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In Press
Machado, C, Machado A, Palomar T, Alves LC, Vilarigues M.  In Press.  Debitus grisailles for stained-glass conservation: an analytical study. Conservar Património.
Vilarigues, M, Coutinho I, Medici T, Alves LC, Gratuze B, Machado A.  2019.  From beams to glass: determining compositions to study provenance and production techniques. Physical Sciences Reviews. :1-24.
Machado, C, Machado A, Alves LC, Vilarigues M.  2017.  Historical reproduction of grisailles according to treatises and recipe books dated from the 10th to the 19th century. ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints. , Copenhagen
Machado, A, Wolf S, Coutinho ML, Alves LC, Katona-Serneels I, Serneels V, S.Trümpler, Vilarigues M.  2017.  Swiss stained-glass panels - an analytical study. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23 (4):878-890.
Machado, C, Machado A, Alves LC, Vilarigues M.  2016.  The past and the present: Commercial grisailles from Debitus. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage – YOCOCU. , Madrid
Delgado, J, Ruivo A, Corregidor V, da Silva RC, Alves LC, Vilarigues M.  2011.  Characterisation of medieval yellow silver stained glass from Convento de Cristo in Tomar, Portugal. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B. 269( 20):2383-2388.
Fernandes, P, Vilarigues M, Alves LC, da Silva RC.  2008.  Stained glass from Monastery of Batalha: non-destructive characterization of glass and paintings. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 9(1):e5-e9.