
Publications 2022

The publication list was upadated with the papers published during 2022

Research fellowship, Project 123SkinHeal

Are you interested in skin tissue engineering? Join our team and be part of our project 123SkinHeal. Apply for one research fellowship here: 

Publications 2021

The publications list was updated with the 2021 outcomes

Call: Research grant, Masters degree, iSkin2 project

A call is open for hiring a researcher holding a masters degree in Biomedical Engineering (or a related field) to work in the iSkin2 project.

Applications are accepted until the 13th May

Full call text:

Publications 2020

Publications list was updated!


Call: Research grant, Masters degree, iSkin2 project

A call is open for hiring a researcher holding a masters degree in Biomedical Engineering (or a related field) to work in the iSkin2 project.

Applications are accepted until the 15th July

Full call text:

Call: Research grant, Masters degree, NEURiTES project

Announcing a call for a research grant for a Masters in Biomedical Engineering (or a related field). 

The successful applicant will work on the NEURiTES project: Neural Regeneration using Conductive Scaffolds.

Application from the 7th January until the 25th January 2019.

For more information: eracareers portal

International Call: Researcher (with PhD) for the NEURiTES project

An international call to hire a PhD researcher for the NEURiTES (NEUral Regeneration with conducTivE Scaffolds, reference PTDC/CTM-COM/32606/2017) project is open from the 7th January 2019 until the 25th January 2019.

Call: Research grant, Masters degree

Announcing a call for a research grant for a Masters in Biomedical Engineering (or a related field). 

The successful applicant will work on the iSkin2 project: improving skin regeneration through an improved Skin2 biosynthetic skin substitute.

Application from the 30th November until the 20th December 2018.

For more information: eracareers  portal

International Call to hire a PhD Researcher

An International Call to hire a PhD Researcher for the iSkin2 project has been launched. The call text is available here:

The call is open until the 23rd November 2018

Publications list updated

The publications list was updated and is now current as of 1st November 2018:

New Publication

An Overview of Inverted Colloidal Crystal Systems for Tissue Engineering
Carlos Filipe C. João, Joana Marta Vasconcelos, Jorge Carvalho Silva and João Paulo Borges
TISSUE ENGINEERING: Part B Volume 20, Number 5, 2014
DOI: 10.1089/ten.teb.2013.0402

New publication

Electrospinning Polycaprolactone Dissolved in Glacial Acetic Acid: Fiber Production, Nonwoven Characterization, and In Vitro Evaluation

José Luís Ferreira, Susana Gomes, Célia Henriques, João Paulo Borges, Jorge Carvalho Silva

Journal of Applied Polymer Science

New publication

An overview of inverted colloidal crystal systems for tissue engineering
Carlos Filipe João, Joana Marta Vasconcelos, Jorge Carvalho Silva, João Paulo Borges. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. doi:10.1089/ten.TEB.2013.0402.

New Publication

In vitro evaluation of crosslinked electrospun fish gelatin scaffolds
Gomes SR, Rodrigues G, Martins GG, Henriques CMR, Silva JC
Materials Science and Engineering C - Materials for biological applications. Volume 33, Issue 3, 1 April 2013, Pages 1219–1227
DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2012.12.014