Univ. of Évora, Palácio do Vimioso, Largo Marques de Marialva, no 8, 7000-809 Evora
Dr. Irina Sandu is a Conservation Scientist with 16 years of experience (11 of post-doctoral activity) in the field of investigation, diagnosis and authentication of cultural heritage assets.
Her scientific activity is expressed in 12 monographs, 2 book-chapters, more than 60 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings.
Since the period of her university studies she has been involved in research projects and international collaborations dealing with movable and immovable heritage. Among the most relevant results as Principal Investigator or member of the working group it can be mentioned the following: 3 projects of scientific investigation funded by Portuguese bodies; 1 Archlab Access grant within CHARISMA international project funded by the European Community (FP7 programme); 2 international projects, LabSTECH and EU-ARTECH, funded by the European Community (FP5-6 programmes); 9 research projects, funded by the Romanian Ministry of Research and Technology; 1 UNESCO project 536/ROM/70 for the Restoration of Probota Monastery (XVIth century Monastery in the list of UNESCO Cultural Heritage) financed by Japan Trust Fund, Romania; other collaborations with cultural institutions in the field of conservation in Italy (Association „I BASTIONI”, Florence and Association „ICONE: Ricerca e Conoscenza”, Biella) and Portugal (Institute for Museums and Conservation, Lisbon).
In the past 15 years she has been involved in the creation and development of academic courses/training in conservation and conservation science, participating as lecturer or invited teacher to local (NOVA University in Lisbon-Portugal, Libera Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence-Italy, A.I. Cuza University and Gh. Asachi Technical University in Iasi-Romania) or international schools of conservation (first European PhD in Conservation Science – EPISCON, Bologna University, Ravenna Branch).
Her main research interests are: