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Rodrigues, CM, Sola S, Sharpe JC, Moura JJ, Steer CJ.  2003.  Tauroursodeoxycholic acid prevents Bax-induced membrane perturbation and cytochrome C release in isolated mitochondria, Mar 18. Biochemistry. 42:3070-80., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

Bax is a potent pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family that localizes to the mitochondrial membrane during apoptosis. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) modulates the apoptotic threshold, in part, by preventing Bax translocation both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanisms by which Bax induces and TUDCA inhibits release of cytochrome c are unclear. We show here that recombinant Bax protein induced cytochrome c release in isolated mitochondria without detectable swelling. Co-incubation with TUDCA prevented efflux of mitochondrial factors and proteolytic processing of caspases in cytosolic extracts. Spectroscopic analyses of mitochondria exposed to Bax revealed increased polarity and fluidity of the membrane lipid core as well as altered protein order, indicative of Bax binding, together with loss of spin-label paramagnetism, characteristic of oxidative damage. TUDCA markedly abrogated the Bax-induced membrane perturbation. In conclusion, our results indicate that Bax protein directly induces cytochrome c release from mitochondria through a mechanism that does not require the permeability transition. Rather, it is accompanied by changes in the organization of membrane lipids and proteins. TUDCA is a potent inhibitor of Bax association with mitochondria. Thus, TUDCA modulates apoptosis by suppressing mitochondrial membrane perturbation through pathways that are also independent of the mitochondrial permeability transition.

Machado, T, Moniz A.  2003.  Assembling Toyota in Portugal, Jun. , Number 5881: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

A lot has been written over the last decade with regard to Toyota and the productive model associated to it (toyota-ism). And more specifically concerning the "(…) best-seller that changed the... sociological world" (Castillo, 1998: 31). But the case of Salvador Caetano’s Ovar Industrial Division (OID), that assembles Toyota light commercial vehicles in Portugal, allows us to put forward a sub-hypothesis that fits into the analysis schema proposed in the First GERPISA International Program – "In short, GERPISA members considered that the plurality of models was much a plausible hypothesis deserving testing as that of the diffusion of a unique model (…)" (Boyer, Freyssenet, 2001: 42). So we add: and within Toyota itself, is it not true that different productive models co-exist – especially when delocalised – depending, amongst other factors, on the degree of Toyota participation – in terms of capital and technology transfer – in the local company (strong or weak) and on the markets to be reached (internal or external)? If so, what work system can we expect to find in a plant that presents such peculiar characteristics as this one?

Machado, T, Moniz A.  2003.  {Assembling Toyota in Portugal}, Jun. , Number 5881: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

A lot has been written over the last decade with regard to Toyota and the productive model associated to it (toyota-ism). And more specifically concerning the "(…) best-seller that changed the... sociological world" (Castillo, 1998: 31). But the case of Salvador Caetano’s Ovar Industrial Division (OID), that assembles Toyota light commercial vehicles in Portugal, allows us to put forward a sub-hypothesis that fits into the analysis schema proposed in the First GERPISA International Program – "In short, GERPISA members considered that the plurality of models was much a plausible hypothesis deserving testing as that of the diffusion of a unique model (…)" (Boyer, Freyssenet, 2001: 42). So we add: and within Toyota itself, is it not true that different productive models co-exist – especially when delocalised – depending, amongst other factors, on the degree of Toyota participation – in terms of capital and technology transfer – in the local company (strong or weak) and on the markets to be reached (internal or external)? If so, what work system can we expect to find in a plant that presents such peculiar characteristics as this one?

Moura, I, Cabrito I, Almeida G, Cunha C, Romao MJ, Moura JJG.  2003.  Molecular aspects of denitrification/nitrate dissimilation, Jul 15. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 96:195-195., Number 1 AbstractWebsite
Krippahl, L, Moura JJ, Palma PN.  2003.  Modeling protein complexes with BiGGER, Jul 1. Proteins. 52:19-23., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

This article describes the method and results of our participation in the Critical Assessment of PRediction of Interactions (CAPRI) experiment, using the protein docking program BiGGER (Bimolecular complex Generation with Global Evaluation and Ranking) (Palma et al., Proteins 2000;39:372-384). Of five target complexes (CAPRI targets 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7), only one was successfully predicted (target 6), but BiGGER generated reasonable models for targets 4, 5, and 7, which could have been identified if additional biochemical information had been available.

dos Santos, MMC, de Sousa PMP, Goncalves MLS, Krippahl L, Moura JJG, Lojou E, Bianco P.  2003.  Electrochemical studies on small electron transfer proteins using membrane electrodes, Jan 16. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 541:153-162. AbstractWebsite

