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Cruz, J, Silva H, Lopes J, Rocha J, Jesus AP.  2018.  Very high fluence nitrogen implantations in metals studied by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry. :169-173.: Surface and Coatings Technology, 355surfcoattechnology-355-2018.pdf
Rocha, AM.  2018.  Vidro e Visão. SPECULARIS — LOOKING THROUGH, Exposição de Arte Contemporânea. :26-28., Porto: i2ADS - Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
dos Santos, LM, Ligabue R, Dumas A, Le Roux C, Micoud P, Meunier J-F, Martin F, Corvo M, Almeida P, Einloft S.  2018.  Waterborne polyurethane/Fe3O4-synthetic talc composites: synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties. Polymer Bulletin. :1–16.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg AbstractWebsite

Nano-Fe3O4-synthetic talc gel was used as filler in the synthesis of waterborne polyurethane/Fe3O4-synthetic talc nanocomposites. This filler presents numerous edges (Si–O and Mg–O) and OH groups easily forming hydrogen bonds and polar interaction with water conferring hydrophilic character, consequently improving filler dispersion within a water-based matrix. Yet, the use of waterborne polyurethane (WPU) as matrix must be highlighted due to its environmentally friendly characteristics and low toxicity compared to solvent-based product. Fe3O4-synthetic talc-nanofillers were well dispersed into the polyurethane matrix even at high filler content as supported by XRD and TEM analyses. NMR indicates the interaction of filler OH groups with the matrix. For all nanocomposites, one can see a typical ferromagnetic behavior below Curie temperature (about 120 K) and a superparamagnetic behavior above this temperature. The use of Fe3O4-synthetic talc for obtaining magnetic nanocomposites resulted in improved materials with superior mechanical properties compared to solvent-based nanocomposites.

Pinto, ACM, Sanjad TABC, Angélica RS, da Costa ML, Paiva RS, Palomar T.  2018.  19th century stained-glass windows from Belém do Pará (Brazil): Analytical characterisation and pathology. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 57:133-141., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

The aim of this work was to determine the physico-chemical characteristics of the stained-glass windows into the 19th century of two mausoleums located in the city of Belém do Pará (Brazil), and to evaluate their state of conservation. The glass chemical composition was determined by WXRF and SEM/EDS. The samples’ morphology and the microorganisms’ identification were carried out by optical microscopy. The results indicated that the samples were soda-lime silicate glass, with approximately 70wt. % of SiO2, which contributed to the resistance of the stained glass to the weathering. The concentration of Na2O was normally twice the K2O, which contrasts with the composition of other panels produced during the same period, as reported in the literature. The biofilm is composed by cyanobacteria and rotifers. Overall, the panels analysed were in a good state of conservation, despite their exposure to tropical climate conditions for more than a century with no preventive measures whatsoever. Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las características físico-químicas de las vidrieras del siglo XIX correspondientes a dos mausoleos ubicados en la ciudad de Belém do Pará (Brasil) para evaluar su estado de conservación. La composición química del vidrio fue determinada por WXRF y SEM/EDS. La morfología de las muestras y la identificación de los microorganismos fueron realizadas por microscopia óptica. Los resultados indicaron que las muestras eran vidrios de silicato sódico-cálcico, con aproximadamente el 70% en peso de SiO2, lo que aumentó la resistencia a la corrosión de los vidrios de estas vidrieras. La concentración de Na2O fue normalmente el doble que de K2O, lo que contrasta con la composición de otros paneles producidos durante el mismo período, de acuerdo con la literatura. El biofilm presentó cianobacterias y rotíferas. En general, los paneles analizados presentaban un buen estado de conservación, a pesar de su exposición a las condiciones climáticas tropicales durante más de un siglo, sin las medidas de conservación preventivas.

Portela, PC, Fernandes TM, Dantas JM, Ferreira MR, Salgueiro CA.  2018.  Biochemical and functional insights on the triheme cytochrome PpcA from Geobacter metallireducens. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 644:8-16. AbstractWebsite

G. metallireducens bacterium has highly versatile respiratory pathways that provide the microorganism an enormous potential for many biotechnological applications. However, little is known about the structural and functional properties of its electron transfer components. In this work, the periplasmic cytochrome PpcA from G. metallireducens was studied in detail for the first time using complementary biophysical techniques, including UV–visible, CD and NMR spectroscopy. The results obtained showed that PpcA contains three low-spin c-type heme groups with His-His axial coordination, a feature also observed for its homologue in G. sulfurreducens. However, despite the high sequence homology between the two cytochromes, important structural and functional differences were observed. The comparative analysis of the backbone, side chain and heme substituents NMR signals revealed differences in the relative orientation of the hemes I and III. In addition, redox titrations followed by visible spectroscopy showed that the redox potential values for PpcA from G. metallireducens (−78 and −93 mV at pH 7 and 8, respectively) are considerably less negative. Overall, this study provides biochemical and biophysical data of a key cytochrome from G. metallireducens, paving the way to understand the extracellular electron transfer mechanisms in these bacteria.

Ferreira, MR, Salgueiro CA.  2018.  Biomolecular Interaction Studies Between Cytochrome PpcA From Geobacter sulfurreducens and the Electron Acceptor Ferric Nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA). Frontiers in Microbiology. 9:2741. AbstractWebsite

Geobacter sulfurreducens is a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium that exhibits an enormous respiratory versatility, including the utilization of several toxic and radioactive metals as electron acceptors. This versatility is also replicated in the capability of the most abundant cytochrome in G. sulfurreducens, the periplasmic triheme cytochrome PpcA, to reduce uranium, chromium and other metal ions. From all possible electron transfer pathways in G. sulfurreducens, those involved in the iron reduction are the best characterized to date. In a previous work we provided structural evidence for the complex interface established between PpcA and the electron acceptor Fe(III)-citrate. However, genetic studies suggested that this acceptor is mainly reduced by outer membrane cytochomes. In the present work, we used UV-visible measurements to demonstrate that PpcA is able to directly reduce the electron acceptor ferric nitrilotriacetic acid (Fe-NTA), a more outer membrane permeable iron chelated form. In addition, the molecular interactions between PpcA and Fe-NTA were probed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The NMR spectra obtained for natural abundance and 15N-enriched PpcA samples in the absence and presence of Fe-NTA showed that the interaction is reversible and encompasses a positively charged surface region located in the vicinity of the heme IV. Overall, the study provides for the first time a clear illustration of the formation of an electron transfer complex between PpcA and a readily outer-membrane permeable iron chelated form. The structural and functional relationships obtained explain how a single cytochrome is designed to effectively interact with a wide range of G. sulfurreducens electron acceptors, a feature that can be explored for optimal bioelectrochemical applications.

Palomar, T.  2018.  Chemical composition and alteration processes of glasses from the Cathedral of León (Spain). Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 57:101-111., Number 3 AbstractWebsite

The Cathedral of León has one of the most important ensembles of medieval stained glass windows in Europe; however, most of them have been altered by atmospheric weathering. The main objective of this study was the characterization of a set of glass samples from the Cathedral of León, the comparison with glasses from previous interventions in the cathedral and the study of the relation between the alteration pathologies, the chemical composition of the glasses and the environment in which they were placed. The samples were characterized by means of binocular microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, visible spectrophotometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. The main alteration of glasses exposed until the 19th century was the formation of pits by dealkalinization, while the glasses exposed until the present formed CaSO4 deposits as a consequence of the synergic effect of rainwater and gaseous pollutants. Glasses altered by the browning of manganese were also characterized. Resumen La Catedral de León posee una de las colecciones de vidrieras medievales más importantes de Europa; sin embargo, muchos de los vidrios se han alterado por degradación atmosférica. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la caracterización de un conjunto de vidrios procedentes de la Catedral de León, su comparación con vidrios procedentes de intervenciones previas en la catedral y el estudio de la relación entre las patologías de alteración, la composición química del vidrio y el medio en el que estuvieron expuestas. Las muestras se caracterizaron mediante lupa binocular, microscopía electrónica de barrido y microanálisis de dispersión de energía de rayos X, espectrofotometría visible, espectrometría de fluorescencia de rayos X y difracción de rayos X. La alteración principal de los vidrios expuestos hasta el s. xix consistió en la formación de picaduras por desalcalinización, mientras que en los vidrios expuestos hasta la actualidad se formaron depósitos de CaSO4 como consecuencia del efecto sinérgico de la lluvia y los gases contaminantes. También se han caracterizado vidrios alterados por el enmarronamiento del manganeso.

