Johan Chacon

PhD Student


Department of Chemistry, FCT-UNL

LAQV-REQUIMTE - Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry

office 410, tel. +351212948300, ext. 10923


short CV / research interests:

I got a bachelor degree as Bacteriologist-Parasitologist Chemist in 2010. During the last year, I worked in a thesis development related with skin pathogens and its susceptibility to some commercial antibiotics. In 2015 I finished a master degree in Food Sciences and Technology, where I had experiences with theoretical DFT characterization; structural design, energy optimization, spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of relevant anthocyanins as color providers in food, electronic, pharmaceutic, and cosmetic industries.

During 2015-2016 I started working as research assistant with Prof. Victor H. Ramos (Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua), as part of a Mexican national project related with hydrogen production through the catalyzed methanol dehydrogenation by Pt, Au-Pt and Ag-Pt metallic nanoclusters, where theoretical and experimental works were performed. I got a wide experience not only in computational methods, as Intrinsic Reaction Coordinates (IRC) and transition states finding, but also in electrochemical techniques as Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) using screen printed electrodes and electrochemical cells.

Currently, I’m a phD student working in the photochemistry research group in a new project, in which the different compounds complex flavylium multistate system will be tested as solar cells sensitizers, in order to increase the light-to-electricity conversion efficiency in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC).