Department of Conservation and Restoration
REQUIMTE - Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry
office 217, tel. +351212948300, ext. 11307
short CV / research interests:
PhD student at the Department of Conservation and Restoration (DCR), Faculty of ciencies and technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), Portugal.
My background includes frequency in mechanical engeneering degree (IST) and fromation in arts and crafts involving design and construction of wooden based structures (mainly furniture). In 2005 I got a degree in conservation and restoration at FCT-UNL and in 2007 I got a master degree in the same course with a thesis regarding the study of the construction and conservation problems of a 18th century polychromed wooden sculpture. Painting materials and wood suport were modeled to study the sistem’s mechanical behaviour.
From 2009 until now I am working within the multidisciplinary project "Crossing Borders" which investigates the history, materials and techniques of Portuguese painters from 1850-1918. This project is funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
My main research interests are based on multi-analytical characterisation of painting materials, historical accurate paint film reconstructions, natural or artificial ageing and mechanical behavior of paint materials and supports (wood and canvas).
Selected publications:
Silva, A. M., Sanches, D., Montagner, C., Vilarigues, M., Melo, M.J., Picollo, M., " The Palette of Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929): Characterization of oil paint colors from his tubes", Proceedings from AIAr Conference, March 1-4, 2011, Ferrara, Italy ISBN 978-88-555-3159-7
Sanches, D.; Ferraz, A.; Vitorino, T., Carlyle L., Vilarigues M., Macedo R. e Melo, M. J., “Colour and technique of Portuguese romanticism by the hand of Tomás de Anunciação. Actas do IV Congresso de Historia da Arte Portuguesa, em homenagem a José Augusto França organizado pela APHA - Associação Portuguesa de Historiadores da Arte. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 21 a 24 de Novembro de 2012.
C. Montagner, D. Sanches, J. Pedroso, M. J. Melo and M. Vilarigues, “Ochres and earths: matrix and chromophores characterization of 19th and 20th century artist materials”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 103 (2013) 409–416.
Otero, V., Sanches, D., Montagner, C., Lopes, J. A., Vilarigues, M., Carlyle, L., Melo M. J.*, “Characterisation of metal carboxylates by Raman and infrared spectroscopy in works of art”, (2014, accepted for publication, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy)