Two azurins with unusual redox and spectroscopic properties isolated from the Pseudomonas chlororaphis strains DSM 50083(T) and DSM 50135,
Pinho, D., Besson S., Brondino C. D., Pereira E., de Castro B., and Moura I.
, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Feb, Volume 98, Number 2, p.276-286, (2004)
AbstractTwo azurins (Az624 and Az626) were isolated from the soluble extract of two strains of Pseudomonas chlororaphis, DSM 50083(T) and DSM 50135, respectively, grown under microaerobic conditions with nitrate as final electron acceptor. The azurins, purified to electrophoretic homogeneity in three chromatographic steps, exhibit several peculiar properties. They have high reduction potentials and lower pI than most azurins described in the literature. As previously observed for Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin, their reduction potentials are pH-dependent, but the pK values of their oxidized forms are lower, which suggests that deeper structural changes are associated with the oxidation process of these novel azurins. A hitherto undescribed pH-dependence of the diffusion coefficient was observed in Az624, that could be caused either by conformational changes, or by the formation of supramolecular aggregates associated with a protonation process. Both azurins exhibit axial X-band electron paramagnetic resonance spectra in frozen solution showing a typical hyperfine with the copper nucleus (I = 3/2) and a well-resolved superhyperfine structure with two equivalent N-14 nucleus (I = 1), which is not usually observed for azurins from other species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase from Desulfovibrio gigas: metal identification and preliminary structural data by multi-wavelength crystallography,
Raaijmakers, H., Teixeira S., Dias J. M., Almendra M. J., Brondino C. D., Moura I., Moura J. J., and Romao M. J.
, J Biol Inorg Chem, Apr, Volume 6, Number 4, p.398-404, (2001)
AbstractThe tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase (W-FDH) isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas has been crystallized in space group P2(1), with cell parameters a = 73.8 A, b = 111.3 A, c = 156.6 A and beta = 93.7 degrees. These crystals diffract to beyond 2.0 A on a synchrotron radiation source. W-FDH is a heterodimer (92 kDa and 29 kDa subunits) and two W-FDH molecules are present in the asymmetric unit. Although a molecular replacement solution was found using the periplasmic nitrate reductase as a search model, additional phasing information was needed. A multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) dataset was collected at the W- and Fe-edges, at four different wavelengths. Anomalous and dispersive difference data allowed us to unambiguously identify the metal atoms bound to W-FDH as one W atom with a Se-cysteine ligand as well as one [4Fe-4S] cluster in the 92 kDa subunit, and three additional [4Fe-4S] centers in the smaller 29 kDa subunit. The D. gigas W-FDH was previously characterized based on metal analysis and spectroscopic data. One W atom was predicted to be bound to two molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide (MGD) pterin cofactors and two [4Fe-4S] centers were proposed to be present. The crystallographic data now reported reveal a selenium atom (as a Se-cysteine) coordinating to the W site, as well as two extra [4Fe-4S] clusters not anticipated before. The EPR data were re-evaluated in the light of these new results.
Three-iron clusters in iron--sulfur proteins: An EPR study of the exchange interactions,
Gayda, Jean-Pierre, Bertrand Patrick, Theodule Francois-Xavier, and Moura Jose J. G.
, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 77, Number 7, p.3387-3391, (1982)
The three classes of hydrogenases from sulfate-reducing bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio,
Fauque, G., Peck, H. D. Jr., Moura J. J., Huynh B. H., Berlier Y., Dervartanian D. V., Teixeira M., Przybyla A. E., Lespinat P. A., Moura I.,, and et al
, FEMS Microbiol Rev, Dec, Volume 4, Number 4, p.299-344, (1988)
AbstractThree types of hydrogenases have been isolated from the sulfate-reducing bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio. They differ in their subunit and metal compositions, physico-chemical characteristics, amino acid sequences, immunological reactivities, gene structures and their catalytic properties. Broadly, the hydrogenases can be considered as 'iron only' hydrogenases and nickel-containing hydrogenases. The iron-sulfur-containing hydrogenase ([Fe] hydrogenase) contains two ferredoxin-type (4Fe-4S) clusters and an atypical iron-sulfur center believed to be involved in the activation of H2. The [Fe] hydrogenase has the highest specific activity in the evolution and consumption of hydrogen and in the proton-deuterium exchange reaction and this enzyme is the most sensitive to CO and NO2-. It is not present in all species of Desulfovibrio. The nickel-(iron-sulfur)-containing hydrogenases [( NiFe] hydrogenases) possess two (4Fe-4S) centers and one (3Fe-xS) cluster in addition to nickel and have been found in all species of Desulfovibrio so far investigated. The redox active nickel is ligated by at least two cysteinyl thiolate residues and the [NiFe] hydrogenases are particularly resistant to inhibitors such as CO and NO2-. The genes encoding the large and small subunits of a periplasmic and a membrane-bound species of the [NiFe] hydrogenase have been cloned in Escherichia (E.) coli and sequenced. Their derived amino acid sequences exhibit a high degree of homology (70%); however, they show no obvious metal-binding sites or homology with the derived amino acid sequence of the [Fe] hydrogenase. The third class is represented by the nickel-(iron-sulfur)-selenium-containing hydrogenases [( NiFe-Se] hydrogenases) which contain nickel and selenium in equimolecular amounts plus (4Fe-4S) centers and are only found in some species of Desulfovibrio. The genes encoding the large and small subunits of the periplasmic hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio (D.) baculatus (DSM 1743) have been cloned in E. coli and sequenced. The derived amino acid sequence exhibits homology (40%) with the sequence of the [NiFe] hydrogenase and the carboxy-terminus of the gene for the large subunit contains a codon (TGA) for selenocysteine in a position homologous to a codon (TGC) for cysteine in the large subunit of the [NiFe] hydrogenase. EXAFS and EPR studies with the 77Se-enriched D. baculatus hydrogenase indicate that selenium is a ligand to nickel and suggest that the redox active nickel is ligated by at least two cysteinyl thiolate and one selenocysteine selenolate residues.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)