The Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI) facilitates and generates the best available evidence for research on the health and well-being of populations impacted by COVID- 19. PHIRI has been running for three years bringing together key experts in health information across Europe from 30 countries and 41 organisations. On the 22nd of September, PHIRI has its final event where key topics will be discussed that are at the core of its activities:
Powerful tools to boost the reuse of health data: FAIR catalogues and federated architecture: we will explore how (population) health data can be made more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable for research and policy making, and how PHIRI contributes to this aim through the European Health Information Portal and its federated infrastructure for population health research.
Strengthening the European health workforce: Short pitch and front-row comments on PHIRI capacity building activities, such as the European School on Health Information, and the Public Health Foresight studies training.
Building stronger health systems: here we cover two important PHIRI’s activities: the assessment of national health information systems, and the work on foresight, modelling and scenarios.
Building collective intelligence: The PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum: PHIRI will showcase the experience of its Rapid Exchange Forum and how it allows to provide a rapid exchange of information across countries during crisis times (COVID-19) and in peacetime.