
NEW FOR 2017

The call is open between February 13 and March 26, 2017 at 17:00 GMT

The Doctoral Program in Eco Construction and Rehabilitation involves a partnership between five universities (University of Lisbon, University NOVA of Lisbon, University of Coimbra, University of Porto and University of Minho) and the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering.

The program is focused on the following main research domains within civil engineering:

    (i) life-cycle analysis;
    (ii) strategies for deconstruction, reuse and recycling;
    (iii) sustainable and durable materials/products;
    (iv) durability for sustainability;
    (v) rehabilitation for safety, comfort and energy efficiency.

Application requirements

The programme aims at attracting high-quality students from all over the world, graduating from the best technological schools and with an international perspective for their own career. The target students should preferably hold a civil engineering degree or an equivalent degree in related areas, such as environmental engineering, mechanical engineering or architecture.

Selection criteria

The selection of the candidates will be based on an objective evaluation of the following specific criteria and weights: Academic achievements (50%); Relevant scientific activities (20%); Relevant professional experience (15%); Motivation (15%).


The overall numerus clausus per year of the EcoCoRe PhD programme is 20. The 9 best candidates will be given a 4-year PhD scholarship funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT).