Department of Conservation and Restoration, FCT-UNL
REQUIMTE - Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry
office 217, tel. +351212948300, ext. 11307
short CV / research interests:
I started my education on Conservation and Restoration at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (UNL) specializing in furniture and wooden objects conservation, developing a work foccusing on Chinese lacquered furniture.
After graduating in 2006, I worked with museums, private collectors and antique shops.
In 2009 I returned to the faculty to pursue my master’s degree in Conservation Science, turning my foccus to 19th century portuguese oil paintings, with the dissertation “The Study of Lead White Oil Paints: A molecular approach to the whites of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso”.
I am currently a PhD student on Conservation Science at the Department of Conservation and Restoration, within the “Crossing Borders” project, centering in the study of the history, techniques and materials of 19th and early 20th century Portuguese painters.
Research interests include art history, study of oil painting techniques, multi-analytical characterisation of painting materials and the study of the degradation of oil paint matrixes.