Dias, D, Lapa N, Bernardo M, Ribeiro W, Matos I, Fonseca I, Pinto F.  2018.  Cr(III) removal from synthetic and industrial wastewaters by using co-gasification chars of rice waste streams. Bioresource Technology. 266:139-150. AbstractWebsite

Blends of rice waste streams were submitted to co-gasification assays. The resulting chars (G1C and G2C) were characterized and used in Cr(III) removal assays from a synthetic solution. A Commercial Activated Carbon (CAC) was used for comparison purposes. The chars were non-porous materials mainly composed by ashes (68.3–92.6% w/w). The influences of adsorbent loading (solid/liquid ratio – S/L) and initial pH in Cr(III) removal were tested. G2C at a S/L of 5 mg L−1 and an initial pH of 4.50 presented an uptake capacity significantly higher than CAC (7.29 and 2.59 mg g−1, respectively). G2C was used in Cr(III) removal assays from an industrial wastewater with Cr(III) concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 mg L−1. Cr(III) removal by precipitation (uptake capacity ranging from 11.1 to 14.9 mg g−1) was more effective in G2C, while adsorption (uptake capacity of 16.1 mg g−1) was the main removal mechanism in CAC.

Gomes, AS, Trovão F, Andrade Pinheiro B, Freire F, Gomes S, Oliveira C, Domingues L, Romão MJ, Saraiva L, Carvalho AL.  2018.  The Crystal Structure of the R280K Mutant of Human p53 Explains the Loss of DNA Binding. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 19, Number 4}, ARTICLE NUMBER = {1184 AbstractWebsite

The p53 tumor suppressor is widely found to be mutated in human cancer. This protein is regarded as a molecular hub regulating different cell responses, namely cell death. Compelling data have demonstrated that the impairment of p53 activity correlates with tumor development and maintenance. For these reasons, the reactivation of p53 function is regarded as a promising strategy to halt cancer. In the present work, the recombinant mutant p53R280K DNA binding domain (DBD) was produced for the first time, and its crystal structure was determined in the absence of DNA to a resolution of 2.0 Å. The solved structure contains four molecules in the asymmetric unit, four zinc(II) ions, and 336 water molecules. The structure was compared with the wild-type p53 DBD structure, isolated and in complex with DNA. These comparisons contributed to a deeper understanding of the mutant p53R280K structure, as well as the loss of DNA binding related to halted transcriptional activity. The structural information derived may also contribute to the rational design of mutant p53 reactivating molecules with potential application in cancer treatment.

Rebocho, S, Cordas CM, Viveiros R, Casimiro T.  2018.  Development of a ferrocenyl-based MIP in supercritical carbon dioxide: Towards an electrochemical sensor for bisphenol A. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 135:98-104. AbstractWebsite
Marcelo, G, Ferreira IC, Viveiros R, Casimiro T.  2018.  Development of itaconic acid-based molecular imprinted polymers using supercritical fluid technology for pH-triggered drug delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 542:125-131., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Rodrigues, A, Fearn S, Palomar T, Vilarigues M.  2018.  Early stages of surface alteration of soda-rich-silicate glasses in the museum environment. Corrosion Science. 143:362-375. AbstractWebsite

This paper studied the alteration of three soda-rich-silicate glass types (Cristallo, façon-de-Venise and soda-lime silicate). Replica samples were exposed to different environments simulating museum-like conditions – room temperature and different relative humidities (RH). Results were analysed by SIMS, μ-FTIR, Optical Microscopy and Optical 3D profilometry. Cristallo appears as the most vulnerable, whilst the soda-lime glass appears as the most resistant to the environmental deterioration. The thickness of the altered layer is proportional to the time of exposure and to the RH of the surrounding atmosphere. From the results obtained, the glass composition and the water available and adsorbed to the surface strongly influence the kinetics of the surface alteration.

Godino-Ojer, M, Milla-Diez L, Matos I, Durán-Valle CJ, Bernardo M, Fonseca IM, Pérez Mayoral E.  2018.  Enhanced Catalytic Properties of Carbon supported Zirconia and Sulfated Zirconia for the Green Synthesis of Benzodiazepines. ChemCatChem. 10:5215-5223., Number 22 AbstractWebsite

Abstract This work reports for the first time a new series of promising porous catalytic carbon materials, functionalized with Lewis and Brønsted acid sites useful in the green synthesis of 2,3-dihydro-1H-1,5-benzodiazepine – nitrogen heterocyclic compounds. Benzodiazepines and derivatives are fine chemicals exhibiting interesting therapeutic properties. Carbon materials have been barely investigated in the synthesis of this type of compounds. Two commercial carbon materials were selected exhibiting different textural properties: i) Norit RX3 (N) as microporous sample and ii) mesoporous xerogel (X), both used as supports of ZrO2 (Zr) and ZrO2/SO42− (SZr). The supported SZr led to higher conversion values and selectivities to the target benzodiazepine. Both chemical and textural properties influenced significantly the catalytic performance. Particularly relevant are the results concerning the non-sulfated samples, NZr and XZr, that were able to catalyze the reaction leading to the target benzodiazepine with high selectivity (up to 80 %; 2 h). These results indicated an important role of the carbon own surface functional groups, avoiding the use of H2SO4. Even very low amounts of SZr supported on carbon reveal high activity and selectivity. Therefore, the carbon materials herein reported can be considered an efficient and sustainable alternative bifunctional catalysts for the benzodiazepine synthesis.

Risso, R, Ferraz P, Meireles S, Fonseca I, Vital J.  2018.  Highly active Cao catalysts from waste shells of egg, oyster and clam for biodiesel production. Applied Catalysis A: General. 567:56-64. AbstractWebsite

Calcium oxide (CaO) catalysts derived from waste shells of egg, oyster and clam were prepared and used in the methanolysis of soybean oil. Eggshells were subjected to ultrasound irradiation and mollusc shells were subjected to calcination-hydration-calcination cycles to increase the surface area of CaO and improve its catalytic activity. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, TPD-CO2, TG-DSC, DLS and N2 adsorption, while the catalytic activity for the methanolysis of soybean oil was evaluated. Five hours of sonication reduced the CaO particle size by 34%, which resulted in a 56% increase in the activity. Two cycles of hydration-dehydration applied to the material obtained by calcination of oyster shells provided CaO with 27 m2 g−1. The transesterification rate was 2.5 times higher than that obtained with the untreated sample. After treatments, highly active CaO was obtained which indicates its enormous potential for biodiesel production. A kinetic model assuming the adsorption of methoxide anions on the surface of CaO particles was proposed.

Rodrigues, A, Fearn S, Vilarigues M.  2018.  Historic K-rich silicate glass surface alteration: Behaviour of high-silica content matrices. Corrosion Science. 145:249-261. AbstractWebsite

Several K-Ca-Si glass compositions typical of Central-European glassworks are susceptible to damage beyond recall, even in mild museum conservative conditions. In order to provide a comprehensive picture of the deterioration process, replica samples were produced and exposed to four different museum-like environments. The corrosion experiment was followed by the use of ToF-SIMS, μ-Raman and μ-FTIR, performing a systematic compositional and structural study for the early stages (one year) of surface alteration. This work demonstrates the dominant role of Pb2+ and Ca2+ content for the inferable existence of connected conduction pathways, with strong implications on the surface's hydration, alkali-diffusion and hydrolysis.

Palomar, T, Redol P, Cruz Almeida I, Pereira da Silva E, Vilarigues M.  2018.  The Influence of Environment in the Alteration of the Stained-Glass Windows in Portuguese Monuments. Heritage. 1:365–376., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

This work presents the results of the exposure of soda-lime, potash-lime and mixed-alkali silicate glasses during ten and twenty months in different Portuguese monuments with historical stained-glass windows to characterize the influence of local environmental conditions. The glass samples were exposed in the Monastery of Batalha (Batalha), the Monastery of Jerónimos (Lisbon), and the Cathedral of Évora (Évora). A set of analytical techniques to assess the physicochemical effects were used, including optical microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. All the samples presented crystalline deposits on their surface; however, their quantity and nature depended on the atmospheric conditions during the days before the collection. Potash-lime silicate glass was the most altered glass in comparison with soda-lime and mixed-alkali silicate glasses. The samples from the Cathedral of Évora showed a high content of dust and salts on their surface but without severe chemical pathologies; however, those samples exposed in the Monastery of Jerónimos and the Monastery of Batalha presented alteration layers due to a high humidity environment.

Canejo, JP, Fernandes SN, Godinho MH, Pieranski P.  2018.  Liquid Fibres and Their Networks from Cellulose-Based Liquid Crystalline Solutions. Liquid Crystals. 45:1987-1995., Number 13-15 Abstract
Surra, E, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Esteves I, Fonseca I, Mota JP.  2018.  Maize cob waste pre-treatments to enhance biogas production through co-anaerobic digestion with OFMSW. Waste Management. 72:193-205. AbstractWebsite

In the present work, the enhancement of biogas and methane yields through anaerobic co-digestion of the pre-hydrolised Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (hOFMSW) and Maize Cob Wastes (MCW) in a lab-scale thermophilic anaerobic reactor was tested. In order to increase its biodegradability, MCW were submitted to an initial pre-treatment screening phase as follows: (i) microwave (MW) irradiation catalysed by NaOH, (ii) MW catalysed by glycerol in water and alkaline water solutions, (iii) MW catalysed by H2O2 with pH of 9.8 and (iv) chemical pre-treatment at room temperature catalysed by H2O2 with 4 h reaction time. The pre-treatments cataysed by H2O2 were performed with 2% MCW (wMCW/v alkaline water) at ratios of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 (wH2O2/wMCW). The pre-treatment that presented the most favourable balance between sugars, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose solubilisations, as well as low production of phenolic compound and furfural (inhibitors), was the chemical pre-treatment catalysed by H2O2, at room temperature, with a ratio of 0.5 wH2O2/wMCW (Pre1). This Pre1 was then optimised testing reaction times of 1, 2 and 3 days at a different pH (11.5) and MCW percentage (10% w/v). The optimised pre-treatment that presented the best results, considering the same criteria defined above, was the one carried out during 3 days, at pH 9.8 and 10% MCW w/v (Pre2). The anaerobic reactor was initially fed with the hOFMSW obtained from the hydrolysis tank of an industrial AD plant. The hOFMSW was than co-digested with MCW submitted to the pre-treatment Pre1. In another assay, hOFMSW was co-digested with MCW submitted pre-treatment Pre 2. The co-digestion of hOFMSW + Pre1 increased the biogas yield by 38.9% and methane yield by 29.7%, when compared to the results obtained with hOFMSW alone. The co-digestion of hOFMSW + Pre2 increased biogas yield by 46.0% and CH4 yield by 36.3%. In both cases, the methane content obtained in the biogas streams was above 66% v/v. These results show that pre-treatment with H2O2, at room temperature, is a promising low cost way to valorize MCW through co-digestion with hOFMSW.

