7th Conference of Electrochemical and Membrane Separations Science and Technology (E&MSP 2025)

Monday, May 19, 2025, 12:00am - Thursday, May 22, 2025, 12:48pm

Oral presentation: Flow Electrode Capacitive Deionization: A Novel Approach for Lithium Recovery from End-of-Life Li-ion Batteries, 7th Conference of Electrochemical and Membrane Separations Science and Technology (E&MSP 2025), Wroclaw, Poland, 2025. Presenting author: S. Pawlowski.

Poster presentation: H.M. Saif, B. Ferrández-Gómez, V.D. Alves, R.M. Huertas, G. Alemany-Molina, A. Viegas, E. Morallón, D. Cazorla-Amorós, J.G. Crespo, S. Pawlowski, "Activated carbons for Flow Electrode Capacitive Deionization (FCDI) – Morphological, electrochemical and rheological analysis", 7th Conference of Electrochemical and Membrane Separations Science and Technology (E&MSP 2025), Wroclaw, Poland, 2025.