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Petrov, V, Stanimirov S, Petrov IK, Fernandes A, de Freitas V, Pina F.  2013.  Emptying the beta-Cyclodextrin Cavity by Light: Photochemical Removal of the trans-Chalcone of 4 ',7-Dihydroxyflavylium. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 117:10692-10701., Number 41 Abstract
Gomes, L, Marques A, Branco A, Araujo J, Simoes M, Cardoso S, Silva F, Henriques I, Laia CAT, Costa C.  2013.  IZO deposition by RF and DC sputtering on paper and application on flexible electrochromic devices. Displays. 34:326-333., Number 4 Abstract
Montagner, C, Sanches D, Pedroso J, Melo MJ, Vilarigues M.  2013.  Ochres and earths: Matrix and chromophores characterization of 19th and 20th century artist materials. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 103:409-416. Abstract
Couto, RM, Lourenco C, Lima JC, Simoes PC, Branco LC.  2013.  Studies of the Influence in Acetonitrile Polarity Using Imidazolium Ionic Liquids as Additives. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 58:1449-1453., Number 6 Abstract
Sousa, A, Petrov V, Araujo P, Mateus N, Pina F, de Freitas V.  2013.  Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Photochromism of Oaklins: A Recent Family of Deoxyanthocyanidins. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:1901-1910., Number 6 Abstract
Mendes, A, Branco LC, Morais C, Simplicio AL.  2012.  Electroosmotic flow modulation in capillary electrophoresis by organic cations from ionic liquids. Electrophoresis. 33:1182-1190., Number 7 Abstract
de Sa, MH, Ferreira JL, Melo MJ, Ramos AM.  2011.  An AFM contribution to the understanding of surface effects caused by ageing and cleaning on acrylic glass. The Shadows by Lourdes Castro, a case study. Surface and Interface Analysis. 43:1165-1170., Number 8 Abstract
de Sa, MH, Eaton P, Ferreira JL, Melo MJ, Ramos AM.  2011.  Ageing of vinyl emulsion paints - an atomic force microscopy study. Surface and Interface Analysis. 43:1160-1164., Number 8 Abstract
Seixas de Melo, SJ, Cabral C, Lima JC, Macanita AL.  2011.  Characterization of the Singlet and Triplet Excited States of 3-Chloro-4-methylumbelliferone. Journal of Physical Chemistry a. 115:8392-8398., Number 30 Abstract
Branco, LC, Serbanovic A, da Ponte MN, Afonso CAM.  2011.  Chiral Guanidinium Ionic Liquids for Asymmetric Dihydroxylation of Olefins with Recycling of the Catalytic System by Supercritical CO2. Acs Catalysis. 1:1408-1413., Number 10 Abstract
Freitas, F, Alves VD, Torres CAV, Cruz M, Sousa I, Melo MJ, Ramos AM, Reis MAM.  2011.  Fucose-containing exopolysaccharide produced by the newly isolated Enterobacter strain A47 DSM 23139. Carbohydrate Polymers. 83:159-165., Number 1 Abstract
Neves, P, Amarante TR, Gomes AC, Coelho AC, Gago S, Pillinger M, Goncalves IS, Silva CM, Valente AA.  2011.  Heterogeneous oxidation catalysts formed in situ from molybdenum tetracarbonyl complexes and tert-butyl hydroperoxide. Applied Catalysis a-General. 395:71-77., Number 1-2 Abstract
Neves, P, Gago S, Balula SS, Lopes AD, Valente AA, Cunha-Silva L, Almeida Paz FA, Pillinger M, Rocha J, Silva CM, Goncalves IS.  2011.  Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Molybdenum(VI) Complexes with Tris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)methane. Inorganic Chemistry. 50:3490-3500., Number 8 Abstract
Pereira, M, Leal CR, Parola AJ, Scheven UM.  2010.  Reversible Photorheology in Solutions of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide, Salicylic Acid, and trans-2,4,4 '-Trihydroxychalcone, 2010. Langmuir. 26:16715-16721. Abstract

We show photorheology in aqueous solutions of weakly entangled wormlike micelles prepared with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), salicylic acid (HSal), and dilute amounts of the photochromic multistate compound trans-2,4,4'-trihydroxychalcone (Ct). Different chemical species of Ct are associated with different colorations and propensities to reside within or outside CTAB micelles. A light-induced transfer between the intra- and intermicellar space is used to alter the mean length of wormlike micelles and hence the rheological properties of the fluid, studied in steady-state shear Bow and in dynamic rheological measurements. Light-induced changes of fluid rheology are reversible by a the relaxation process. at relaxation rates which depend on pH and which are consistent with photochromic reversion rates measured by UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Parameterizing viscoelostic rheological states by their effective relaxation time tau(c) and corresponding response modulus G(c), we find the light and dark states of the system to fall onto a characteristic state curve defined by comparable experiments conducted without photosensitive components. These reference experiments were prepared with the same concentration of CTAB, but different concentrations of HSal or sodium salicylote (NaSal), and tested at different temperatures.

Barbosa, PC, Rodrigues LC, Silva MM, Smith MJ, Parola AJ, Pina F, Pinheiro C.  2010.  Solid-state electrochromic devices using pTMC/PEO blends as polymer electrolytes, 2010. Electrochimica Acta. 55:1495-1502. Abstract

Flexible, transparent and self-supporting electrolyte films based on poly(trimethylene carbonate)/poly(ethylene oxide) (p(TMC/PEO) interpenetrating networks doped with LiClO(4) were prepared by the solvent casting technique. These novel solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) systems were characterized by measurements of conductivity, cyclic voltammetry, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry. The incorporation of solid electrolytes as components of electrochromic devices can offer certain operational advantages in real-world applications. In this study, all-solid-state electrochromic cells were characterized, using Prussian blue (PB) and poly-(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT) as complementary electrochromic compounds on poly(ethyleneterphthalate) (PET) coated with indium tin oxide (ITO) as flexible electrodes. Assembled devices with PET/ITO/PB/SPE/PEDOT/ITO/PET "sandwich-like" structure were assembled and successfully cycled between light and dark blue, corresponding to the additive optical transitions for PB and PEDOT electrochromic layers. The cells required long cycle times (>600 s) to reach full color switch and have modest stability towards prolonged cycling tests. The use of short duration cycling permitted the observation of changes in the coloration-bleaching performance in cells with different electrolyte compositions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Teixeira, J, Silva AR, Branco LC, Afonso CAM, Freire C.  2010.  Asymmetric alkene epoxidation by Mn(III)salen catalyst in ionic liquids. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 363:3321-3329., Number 13 Abstract
Neves, P, Pereira CCL, Paz FAA, Gago S, Pillinger M, Silva CM, Valente AA, Romao CC, Goncalves IS.  2010.  Cyclopentadienyl molybdenum dicarbonyl eta(3)-allyl complexes as catalyst precursors for olefin epoxidation. Crystal structures of Cp ' Mo(CO)(2)(eta(3)-C3H5) (Cp ' = eta(5)-C5H4Me, eta(5)-C5Me5). Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 695:2311-2319., Number 21 Abstract
Rondao, R, Seixas de Melo SJ, Bonifacio VDB, Melo MJ.  2010.  Dehydroindigo, the Forgotten Indigo and Its Contribution to the Color of Maya Blue. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 114:1699-1708., Number 4 Abstract
Claro, A, Melo MJ, Seixas de Melo SJ, van den Berg KJ, Burnstock A, Montague M, Newman R.  2010.  Identification of red colorants in van Gogh paintings and ancient Andean textiles by microspectrofluorimetry. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 11:27-34., Number 1 Abstract
Serbanovic, A, Petrovski Z, Manic M, Marques CS, Carrera GVSM, Branco LC, Afonso CAM, da Ponte MN.  2010.  Melting behaviour of ionic salts in the presence of high pressure CO2. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 294:121-130., Number 1-2 Abstract
Abrantes, M, Neves P, Antunes MM, Gago S, Almeida Paz FA, Rodrigues AE, Pillinger M, Goncalves IS, Silva CM, Valente AA.  2010.  Microwave-assisted molybdenum-catalysed epoxidation of olefins. Journal of Molecular Catalysis a-Chemical. 320:19-26., Number 1-2 Abstract
Costa, T, Sergio Seixas de Melo J, Castro CS, Gago S, Pillinger M, Goncalves IS.  2010.  Picosecond Dynamics of Dimer Formation in a Pyrene Labeled Polymer. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 114:12439-12447., Number 39 Abstract
Neves, P, Gago S, Pereira CCL, Figueiredo S, Lemos A, Lopes AD, Goncalves IS, Pillinger M, Silva CM, Valente AA.  2009.  Catalytic Epoxidation and Sulfoxidation Activity of a Dioxomolybdenum(VI) Complex Bearing a Chiral Tetradentate Oxazoline Ligand. Catalysis Letters. 132:94-103., Number 1-2 Abstract
Monteiro, B, Gago S, Neves P, Valente AA, Goncalves IS, Pereira CCL, Silva CM, Pillinger M.  2009.  Effect of an Ionic Liquid on the Catalytic Performance of Thiocyanatodioxomolybdenum(VI) Complexes for the Oxidation of Cyclooctene and Benzyl Alcohol. Catalysis Letters. 129:350-357., Number 3-4 Abstract