15-16 de Setembro, Hotel Altis-Lisbon, Portugal.
This conference developed under the main theme “Is it time of an Earned Value ISO?” is an opportunity to meet world experts and to find out how Project Control and EVM are currently used as how they are evolving. This EVIAP - Earned Value International Advisory Panel event reflects the panel evaluation of more than 70 presentation submissions and has the institutional support of the two largest and most representative Portuguese professional associations of Projects managers (PMI Portugal Chapter and APOGEP) three academic institutions (FCT/UNL, Univ. Minho and University of Warwick) and several other organizations. The final program is available at (http://www.ambithus.com/docs/EVIAP.pdf). Registrations can be done at the conference web site (www.eviap.org) and special prices for students and members of institutional supporting organizations are available. Details and attendance fees can be found on the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/T992HRX and any questions should be send to conference@eviap.org.