Dantas, JM, Ferreira MR, Catarino T, Kokhan O, Pokkuluri RP, Salgueiro CA.  2018.  Molecular interactions between Geobacter sulfurreducens triheme cytochromes and the redox active analogue for humic substances. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1859:619-630., Number 8 AbstractWebsite

The bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens can transfer electrons to quinone moieties of humic substances or to anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), a model for the humic acids. The reduced form of AQDS (AH2QDS) can also be used as energy source by G. sulfurreducens. Such bidirectional utilization of humic substances confers competitive advantages to these bacteria in Fe(III) enriched environments. Previous studies have shown that the triheme cytochrome PpcA from G. sulfurreducens has a bifunctional behavior toward the humic substance analogue. It can reduce AQDS but the protein can also be reduced by AH2QDS. Using stopped-flow kinetic measurements we were able to demonstrate that other periplasmic members of the PpcA-family in G. sulfurreducens (PpcB, PpcD and PpcE) also showed the same behavior. The extent of the electron transfer is thermodynamically controlled favoring the reduction of the cytochromes. NMR spectra recorded for 13C,15N-enriched samples in the presence increasing amounts of AQDS showed perturbations in the chemical shift signals of the cytochromes. The chemical shift perturbations on cytochromes backbone NH and 1H heme methyl signals were used to map their interaction regions with AQDS, showing that each protein forms a low-affinity binding complex through well-defined positive surface regions in the vicinity of heme IV (PpcB, PpcD and PpcE) and I (PpcE). Docking calculations performed using NMR chemical shift perturbations allowed modeling the interactions between AQDS and each cytochrome at a molecular level. Overall, the results obtained provided important structural-functional relationships to rationalize the microbial respiration of humic substances in G. sulfurreducens.

T. Vicente, A, Araujo A, Mendes MJ, Nunes D, Oliveira MJ, Sanchez-Sobrado O, Ferreira MP, Aguas H, Fortunato E, Martins R.  2018.  Multifunctional cellulose-paper for light harvesting and smart sensing applications. J. Mater. Chem. C. 6:3143-3181.: The Royal Society of Chemistry AbstractWebsite

A novel generation of flexible opto-electronic smart applications is now emerging{,} incorporating photovoltaic and sensing devices driven by the desire to extend and integrate such technologies into a broad range of low cost and disposable consumer products of our everyday life and as a tool to bring together the digital and physical worlds. Several flexible polymeric materials are now under investigation to be used as mechanical supports for such applications. Among them{,} cellulose{,} the most abundant organic polymer on the Earth{,} commonly used in the form of paper{,} has attracted much research interest due to the advantages of being recyclable{,} flexible{,} lightweight{,} biocompatible and extremely low-cost{,} when compared to other materials. Cellulose substrates can be found in many forms{,} from the traditional micro-cellulose paper used for writing{,} printing and food/beverage packaging (e.g. liquid packaging cardboard){,} to the nano-cellulose paper which has distinct structural{,} optical{,} thermal and mechanical properties that can be tailored to its end use. The present article reviews the state-of-the-art related to the integration and optimization of photonic structures and light harvesting technologies on paper-based platforms{,} for applications such as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS){,} supporting remarkable 107 signal enhancement{,} and photovoltaic solar cells reaching [similar]5% efficiency{,} for power supply in standalone applications. Such paper-supported technologies are now possible due to innovative coatings that functionalize the paper surfaces{,} together with advanced light management solutions (e.g. wave-optical light trapping structures and NIR-to-visible up-converters). These breakthroughs open the way for an innovative class of disposable opto-electronic products that can find widespread use and bring important added value to existing commercial products. By making these devices ubiquitous{,} flexible and conformable to any object or surface{,} will also allow them to become part of the core of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution{,} which demands systems{'} mobility and self-powering functionalities to satisfy the requirements of comfort and healthcare of the users.

