Comunications - PTDC/CTM/098979/2008

Oral Presentations

N. T. Correia*, Cindy G. Silva, A. C. Rodrigues, M. T. Viciosa, F. Danède, T. Ottou, F. Affouard, M. Dionísio, Molecular dynamics potentially relevant to the physical stability of amorphous pharmaceutical drugs, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, 21-26 July, 2013, Barcelona (Spain). INVITED

F. Affouard*, N. Correia, M. T. O. Abe, L. C. Valdes, Debye peak in molecular glass-forming liquids: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, 21-26 July, 2013, Barcelona (Spain). INVITED

M. Dionísio*, E. G. Merino, A. R. Brás, P. Neves, A. Costa, I. Fonseca, L. Branco, M. T. Viciosa, A. Schoenhals, N. T. Correia, Influence of confinement to nanostructured matrices on the molecular mobility and phase transformations of several glass formers, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, 21-26 July, 2013, Barcelona (Spain). INVITED

M. T. Viciosa, G. Santos, A. Costa, L. C. Branco, M. Dionísio, N. Correia, Changes in the phase transitions and transport properties of an intrinsically ibuprofen ionic liquid, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, 21-26 July, 2013, Barcelona (Spain).

F. Affouard*, M. T. Ottou Abe, L.-C. Valdes and N. T. Correia, Role of Pre-peaks in Glass-forming Liquids, The 4th International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, December 2-7, 2012 Sendai (Japan). INVITED

G. Santos, A. Costa, L. C. Branco, H. Diogo, M. Dionísio, N. T. Correia and M. T. Viciosa*, Phase transitions and charge transport properties of a novel ionic liquid with pharmacological applications [C2OHmim][Ibu], XVIII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 28-30 November 2012, Vila Real (Portugal).

A. C. Rodrigues*, M. T. Viciosa and N. T. Correia, Dielectric and thermal characterization of S-ibuprofen, XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa, 3-6 July 2011, Braga (Portugal).

A. R. Brás, I. M. Fonseca, F. Affouard, A. Schonhals, M. Dionísio* and N. T. Correia, Confinement effects in the molecualr dynamics of ibuprofen studied by DRS, 6th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications, BDS 2010, 7-10 September 2010, Madrid (Spain).

F. Affouard* and N. T. Correia, Debye process in ibuprofen glass-forming liquid:insight from molecular dynamics simulations, Dynamics in Confinement, 4th International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement, 3-5 March 2010, Institut  Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (France).

A. R. Brás, I. M. Fonseca, F. Affouard, A. Schonhals, M. Dionísio and N. T. Correia*, Confining effects in the molecular dynamics of ibuprofen studied by DRS, Dynamics in Confinement, 4th International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement, 3-5 March 2010, Institut  Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (France).

Poster Presentations

D. F. Rodrigues, A. Costa, L. C. Branco, I. Fonseca, M. T. Viciosa, M. Dionísio, N. T. Correia, Choline ibuprofenate stabilized in SBA-15 aiming producing a drug delivery system, 9º Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos (IX ENCMP), 6-7 Maio 2013, Porto (Portugal).

G. B. Santos, A. Costa, L. C. Branco, I. Fonseca, M. T. Viciosa, N. Correia, M. Dionísio, Use of SBA-15 silica matrices to stabilize na ionic liquid/API for drug delivery applications, 9º Encontro Nacional de Catálise e Materiais Porosos (IX ENCMP), 6-7 Maio 2013, Porto (Portugal).

M. T. Viciosa, J. J. Moura-Ramos, H. P. Diogo, N. T. Correia and T. G. Nunes, Molecular mobility on the crystalline state of a hypolipidemic drug: simvastatin, XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa, 3-6 Julho 2011, Braga (Portugal).

A. C. Rodrigues, M. T. Viciosa and N. T. Correia, Combining dielectric and thermal characterization techniques for studying the molecular dynamics of a pharmaceutical drug: S-ibuprofen, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference CHEMPOR 2011, FCT-UNL, 5-7 Setembro 2011, Caparica (Portugal).

A. R. Brás, I. M. Fonseca, F. Affouard, A. Schonhals, M. Dionísio and N. T. Correia*, Confining effects in the molecular dynamics of ibuprofen investigated by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, Dynamics in Confinement, 4th International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement, 3-5 March 2010, Institut  Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (France).