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Avo, J, Petrov V, Basilio N, Jorge Parola A, Pina F.  Submitted.  {Evidence against the Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer (TICT) model in 7-aminoflavylium derivatives}, {DEC}. {DYES AND PIGMENTS}. {135}:{86-93}., Number {SI} Abstract
Pires, RF, Moro A, Lourenco A, Lima JC, Casimiro T, Bonifacio VDB.  Submitted.  {Molecular Weight Determination by Luminescent Chemo-enzymatics}, {DEC 16}. {CHEMISTRYSELECT}. {1}:{6818-6822}., Number {21} Abstract
Mendoza, J, Basilio N, Dangles O, Mora N, Al Bittar S, Pina F.  Submitted.  {Binding of the five multistate species of the anthocyanin analog 7-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy-4'-hydroxyflavylium to the beta-cyclodextrin derivative captisol}, {AUG}. {DYES AND PIGMENTS}. {143}:{479-487}. Abstract
Gomis-Berenguer, A, Seredych M, Iniesta J, Lima JC, Bandosz TJ, Ania CO.  Submitted.  {Sulfur-mediated photochemical energy harvesting in nanoporous carbons}, {AUG}. {CARBON}. {104}:{253-259}. Abstract
Nascimento, SMC, Linhares JMM, Joao CAR, Amano K, Montagner C, Melo MJ, Vilarigues M, de Freitas MH, Alfaro C, Bailao A.  Submitted.  {The preferred chromatic composition of unfamiliar paintings is similar to original}, {AUG}. {PERCEPTION}. {44}:{134}., Number {1} Abstract
Gago, S, Basilio N, Quintas A, Pina F.  Submitted.  {Effect of beta-Cyclodextrin on the Multistate Species Distribution of 3-Methoxy-4',7-dihydroxyflavylium. Discrimination of the Two Hemiketal Enantiomers}, {AUG 9}. {JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY}. {65}:{6346-6358}., Number {31} Abstract
Alejo-Armijo, A, Salido S, Altarejos J, Parola JA, Gago S, Basilio N, Cabrita L, Pina F.  Submitted.  {Effect of Methyl, Hydroxyl, and Chloro Substituents in Position 3 of 3,4,7-Trihydroxyflavylium: Stability, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics}, {AUG 22}. {CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL}. {22}:{12495-12505}., Number {35} Abstract
Carrera, GVSM, Raymundo A, Braz Fernandes FM, Jordao N, Sousa I, da Ponte MN, Branco LC.  Submitted.  {Tetramethylguanidine-based gels and colloids of cellulose}, {AUG 1}. {CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS}. {169}:{58-64}. Abstract
Cosme, J, Bastos PDA, Catela I, Silva D, Colaco R, Branco LC, Saramago B.  Submitted.  {Task-specific Ionic Liquids Based on Sulfur for Tribological Applications}, {AUG 16}. {CHEMISTRYSELECT}. {1}:{3612-3617}., Number {13} Abstract
Santoro, S, Vidorreta IM, Sebastian V, Moro A, Coelhoso IM, Portugal CAM, Lima JC, Desiderio G, Lombardo G, Drioli E, Mallada R, Crespo JG, Criscuoli A, Figoli A.  Submitted.  {A non-invasive optical method for mapping temperature polarization in direct contact membrane distillation}, {AUG 15}. {JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE}. {536}:{156-166}. Abstract
Montagner, C, Jesus R, Correia N, Vilarigues M, Macedo R, Melo MJ.  Submitted.  {Features combination for art authentication studies: brushstroke and materials analysis of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso}, {APR}. {MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS}. {75}:{4039-4063}., Number {7} Abstract
Delgado, JM, Nunes D, Fortunato E, Laia CAT, Branco LC, Vilarigues M.  Submitted.  {The effect of three luminescent ionic liquids on corroded glass surfaces - A first step into stained-glass cleaning}, {APR}. {CORROSION SCIENCE}. {118}:{109-117}. Abstract
Tron, A, Gago S, McClenaghan ND, Parola AJ, Pina F.  Submitted.  {A blue 4 `,7-diaminoflavylium cation showing an extended pH range stability}, {APR 7}. {PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS}. {18}:{8920-8925}., Number {13} Abstract
Cruz, H, Jordao N, Branco LC.  Submitted.  {Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as low-cost and green electrolytes for electrochromic devices}, {APR 7}. {GREEN CHEMISTRY}. {19}:{1653-1658}., Number {7} Abstract
Coutinho, IB, Freitas A, Macanita AL, Lima JC.  Submitted.  {Effect of water content on the acid-base equilibrium of cyanidin-3-glucoside}, {APR 1}. {FOOD CHEMISTRY}. {172}:{476-480}. Abstract
Martins, ICB, Conceicao Oliveira M, Diogo HP, Branco LC, Duarte TM.  Submitted.  {MechanoAPI-ILs: Pharmaceutical Ionic Liquids Obtained through Mechanochemical Synthesis}, {APR 10}. {CHEMSUSCHEM}. {10}:{1360-1363}., Number {7} Abstract
Pereira, HG, Sousa DG, Bradbury JS, Lourenço JM.  Submitted.  Automatic Generation of Contracts for Concurrent Java Programs.
Thales, P, Vale TM, Dias RJ, Lourenço JM.  Submitted.  Empowering a Relational Database with Lazy State Determination.
Luna, F, Bradbury JS, Lourenço JM.  Submitted.  OSCAR: A Noise Injection Framework for Concurrent Java Programs.
  Submitted.  . Abstract
Moro, AJ, Rome B, Aguilo E, Arcau J, Puttreddy R, Rissanen K, Lima JC, Rodriguez L.  Submitted.  {A coumarin based gold(I)-alkynyl complex: a new class of supramolecular hydrogelators}. {ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY}. {13}:{2026-2033}., Number {7} Abstract
Ventura, MG, Paninho AI, Nunes AVM, Fonseca IM, Branco LC.  Submitted.  {Biocompatible locust bean gum mesoporous matrices prepared by ionic liquids and a scCO(2) sustainable system}. {RSC ADVANCES}. {5}:{107700-107706}., Number {130} Abstract
Carrera, GVSM, Jordao N, Branco LC, Nunes da Ponte M.  Submitted.  {CO2 capture systems based on saccharides and organic superbases}. {FARADAY DISCUSSIONS}. {183}:{429-444}. Abstract
Pessego, M, Basilio N, Carmen Muniz M, Garcia-Rio L.  Submitted.  {Competitive counterion complexation allows the true host : guest binding constants from a single titration by ionic receptors}. {ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY}. {14}:{6442-6448}., Number {27} Abstract