80bar (1bar=1x10(5)Pa). By combining high-pressure NMR spectroscopy measurements with molecular dynamics simulations, a full description of the molecular interactions that take place in the IL-CO2 mixtures can be obtained. The introduction of a methyl group has a significant effect on CO2 solubility in comparison with linear or fluorinated analogues. The differences in CO2 solubility arise from differences in liquid organization caused by structural changes in the cation. ILs with branched cations have similar short-range cation-anion orientations as those in ILs with linear side chains, but present differences in the long-range order. The introduction of CO2 does not cause perturbations in the former and benefits from the differences in the latter. Branching at the cation results in sponge-like ILs with enhanced capabilities for CO2 capture.
Moretto, SM, Moniz AB, Robinson D.
Visions on high-speed trains: a methodological analysis, WPS05/2015. :27., Monte de Caparica: IET Working Papers Series
AbstractFuture Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) has been visible in railway planning since 2001. Over a dozen reports have been produced in the past thirteen years, the majority being descriptive endogenous technocentric visions. They have played a role in the revitalization of the sector, predominantly relating to collective alignments and interdependencies in choice and form of the technological path the various stakeholders’ follow to achieve policy goals. A striking example is the case of ERRAC visions, where strategic agendas and roadmaps greatly impacted the high-speed train technology transition from the second to the third generation of vehicles. However, today’s socio-economic events have revealed the limitations of previously applied FTA fall short for railways. In particular, there is an inability to bridge technocentric visions with the societal challenges that are becoming increasingly prominent on the policy agenda. To fill this FTA-need in railways it is here proposed a role for constructive technology assessment as bridging function towards achieving success in the transition to a next generation of high-speed trains. The findings here presented result from the analysis of reports and interviews with their commissioning institutions and drafters.
Araújo, N.
A reindustrialização de Portugal num contexto de crise e hegemonia industrial dos países emergentes, WPS03/2015. :20., Monte de Caparica: IET Working Papers Series
AbstractThis working paper aimed to understand the importance and the role of Industry for the Portuguese' economic recovery, integrated in a context of progressive deindustrialisation over the last few years, and simultaneously an impressive growth and domain over some production sectors by emergent countries, associated with the 2008 crisis. We intended to analyse this problematic in both national and European levels, bringing into context the national industry, identifying the causes for the progressive abandon of the industry and its consequences. To identify the main stakeholders and their role on the reindustrialization process. To identify policies and instruments contributing to the promotion of this reindustrialisation and main conclusions.
Mendo, {AS}, Figueiredo S, Roma-Rodrigues C, Videira {PA }, Ma Z, Diniz M, Larguinho M, Costa PM, Lima {JC }, Pombeiro {AJL }, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}.
Characterization of antiproliferative potential and biological targets of a copper compound containing 4'-phenyl terpyridine, sep. JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 20:935–948., Number 6: Springer
AbstractSeveral copper complexes have been assessed as anti-tumor agents against cancer cells. In this work, a copper compound [Cu(H2O){OS(CH3)(2)}L](NO3)(2) incorporating the ligand 4'-phenyl-terpyridine antiproliferative activity against human colorectal, hepatocellular carcinomas and breast adenocarcinoma cell lines was determined, demonstrating high cytotoxicity. The compound is able to induce apoptosis and a slight delay in cancer cell cycle progression, probably by its interaction with DNA and induction of double-strand pDNA cleavage, which is enhanced by oxidative mechanisms. Moreover, proteomic studies indicate that the compound induces alterations in proteins involved in cytoskeleton maintenance, cell cycle progression and apoptosis, corroborating its antiproliferative potential.
Franco, R, Pedrosa P, Carlos {FF}, Veigas B, Baptista {PMRV}.
Gold nanoparticles for DNA/RNA-based diagnostics, sep. Handbook of Nanoparticles. :1339–1370., Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG
AbstractThe remarkable physicochemical properties of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have prompted development in exploring biomolecular interactions with AuNPscontaining systems, pursuing biomedical applications in diagnostics. Among these applications, AuNPs have been remarkably useful for the development of DNA/RNA detection and characterization systems for diagnostics, including systems suitable for point of need. Here, emphasis will be on available molecular detection schemes of relevant pathogens and their molecular characterization, genomic sequences associated with medical conditions (including cancer), mutation and polymorphism identification, and the quantification of gene expression.
Martins, P, Jesus J, Santos S, Raposo {LR }, Roma-Rodrigues C, Baptista {PMRV}, de Fernandes {MANCR}.
Heterocyclic anticancer compounds: Recent advances and the paradigm shift towards the use of nanomedicine's tool Box, sep. Molecules. 20:16852–16891., Number 9: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
AbstractThe majority of heterocycle compounds and typically common heterocycle fragments present in most pharmaceuticals currently marketed, alongside with their intrinsic versatility and unique physicochemical properties, have poised them as true cornerstones of medicinal chemistry. Apart from the already marketed drugs, there are many other being investigated for their promising activity against several malignancies. In particular, anticancer research has been capitalizing on the intrinsic versatility and dynamic core scaffold of these compounds. Nevertheless, as for any other promising anticancer drugs, heterocyclic compounds do not come without shortcomings. In this review, we provide for a concise overview of heterocyclic active compounds and families and their main applications in medicine. We shall focus on those suitable for cancer therapy while simultaneously addressing main biochemical modes of action, biological targets, structure-activity relationships as well as intrinsic limitation issues in the use of these compounds. Finally, considering the advent of nanotechnology for effective selective targeting of drugs, we shall discuss fundamental aspects and considerations on nanovectorization of such compounds that may improve pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties of heterocycles.
Larguinho, M, Capelo {JL}, Baptista {PV}.
Nanoparticles for mass spectrometry applications, sep. Handbook of Nanoparticles. :1371–1396., Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG
AbstractNanotechnology has led to the development of new and improved materials, and particular emphasis has been directed toward nanoparticles and their multiple bio-applications. Nanoparticles exhibit size-, shape-, and compositiondependent properties, e.g., surface plasmon resonance and photothermal properties, which may potentially enhance laser desorption/ionization systems for mass spectrometry-based analysis of biomolecules. Also, nanoparticles possess high surface to volume ratio that can be easily derivatized with a wide range of ligands with different functional groups. Surface modification makes nanoparticles advantageous for sample preparation procedures prior to detection by mass spectrometry. Moreover, it allows the synthesis of affinity probes, which promotes interactions between nanoparticles and analytes, greatly enhancing the ionization efficiency. This chapter provides a comprehensive discussion on the use of nanoparticles for mass spectrometry-related applications, from sample preparation methodologies to ionization surfaces. Applications will focus on nanoparticle size, composition, and functionalization, as a comparative point of view on optimal characteristics toward maximization of bioassay efficiency.
De Schutter, A, Correia HD, Freire DM, Rivas MG, Rizzi A, Santos-Silva T, González PJ, Van Doorslaer S.
Ligand Binding to Chlorite Dismutase from Magnetospirillum sp, October. The journal of physical chemistry. B. 119:13859—13869., Number 43
Larguinho, M, Canto R, Cordeiro M, Pedrosa P, Fortuna A, Vinhas R, Baptista {PMRV}.
Gold nanoprobe-based non-crosslinking hybridization for molecular diagnostics, oct. Expert Review Of Molecular Diagnostics. 15:1355–1368., Number 10: Expert Reviews
AbstractNon-crosslinking (NCL) approaches using DNA-modified gold nanoparticles for molecular detection constitute powerful tools with potential implications in clinical diagnostics and tailored medicine. From detection of pathogenic agents to identification of specific point mutations associated with health conditions, these methods have shown remarkable versatility and simplicity. Herein, the NCL hybridization assay is broken down to the fundamentals behind its assembly and detection principle. Gold nanoparticle synthesis and derivatization is addressed, emphasizing optimal size homogeneity and conditions for maximum surface coverage, with direct implications in downstream detection. The detection principle is discussed and the advantages and drawbacks of different NCL approaches are discussed. Finally, NCL-based applications for molecular detection of clinically relevant loci and potential integration into more complex biosensing platforms, projecting miniaturization and portability are addressed.
Veigas, B, Portugal C, Valério R, Fortunato E, Crespo {JG }, Baptista P.
Scalable approach for the production of functional DNA based gold nanoprobes, oct. Journal of Membrane Science. 492:528–535.: Elsevier
AbstractNanoparticle based systems, in particular gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), provide for simple calorimetric detection of molecular biomarkers, such as DNA, RNA. These systems rely on the functionalization of AuNPs with ssDNA oligonucleotides requiring strenuous laboratory centrifugation steps not compatible with industrial scale up. Here, we demonstrate the potential of dia-ultrafiltration for purification of Au-nanoprobes. We show that dia-ultrafiltration can be regarded as better alternative to centrifugation, allowing for a less intensive sample manipulation, easier transposable to the industrial scale. The purification of AuNPs was performed by dia-ultrafiltration using membranes of regenerated cellulose with a nominal molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 10 kDa and a processing strategy which combined subsequent AuNPs cleaning and concentration steps. instead of the permeation flux decline typically found in ultrafiltration processes operated under concentration modes, purification of Au-nanoprobes by dia-ultrafiltration was followed by a subtle increase of the permeation fluxes. This effect was ascribed to improved external mass transfer conditions near the membrane surface, prompted by the decrease of the overall solute concentration in the retentate over the process Lime. This strategy allowed for the total retention of the AuNPS, yielding nanoprobes capable of higher signal to noise ratios. Proof-of-concept was directed at the synthesis of Au-nanoprobes for identification of members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex that cause tuberculosis in humans. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
McCully, M, Hernandez Y, Conde J, Baptista {PMRV}, {de la Fuente} {JM }, Hursthouse A, Stirling D, Berry {CC }.
Significance of the balance between intracellular glutathione and polyethylene glycol for successful release of small interfering RNA from gold nanoparticles, oct. Nano Research. 8:3281–3292., Number 10: Tsinghua University Press | Springer
AbstractThe therapeutic promise of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for specific gene silencing is dependent on the successful delivery of functional siRNAs to the cytoplasm. Their conjugation to an established delivery platform, such as gold nanoparticles, offers tremendous potential for treating diseases and advancing our understanding of cellular processes. Their success or failure is dependent on both the uptake of the nanoparticles into the cells and subsequent intracellular release of the functional siRNA. In this study, utilizing gold nanoparticle siRNA-mediated delivery against C-MYC, we aimed to determine if we could achieve knockdown in a cancer cell line with low levels of intracellular glutathione, and determine the influence, if any, of polyethylene glycol (PEG) ligand density on knockdown, with a view to determining the optimal nanoparticle design to achieve C-MYC knockdown. We demonstrate that, regardless of the PEG density, knockdown in cells with relatively low glutathione levels can be achieved, as well as the possible effect of steric hindrance of PEG on the availability of the siRNA for cleavage in the intracellular environment. Gold nanoparticle uptake was demonstrated via transmission electron microscopy and mass spectroscopy, while knockdown was determined at the protein and physiological levels (cells in S-phase) by in-cell westerns and BrdU incorporation, respectively.
Veigas, B, Baptista {PMRV}, Fortunato E.
Field Effect Sensors for Nucleic Acid Detection: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives, may. Sensors. 15:10380–10398., Number 5: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
AbstractIn the last decade the use of field-effect-based devices has become a basic structural element in a new generation of biosensors that allow label-free DNA analysis. In particular, ion sensitive field effect transistors (FET) are the basis for the development of radical new approaches for the specific detection and characterization of DNA due to FETs' greater signal-to-noise ratio, fast measurement capabilities, and possibility to be included in portable instrumentation. Reliable molecular characterization of DNA and/or RNA is vital for disease diagnostics and to follow up alterations in gene expression profiles. FET biosensors may become a relevant tool for molecular diagnostics and at point-of-care. The development of these devices and strategies should be carefully designed, as biomolecular recognition and detection events must occur within the Debye length. This limitation is sometimes considered to be fundamental for FET devices and considerable efforts have been made to develop better architectures. Herein we review the use of field effect sensors for nucleic acid detection strategiesfrom production and functionalization to integration in molecular diagnostics platforms, with special focus on those that have made their way into the diagnostics lab.
Pedrosa, P, Baptista {PV}.
Gold and Silver Nanoparticles for Diagnostics of Infection, may. Nanotechnology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infectious Diseases. :1–18., Netherlands: Elsevier
AbstractThe use of noble metal nanoparticles (NPs), particularly gold and silver, in biomolecular applications has surged, ranging from innovative strategies for molecular diagnostics to radical new ways of treatment. Taking advantage of the particular optical-chemical characteristics of these metal NPs, every year new methods of molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases are reported providing higher analytical capability, sensitivity, and throughput at lower costs and with the possibility to be used where needed. Gold and silver NPs, or a combination of both, possess amazing optical/spectral properties, such as the intense localized surface plasmon resonance that, together with the ease of surface modification and functionalization with biomolecules capable of specific molecular recognition, have provided new strategies for molecular analysis, extending the detection limit of current nucleic acid and protein-based assays.This chapter focuses on the methods used for diagnostic of infectious diseases that take advantage of noble metal NPs. It discusses their use in biomolecular recognition and their most promising approaches, and it compares their advantages and disadvantages.
Vinhas, R, Cordeiro M, Carlos {FF}, Mendo S, Fernandes {AR}, Figueiredo S, Baptista {PV}.
Gold nanoparticle-based theranostics: disease diagnostics and treatment using a single nanomaterial, may. Nanobiosensors in Disease Diagnosis. 4:11–23.: Dove Medical Press
AbstractNanotheranostics takes advantage of nanotechnology-based systems in order to diagnose and treat a specific disease. This approach is particularly relevant for personalized medicine, allowing the detection of a disease at an early stage, to direct a suitable therapy toward the target tissue based on the molecular profile of the altered phenotype, subsequently facilitating disease monitoring and following treatment. A tailored strategy also enables to reduce the off-target effects associated with universal treatments and improve the safety profile of a given treatment. The unique optical properties of gold nanoparticles, their ease of surface modification, and high surface-to-volume ratio have made them central players in this area. By combining imaging, targeting, and therapeutic agents in a single vehicle, these nanoconjugates are (ought to be) an important tool in the clinics. In this review, the multifunctionality of gold nanoparticles as theranostics agents will be highlighted, as well as the requirements before the translation of these nanoplatforms into routine clinical practice.