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Branco, S, Mateus EP, Richter Gomes da Silva MD, Mendes D, Araujo Pereira MM, Schutz S, Paiva MR.  2020.  Identification of pheromone candidates for the eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), FEB. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY. 144:41-53., Number 1-2 Abstract

The eucalyptus weevil, Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is a major pest of eucalyptus plantations worldwide. To date, no pheromones have been identified for this species, despite their valuable potential as tools in monitoring or control strategies. Here we report the detection and identification of pheromones candidates of G. platensis. The weevil's volatile compounds were collected by solid phase micro extraction (SPME) and monolithic material sorption extraction (MMSE). Using Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis, eleven insect specific compounds were detected and identified: verbenene, cis-verbenol, trans-verbenol, verbenone, 2-oxo-1,8-cineole, 9-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 2-alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 3-oxo-1,8-cineole, 2-beta-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 3-alpha-hydroxy-1,8-cineole and 7-hydroxy-1,8-cineole. Three of these compounds, verbenene, cis-verbenol and trans-verbenol, were shown to be male-specific. Antennal sensitivity towards ten compounds emitted by G. platensis was detected using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Electroantennographic Detection (GC-MS/EAD). Extracts from virgin males proved to be attractive to virgin females in olfactometer bioassays. Further behavioural bioassays showed that both virgin females and virgin males were attracted to the male-specific compound cis-verbenol and that virgin females were attracted to trans-verbenol. Verbenone was attractive to mated females. Regarding 2-alpha-hydroxy-1.8-cineole and 2-oxo-1,8-cineole, which are produced by both sexes, the alcohol was attractive to virgin males and both the alcohol and the ketone were repellant to mated females. This is, to our knowledge, the first identification of pheromones candidates in Gonipterus spp. and also the first evidence of cineole metabolites acting as semiochemicals.

Maximo, P, Ferreira LM, Branco PS, Lourenco A.  2020.  Invasive Plants: Turning Enemies into Value, AUG. MOLECULES. 25, Number 15 Abstract

In this review, a brief description of the invasive phenomena associated with plants and its consequences to the ecosystem is presented. Five worldwide invasive plants that are a threat to Portugal were selected as an example, and a brief description of each is presented. A full description of their secondary metabolites and biological activity is given, and a resume of the biological activity of extracts is also included. The chemical and pharmaceutical potential of invasive species sensu lato is thus acknowledged. With this paper, we hope to demonstrate that invasive species have potential positive attributes even though at the same time they might need to be controlled or eradicated. Positive attributes include chemical and pharmaceutical properties and developing these could help mitigate the costs of management and eradication.

Teixeira, E, Lima JC, Jorge Parola A, Branco PS.  2018.  Incorporation of Coumarin-Based Fluorescent Monomers into Co-Oligomeric Molecules, APR. POLYMERS. 10, Number 4 Abstract
Chagas, R, Lourenco AM, Monteiro S, Ferreira RB, Ferreira LM.  2017.  Is caffeic acid, as the major metabolite present in Moscatel wine protein haze hydrolysate, involved in protein haze formation?, AUG FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. 98:103-109., Number SI: Ctr Reference Educ & Res Viticulture & Oenol; Univ Appl Sci & Arts Western Switzerland; Canadian Inst Food Sci & Technol Abstract
Pereira, MMA.  2012.  Immobilized Ionic Liquids in Organic Chemistry, JUL. CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 16:1680-1710., Number 14 Abstract
Carmo, H, Brulport M, Hermes M, Oesch F, Silva R, Ferreira LM, Branco PS, de Boer D, Remiao F, Carvalho F, Schoen MR, Krebsfaenger N, Doehmer J, de Bastos ML, Hengstler JG.  2006.  Influence of CYP2D6 polymorphism on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') cytotoxicity, NOV. PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS. 16:789-799., Number 11 Abstract
Tan, C, de Noronha RG, Roecker AJ, Pyrzynska B, Khwaja F, Zhang ZB, Zhang HC, Teng Q, Nicholson AC, Giannakakou P, Zhou W, Olson JJ, Pereira MM, Nicolaou KN, Van Meir EG.  2005.  Identification of a novel small-molecule inhibitor of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 pathway, JAN 15. CANCER RESEARCH. 65:605-612., Number 2 Abstract
Prata, JV, Clemente DTS, Prabhakar S, Lobo AM, Mourato I, Branco PS.  2002.  Intramolecular addition of acyldiazenecarboxylates onto double bonds in the synthesis of heterocycles. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-PERKIN TRANSACTIONS 1. :513-528., Number 4 Abstract