Project Title: Molecular mobility, phase transformations and stability of pharmaceutical materials under nanoconfinement (
Reference: PTDC/CTM/098979/2008
Main Research Area: Materials Science and Engineering
Starting date: 03-01-2010 Ending date: 30-06-2013
Funding: € 173,000.00 financed by Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, IP (Portugal) within the framework of the Programme “Promover a Produção Científica, o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Inovação 002: Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (3599-PPCDTI)
Keywords: nanoconfinement, dielectric relaxation, crystallization, amorphisation
Project Leader
Natália de Fátima Teixeira Correia,
Research Team
Project Fellowships
Andreia Filipa Rodrigues
Diogo Filipe Rocha Rodrigues
Gonçalo Miguel Brito dos Santos
Final Avaliation:
The main objective of the project was to study the influence of nanoconfinement on the dynamics, phase transformations and stability of pharmaceutic drugs mainly by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) in combination with temperature modulated calorimetry (TM-DSC). The studies were done for several pharmaceutical drugs and provided fundamental knowledge beyond the development of systems that can be used for drug delivery purposes. The goals of the project were globally achieved. The output of the project in terms of indicators was excellent: 9 papers in International journals with peer-review, and 15 presentations in international/national scientific meetings. The project also strongly contributed for the advanced training: 1 Master thesis and 4 other types of theses (final works of the graduation studies) were produced. In addition, two BI grants were attributed in the framework of the project. A new technique (TM-DSC) was implemented in the host institution. Possibly, in the near future, the researchers may also think about patenting some of the developed systems.