Sedimentary Basins and Paleontology

The Sedimentary Basins and Paleontology group is part of the GeoBioTec (GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering) at FCT-NOVA.

Topics of Research: This group is focused on the stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Portuguese sedimentary basins and their tectonic and palaeogeographic evolution: sedimentary geology, tectonics, palaeontology, biostratigraphy, evolution, global changes, geoheritage.

Teaching Units: PhD in Geology, MSc in Paleontology, Graduation in Geological Engineering

The coordinator is Prof. Paulo Legoinha (FCT-NOVA)

13 members and 30 collaborators (Ph.D. students and external researchers)


Metrics (2021)
12 Members
27 Collaborators
47 Publications in 2021
Ratio publications/members: 3.6
48 Projects / Funding /Grants
12 Areas Technical / Scientific potential