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Pessanha, M, Louro RO, Correia IJ, Rothery EL, Pankhurst KL, Reid GA, Chapman SK, Turner DL, Salgueiro CA.  2003.  Thermodynamic characterization of a tetrahaem cytochrome isolated from a facultative aerobic bacterium, Shewanella frigidimarina: a putative redox model for flavocytochrome c3. Biochemical Journal. 370(Pt. 2):489-495. AbstractWebsite

The facultative aerobic bacterium Shewanella frigidimarina produces a small c-type tetrahaem cytochrome (86 residues) under anaerobic growth conditions. This protein is involved in the respiration of iron and shares 42% sequence identity with the N-terminal domain of a soluble flavocytochrome, isolated from the periplasm of the same bacterium, which also contains four c-type haem groups. The thermodynamic properties of the redox centres and of an ionizable centre in the tetrahaem cytochrome were determined using NMR and visible spectroscopy techniques. This is the first detailed thermodynamic study performed on a tetrahaem cytochrome isolated from a facultative aerobic bacterium and reveals that this protein presents unique features. The redox centres have negative and different redox potentials, which are modulated by redox interactions between the four haems (covering a range of 8–56mV) and by redox–Bohr interactions between the haems and an ionizable centre (-4 to -36mV) located in close proximity to haem III. All of the interactions between the five centres are clearly dominated by electrostatic effects and the microscopic reduction potential of haem III is the one most affected by the oxidation of the other haems and by the protonation state of the molecule. Altogether, this study indicates that the tetrahaem cytochrome isolated from S. frigidimarina (Sfc) has the thermodynamic properties to work as an electron wire between its redox partners. Considering the high degree of sequence identity between Sfc and the cytochrome domain of flavocytochrome c3, the structural similarities of the haem core, and that the macroscopic potentials are also identical, the results obtained in this work are rationalized in order to put forward a putative redox model for flavocytochrome c3.

Louro, RO, Pessanha M, Reid GA, Chapman SK, Turner DL, Salgueiro CA.  2002.  Determination of the orientation of the axial ligands and of the magnetic properties of the haems in the tetrahaem ferricytochrome from Shewanella frigidimarina. FEBS Letters. 531(3):520-524. AbstractWebsite

The unambiguous assignment of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals of the α-substituents of the haems in the tetrahaem cytochrome isolated from Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB400, was made using a combination of homonuclear and heteronuclear experiments. The paramagnetic 13C shifts of the nuclei directly bound to the porphyrin of each haem group were analysed in the framework of a model for the haem electronic structure. The analysis yields g-tensors for each haem, which allowed the assignment of some electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals to specific haems, and the orientation of the magnetic axes relative to each haem to be established. The orientation of the axial ligands of the haems was determined semi-empirically from the NMR data, and the structural results were compared with those of the homologous tetrahaem cytochrome from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 showing significant similarities between the two proteins.

Salgueiro, CA, da Costa PN, Turner DL, Messias AC, van Dongen WMAM, Saraiva LM, Xavier AV.  2001.  Effect of Hydrogen-Bond Networks in Controlling Reduction Potentials in Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) Cytochrome c3 Probed by Site-Specific Mutagenesis. Biochemistry. 40(32):9709-9716. AbstractWebsite

Cytochromes c3 isolated from Desulfovibrio spp. are periplasmic proteins that play a central role in energy transduction by coupling the transfer of electrons and protons from hydrogenase. Comparison between the oxidized and reduced structures of cytochrome c3 isolated from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) show that the residue threonine 24, located in the vicinity of heme III, reorients between these two states [Messias, A. C., Kastrau, D. H. W., Costa, H. S., LeGall, J., Turner, D. L., Santos, H., and Xavier, A. V. (1998) J. Mol. Biol. 281, 719−739]. Threonine 24 was replaced with valine by site-directed mutagenesis to elucidate its effect on the redox properties of the protein. The NMR spectra of the mutated protein are very similar to those of the wild type, showing that the general folding and heme core architecture are not affected by the mutation. However, thermodynamic analysis of the mutated cytochrome reveals a large alteration in the microscopic reduction potential of heme III (75 and 106 mV for the protonated forms of the fully reduced and oxidized states, respectively). The redox interactions involving this heme are also modified, while the remaining heme−heme interactions and the redox−Bohr interactions are less strongly affected. Hence, the order of oxidation of the hemes in the mutated cytochrome is different from that in the wild type, and it has a higher overall affinity for electrons. This is consistent with the replacement of threonine 24 by valine preventing the formation of a network of hydrogen bonds, which stabilizes the oxidized state. The mutated protein is unable to perform a concerted two-electron step between the intermediate oxidation stages, 1 and 3, which can occur in the wild-type protein. Thus, replacing a single residue unbalances the global network of cooperativities tuned to control thermodynamically the directionality of the stepwise electron transfer and may affect the functionality of the protein.

