PhD Program in Civil Engineering

Please take note of the following:

1. Two months after enrolling in the PhD program, students must submit the "Ficha dos alunos de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil" and all the documents indicated therein.

2. Each year, at the beginning of july, students must submit the "Ficha de síntese do relatório anual" and all the documents indicated therein.

3. Students enrolled before 2019/20 can stay in their course plan (240 credits, 4 years) until completing four years, after which they will be automatically transferred to the new plan (180 credits, 3 years). Nevertheless, students can be readily transferred to the new plan by submitting a letter of request to the course coordinator, signed by the student and all supervisors.

4. One scholarship will be awarded in 2021, to cover the tuition fee. The rules are provided in a document that can be downloaded below. Since the scholarship was not awarded in the first phase, applications to the second phase are now accepted until 15/12/2021.  

The EDIFICE PhD meeting will take place in October 2022. Please visit

Other documents and links of interest:

- Course Program

- Pedido de Provas

- Proposta de Júri

- Relatório CAT sobre a submissão da Tese

- Pedido de despesa

- Rules of the PIEC (the first rule does not apply, due to the current course plan)

- Bolseiros FCT/MCTES: for students whose host institution is FCT NOVA, the relevant declaration can be downloaded here (PT, EN), to be filled and sent by the scientific supervisor to, with the DEC President in Cc. It will be signed by the Director and returned. If the host institution is a Research Center, the declaration should be signed by its Coordinator. 

- Regulamento seriação dos candidatos a apoio ao pagamento de propinas (support for tuition fees)

- Despacho 26/2017 Submissão de Teses e Elaboração de Propostas de Júris de Doutoramento (requirements concerning scientific publications by PhD students)

- General regulation

Course Coordinator contact: