

... to create & disseminate new training programs & modules to enhance the healthcare workforce digital skills!

The Project aims:

•        Assess the European healthcare professional’s digital training needs;

•        Develop training programs and modules to be implemented in European hospitals from different countries;

•        Increase the overall training quality of healthcare professionals, in terms of soft, hard and digital skills;

•        To build a network of European institutions that allows for sharing training programs suitable for each country, boost international cooperation & strength national healthcare systems.

UNL Role:

The UNL team participates in this project through its DiSHC Lab, integrative part of

1) UNIDEMI, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

2) LASI, Intelligent Systems Associated Laboratory, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal


UNL team colaborates at all work packages and tasks related to digital health, data collection, treatment and analysis, data management, communication, among others.

Expected Impact:

•        Short-term: to raise awareness of the specific digital training needs for the European healthcare professionals (clinical and non-clinical), including the digital skills profile

•        Medium-term: to develop & apply training courses related to the needs of these professionals

•        Long-term: to empower the healthcare workforce with digital tools to better manage and deal with healthcare challenges and future crisis situations and the surge of new demands


The e-Hospital4Future consortium, coordinated by ISEP, is made up of 10 institutions from eight European countries. Specifically, the research partners are

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