Kumar, K, Correia M, Pires VR, Dhillon A, Sharma K, Rajulapati V, Fontes CMGA, Carvalho AL, Goyal A.  2018.  Novel insights into the degradation of β-1,3-glucans by the cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum revealed by structure and function studies of a family 81 glycoside hydrolase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. :-. AbstractWebsite

Abstract The family 81 glycoside hydrolase (GH81) from Clostridium thermocellum is a β-1,3-glucanase belonging to cellulosomal complex. The gene encoding \{GH81\} from Clostridium thermocellum (CtLam81A) was cloned and expressed displaying a molecular mass of  82 kDa. CtLam81A showed maximum activity against laminarin (100 U/mg), followed by curdlan (65 U/mg), at pH 7.0 and 75 °C. CtLam81A displayed Km, 2.1 ± 0.12 mg/ml and Vmax, 109 ± 1.8 U/mg, against laminarin under optimized conditions. CtLam81A activity was significantly enhanced by Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions. Melting curve analysis of CtLam81A showed an increase in melting temperature from 91 °C to 96 °C by Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions and decreased to 82 °C by EDTA, indicating that Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions may be involved in catalysis and in maintaining structural integrity. \{TLC\} and MALDI-TOF analysis of β-1,3-glucan hydrolysed products released initially, showed β-1,3-glucan-oligosaccharides degree of polymerization (DP) from \{DP2\} to DP7, confirming an endo-mode of action. The catalytically inactive mutant CtLam81A-E515A generated by site-directed mutagenesis was co-crystallized and tetragonal crystals diffracting up to 1.4 Å resolution were obtained. CtLam81A-E515A contained 15 α-helices and 38 β-strands forming a four-domain structure viz. a β-sandwich domain I at N-terminal, an α/β-domain II, an (α/α)6 barrel domain III, and a small 5-stranded β-sandwich domain IV.

Afonso, D, Ribeiro AFG, Araújo P, Vital J, Madeira LM.  2018.  Phenol in Mixed Acid Benzene Nitration Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 57:15942-15953., Number 46 AbstractWebsite
Fernandes, SN, Lopes LF, Godinho MH.  2018.  Recent Advances in the Manipulation of Circularly Polarised Light with Cellulose Nanocrystal Films. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. Abstract
Madureira, J, Melo R, Verde SC, Matos I, Bernardo M, Noronha JP, Marga{\c c}a FMA, Fonseca IM.  2018.  Recovery of phenolic compounds from multi-component solution by a synthesized activated carbon using resorcinol and formaldehyde. Water Science and Technology. 77:456–466., Number 2: IWA Publishing AbstractWebsite

The adsorption of four phenolic compounds (gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, vanillic acid and syringic acid) is investigated using a synthesized mesoporous carbon on both single and multi-component synthetic solutions. Some correlation of the adsorption capacity of the carbon and the nature of adsorbate could be made, except for gallic acid whose concentration decrease seems to be not exclusively due to adsorption but also to polymerization reaction. In the multi-component mixture, negative effects in the adsorption capacity are observed probably due to competition for the active centers of the adsorbent surface. In desorption studies, ethanol presents better performance than water and acetonitrile. Vanillic acid is the compound with the higher adsorption and interestingly it is then possible to desorb a relatively high amount of it from the adsorbent, which may represent a possibility for a selective recovery of vanillic acid. These results present a potential way to treat the wastewater from the cork industry.

Larsen, SR, Hansteen M, Pacakova B, Theodor K, Arnold T, Rennie AR, Helgesen G, Knudsen KD, Bordallo HN, Fossum JO, Cavalcanti LP.  2018.  Sample Cell for Studying Liquid Interfaces with an {\emph{in Situ}} Electric Field Using {{X}}-Ray Reflectivity and Application to Clay Particles at Oil–{}Oil Interfaces. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 25:915-917., Number 3 Abstract