Embaixadores pelo Mar
The “Embaixadores pelo Mar (Ambassadors for the Sea)” project is an oceanic and coastal literacy project that aims to promote and disseminate, through education/training actions, the “economic, environmental, social and cultural value of fishing and surfing activities” of local coastal communities. This project aims to contribute to the enhancement of local marine and coastal resources, as well as to build an essential tool for their management in favor of the sustainability of the oceans and resilience of coastal communities.
Ficha de Publicitação de Apoios MAR2020: ficha_pub_apoios.pdf
Ondas do Oeste
The “Ondas do Oeste” study aims to evaluate and quantify local benefits, whether economic, ecological or intangible, associated with a recreational activity, professional or tourist experience that occurs throughout the year, and that is directly related to coastal areas and the sea - wave sports, more specifically the surf. The study covers the coastal parishes of Torres Vedras and Lourinhã and will make it possible to affirm the two municipalities involved as destinations of excellence for the practice of wave sports and other forms of sustainable tourism, and will study ways to enhance these aspects.
Ficha de Publicitação de Apoios MAR2020
SIARL - Sistema de Administração do Recurso Litoral
SIARL, the Litoral Resource Administration System, is an instrument that promotes the integrated and sustainable management of the Portuguese continental coastal zone. It consists of a geoportal that will allow organisms with competences on the coast and the different users, to increase knowledge about coastal dynamics, predominantly from the perspective of risk and land uses.
CAPonLITTER aims at improving policies and practices that can help in preventing marine litter that results from coastal tourism and recreational activities. More specifically, the project will focus on key fractions of waste, such as plastic food and drink containers originating from beach facilities and recreational events, due to improper behaviour of consumers but also to lack of incentives and structures for prevention, collection and recycling of waste.
The main objective of the To-SEAlert project is to develop, implement and validate a set of tools / methodologies for an alert, forecast and alert system, emergency planning and risk management, based on the HIDRALERTA system. The features that are intended to be improved under the To-SEAlert project concern the method of forecasting overtopping and delimiting the flooded area, as well as supporting the response to emergency situations involving overtopping phenomena.
OceanWise is a project designed to develop long-term measures to reduce the impact of EPS in the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Based on resource-efficiency participatory methods and circular economy principles, OceanWise will generate new and best practice within sectors considering the use, manufacturing, recycling and uptake of foamed polystyrene. The project team will be working together with people who produce EPS and XPS, who design products that use these materials, people who need them in their industries, who manage EPS and XPS waste, and people who buy goods with EPS and XPS. All the stakeholders are needed to address the entire life cycle of foamed polystyrene products to reduce its leakage to the oceans.
The proposed project falls within the scope of promoting environmentally sustainable, resource-efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based fishing, by transferring that knowledge from scientists to fishing communities. The activities to be developed in this project aim at the sustainable management of the Japanese clam (Ruditapes philippinarum), a species introduced in Portugal and other European countries that, despite causing negative impacts on the ecosystem, has been representing a resource of high socio-economic importance.
Plataforma ODSlocal
The LocalSDG Platform (Plataforma ODSlocal) main objective is the promotion of public engagement to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda, through a comprehensive mobilization process of all Portuguese municipalities. LocalSDG - Municipal Sustainable Development Goals monitoring platform - aims to trigger a broad and open local sustainability movement, with strong multiplier effects, not only to bring the local actors and their initiatives to the spotlight, but also to promote the creation of an extensive and committed community of agents of change.