Pessanha, M, Brennan L, Xavier AV, Cuthbertson PM, Reid GA, Chapman SK, Turner DL, Salgueiro CA.  2001.  NMR structure of the haem core of a novel tetrahaem cytochrome isolated from Shewanella frigidimarina: identification of the haem-specific axial ligands and order of oxidation. FEBS Letters. 489(1):8-13. AbstractWebsite

The tetrahaem cytochrome isolated during anaerobic growth of Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB400 is a small protein (86 residues) involved in electron transfer to Fe(III), which can be used as a terminal respiratory oxidant by this bacterium. A 3D solution structure model of the reduced form of the cytochrome has been determined using NMR data in order to determine the relative orientation of the haems. The haem core architecture of S. frigidimarina tetrahaem cytochrome differs from that found in all small tetrahaem cytochromes c3 so far isolated from strict anaerobes, but has some similarity to the N-terminal cytochrome domain of flavocytochrome c3 isolated from the same bacterium. NMR signals obtained for the four haems of S. frigidimarina tetrahaem cytochrome at all stages of oxidation were cross-assigned to the solution structure using the complete network of chemical exchange connectivities. Thus, the order in which each haem in the structure becomes oxidised was determined.

Louro, RO, Catarino T, Salgueiro CA, Legall J, Turner DL, Xavier AV.  1998.  Molecular Basis for Energy Transduction: Mechanisms of Cooperativity in Multihaem Cytochromes. Biological Electron Transfer Chains: Genetics, Composition and Mode of Operation NATO ASI Series Volume 512. (Canters, G.W., Vijgenboom, E., Eds.).:209-223.: Springer Netherlands Abstract

Energy transduction through electron/proton cooperativity is at the heart of the metabolism of every living organism Nonetheless, the search for the structural bases sustaining these phenomena has been hindered by the fact that they are usually associated with complex transmembrane proteins of high molecular weight.

Saraiva, LM, Salgueiro CA, da Costa PN, Messias AC, Legall J, van Dongen WMAM, Xavier AV.  1998.  Replacement of Lysine 45 by Uncharged Residues Modulates the Redox-Bohr Effect in Tetraheme Cytochrome c3 of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough). Biochemistry. 37(35):12160-12165. AbstractWebsite

The structural basis for the pH dependence of the redox potential in the tetrahemic Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) cytochrome c3 was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of charged residues in the vicinity of heme I. Mutation of lysine 45, located in the neighborhood of the propionates of heme I, by uncharged residues, namely threonine, glutamine and leucine, was performed. The replacement of a conserved charged residue, aspartate 7, present in the N-terminal region and near heme I was also attempted. The analysis of the redox interactions as well as the redox-Bohr behavior of the mutated cytochromes c3 allowed the conclusion that residue 45 has a functional role in the control of the pKa of the propionate groups of heme I and confirms the involvement of this residue in the redox-Bohr effect.

Turner, DL, Salgueiro CA, Catarino T, Legall J, Xavier AV.  1996.  NMR Studies of Cooperativity in the Tetrahaem Cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris. European Journal of Biochemistry. 241(3):723-731. AbstractWebsite

The thermodynamic properties of the Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) tetrahaem cytochrome c3 (Dvc3) are rationalised by a model which involves both homotropic (e−/e−) and heterotropic (e−/H+) cooperativity. The paramagnetic shifts of a methyl group from each haem of the DVc3 have been determined in each stage of oxidation at several pH values by means of two-dimensional exchange NMR. The thermodynamic parameters are obtained by fitting the model to the NMR data and to redox titrations followed by visible spectroscopy. They show significant positive cooperativity between two of the haems whereas the remaining interactions appear to be largely electrostatic in origin. These parameters imply that the protein undergoes a proton-assisted two-electron transfer which can be used for energy transduction. Comparison with the crystal structure together with measurement of the kinetics of proton exchange suggest that the pH dependence is mediated by a charged residue(s) readily acessible to the solvent and close to haem I.

Louro, RO, Catarino T, Salgueiro CA, Legall J, Xavier AV.  1996.  Redox-Bohr effect in the tetrahaem cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris: a model for energy transduction mechanisms. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 1(1):34-38. AbstractWebsite

Using potentiometric titrations, two protons were found to participate in the redox-Bohr effect observed for cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough). Within the framework of the thermodynamic model previously presented, this finding supports the occurrence of a concerted proton-assisted 2e– step, ideally suited for the coupling role of cytochrome c3 to hydrogenase. Furthermore, at physiological pH, it is shown that when sulfate-reducing bacteria use H2 as energy source, cytochrome c3 can be used as a charge separation device, achieving energy transduction by energising protons which can be left in the acidic periplasmic side and transferring deenergised electrons to sulfate respiration. This mechanism for energy transduction, using a full thermodynamic data set, is compared to that put forward to explain the proton-pumping function of cytochrome c oxidase.

Turner, DL, Salgueiro CA, Catarino T, Legall J, Xavier AV.  1994.  Homotropic and heterotropic cooperativity in the tetrahaem cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1187(2):232-235. AbstractWebsite

The thermodynamic parameters which govern the homotropic (e−/e−) and heterotropic (e−/H+) cooperativity in the tetrahaem cytochrome c3 isolated from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) were determined, using the paramagnetic shifts of haem methyl groups in the NMR spectra of intermediate oxidized states at different pH levels. A model is put forward to explain how the network of positive and negative cooperativities between the four haems and acid/base group(s) enables the protein to achieve a proton-assisted 2e− step.