
The International Iron Gall Ink Meeting 2025: Towards Sustainable Preservation (IGI2025) will occur in Portugal from May 7 to 9, 2025. The oral and poster sessions will be held at Caparica Campus, near Lisbon, on May 8 and 9 . On May 7 we have exciting workshops planned. The meeting is organized by Requimte, the Department of Conservation & Restoration at NOVA School of Science and Technology, the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto, and Instituto de Estudos Medievais at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Salvaging Iron Gall Ink-Based Collections from Ink Corrosion, Fungal Attack, and Climate Change: Considering the Past and the Future will have the following topic
- Innovative Methodologies for The Preservation of Heritage Written with Iron Gall Inks
- Degradation Mechanisms of Iron Gall Inks
- Development/Evaluation of Conservation Treatments for Iron Gall Inked Objects
- Assessment Surveys of Iron Gall Inks Documents
- Case Studies.

If you would like to present a contribution at the conference, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words using the abstract template by emailing to igi2025@fct.unl.pt by December 1, 2024. Please indicate whether you prefer to make an oral presentation or a poster. The two-day conference fee (including coffee breaks, lunches, and the book of abstracts) is 200 EUROS for registration before March 30, 2025 and 250 EUROS after that (until April15, 2025).

For an inscription in the workshops, please use igi2025@fct.unl.pt

The language of the Conference is English.

We look forward to welcoming you to Portugal!