Membrane electrodes (ME) were constructed using gold, glassy carbon and pyrolytic graphite supports and a dialysis membrane, and used to study the electrochemical behavior of small size electron transfer proteins: monohemic cytochrome c(522) from Pseudomonas nautica and cytochrome c(533) as well as rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris. Different electrochemical techniques were used including cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SW) and differential pulse voltammetry (DP). A direct electrochemical response was obtained in all cases except with rubredoxin where a facilitator was added to the protein solution entrapped between the membrane and the electrode surface. Formal potentials and heterogeneous charge transfer rate constants were determined from the voltammetric data. The influence of the ionic strength and the pH of the medium on the electrochemical response at the ME were analyzed. The benefits from the use of the ME in protein electrochemistry and its role in modulating the redox behavior are analyzed. A critical comparison is presented with data obtained at non-MEs. Finally, the interactions that must be established between the proteins and the electrode surfaces are discussed, thereby modeling molecular interactions that occur in biological systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Goodfellow, BJ, Rusnak F, Moura I, Ascenso CS, Moura JJ.  2003.  NMR solution structures of two mutants of desulforedoxin, Jan 1. J Inorg Biochem. 93:100-8., Number 1-2 AbstractWebsite

The differences in geometry at the metal centres in the two known [Fe-4S] proteins rubredoxin (Rd) and desulforedoxin (Dx) are postulated to be a result of the different spacing of the C-terminal cysteine pair in the two proteins. In order to address this question, two mutants of Desulfovibrio gigas Dx with modified cysteinyl spacing were prepared and their solution structures have been determined by NMR. Mutant 1 of Dx (DxM1) has a single glycine inserted between the adjacent cysteines (C28 and C29) found in the wild type Dx sequence. Mutant 3 (DxM3) has two amino acid residues, -P-V-, inserted between C28 and C29 in order to mimic the primary sequence found in Rd from Desulfovibrio gigas. The solution structure of DxM1 exists, like wild type Dx, as a dimer in solution although the single glycine inserted between the adjacent cysteines disrupts the stability of the dimer resulting in exchange between a dimer state and a small population of another, probably monomeric, state. For DxM3 the two amino acid residues inserted between the adjacent cysteines results in a monomeric protein that has a global fold near the metal centre very similar to that found in Rd.

Timoteo, CG, Tavares P, Goodhew CF, Duarte LC, Jumel K, Girio FMF, Harding S, Pettigrew GW, Moura I.  2003.  Ca2+ and the bacterial peroxidases: the cytochrome c peroxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri, Jan. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 8:29-37., Number 1-2 AbstractWebsite

The production of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) from Pseudomonas (Ps.) stutzeri (ATCC 11607) was optimized by adjusting the composition of the growth medium and aeration of the culture. The protein was isolated and characterized biochemically and spectroscopically in the oxidized and mixed valence forms. The activity of Ps. stutzeri CCP was studied using two different ferrocytochromes as electron donors: Ps. stutzeri cytochrome C-551 (the physiological electron donor) and horse heart cytochrome c. These electron donors interact differently with Ps. stutzeri CCP, exhibiting different ionic strength dependence. The CCP from Paracoccus (Pa.) denitrificans was proposed to have two different Ca2+ binding sites: one usually occupied (site I) and the other either empty or partially occupied in the oxidized enzyme (site II). The Ps. stutzeri enzyme was purified in a form with tightly bound Ca2+. The affinity for Ca2+ in the mixed valence enzyme is so high that Ca2+ returns to it from the EGTA which was added to empty the site in the oxidized enzyme. Molecular mass determination by ultracentrifugation and behavior on gel filtration chromatography have revealed that this CCP is isolated as an active dimer, in contrast to the Pa. denitrificans CCP which requires added Ca2+ for formation of the dimer and also for activation of the enzyme. This is consistent with the proposal that Ca2+ in the bacterial peroxidases influences the monomer/dimer equilibrium and the transition to the active form of the enzyme. Additional Ca2+ does affect both the kinetics of oxidation of horse heart cytochrome c (but not cytochrome C-551) and higher aggregation states of the enzyme. This suggests the presence of a superficial Ca2+ binding site of low affinity.

Auchere, F, Raleiras P, Benson L, Venyaminov SY, Tavares P, Moura JJ, Moura I, Rusnak F.  2003.  Formation of a stable cyano-bridged dinuclear iron cluster following oxidation of the superoxide reductases from Treponema pallidum and Desulfovibrio vulgaris with K(3)Fe(CN)(6), Feb 24. Inorg Chem. 42:938-40., Number 4 AbstractWebsite

Superoxide reductases catalyze the monovalent reduction of superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide. Spectroscopic evidence for the formation of a dinuclear cyano-bridged adduct after K(3)Fe(CN)(6) oxidation of the superoxide reductases neelaredoxin from Treponema pallidum and desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris was reported. Oxidation with K(3)Fe(CN)(6) reveals a band in the near-IR with lambda(max) at 1020 nm, coupled with an increase of the iron content by almost 2-fold. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy provided additional evidence with CN-stretching vibrations at 2095, 2025-2030, and 2047 cm(-)(1), assigned to a ferrocyanide adduct of the enzyme. Interestingly, the low-temperature electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of oxidized TpNlr reveal at least three different species indicating structural heterogeneity in the coordination environment of the active site Fe ion. Given the likely 6-coordinate geometry of the active site Fe(3+) ion in the ferrocyanide adduct, we propose that the rhombic EPR species can serve as a model of a hexacoordinate form of the active site.

Timóteo, CG, Tavares P, Goodhew CF, Duarte LC, Jumel K, Girio FMF, Harding S, Pettigrew GW, Moura I.  2003.  Ca2+ and the bacterial peroxidases: the cytochrome c peroxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri, Feb. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. {8}:{29-37}., Number {1-2} Abstract

The production of cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) from Pseudomonas (Ps.) stutzeri (ATCC 11607) was optimized by adjusting the composition of the growth medium and aeration of the culture. The protein was isolated and characterized biochemically and spectroscopically in the oxidized and mixed valence forms. The activity of Ps. stutzeri CCP was studied using two different ferrocytochromes as electron donors: Ps. stutzeri cytochrome C-551 (the physiological electron donor) and horse heart cytochrome c. These electron donors interact differently with Ps. stutzeri CCP, exhibiting different ionic strength dependence. The CCP from Paracoccus (Pa.) denitrificans was proposed to have two different Ca2+ binding sites: one usually occupied (site I) and the other either empty or partially occupied in the oxidized enzyme (site II). The Ps. stutzeri enzyme was purified in a form with tightly bound Ca2+. The affinity for Ca2+ in the mixed valence enzyme is so high that Ca2+ returns to it from the EGTA which was added to empty the site in the oxidized enzyme. Molecular mass determination by ultracentrifugation and behavior on gel filtration chromatography have revealed that this CCP is isolated as an active dimer, in contrast to the Pa. denitrificans CCP which requires added Ca2+ for formation of the dimer and also for activation of the enzyme. This is consistent with the proposal that Ca2+ in the bacterial peroxidases influences the monomer/dimer equilibrium and the transition to the active form of the enzyme. Additional Ca2+ does affect both the kinetics of oxidation of horse heart cytochrome c (but not cytochrome C-551) and higher aggregation states of the enzyme. This suggests the presence of a superficial Ca2+ binding site of low affinity.

Rodrigues, PM, Moura I, Macedo AL, Moura JJG.  2003.  Spectroscopic characterization of a novel 2 x 4Fe-4S ferredoxin isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Dec 3. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 356:215-221. AbstractWebsite

A novel iron-sulfur containing protein, a ferredoxin (Fd), was purified to homogeneity from the extract of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans American type culture collection (ATCC) 27774. The purified protein is a 13.4 kDa homodimer with a polypeptide chain of 60 amino acids residues, containing eight cysteines that coordinate two [4Fe-4S] clusters. The protein is shown to be air sensitive and cluster conversions take place. We structurally characterize a redox state that contains two [4Fe-4S] cores. 1D and 2D H-1 NMR studies are reported on form containing the clusters in the oxidized state. Based on the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), relaxation measurements and comparison of the present data with the available spectra of the analogous 8Fe Fds, the cluster ligands were specifically assigned to the eight-cysteinyl residues. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Ghosh, S, Gorelsky SI, Chen P, Cabrito I, Moura JJ, Moura I, Solomon EI.  2003.  Activation of N2O reduction by the fully reduced micro4-sulfide bridged tetranuclear Cu Z cluster in nitrous oxide reductase, Dec 24. J Am Chem Soc. 125:15708-9., Number 51 AbstractWebsite

The tetranuclear CuZ cluster catalyzes the two-electron reduction of N2O to N2 and H2O in the enzyme nitrous oxide reductase. This study shows that the fully reduced 4CuI form of the cluster correlates with the catalytic activity of the enzyme. This is the first demonstration that the S = 1/2 form of CuZ can be further reduced. Complementary DFT calculations support the experimental findings and demonstrate that N2O binding in a bent mu-1,3-bridging mode to the 4CuI form is most efficient due to strong back-bonding from two reduced copper atoms. This back-donation activates N2O for electrophilic attack by a proton.

Li, L, Chiarelli MP, Branco PS, Antunes AM, Marques MM, Goncalves LL, BELAND FA.  2003.  Differentiation of isomeric C8-substituted alkylaniline adducts of guanine by electrospray ionization and tandem quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry, DEC. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY. 14:1488-1492., Number 12 Abstract
Timóteo, {AT}, Abecassis M, Baptista P, Rebocho {MJ, {Queiroz E Melo} J.  2003.  Óxido Nítrico na Abordagem da Hipertensão Pulmonar no Contexto de Cirurgia Cardíaca do Adulto, dec. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia. 22:1503–1511., Number 12: Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia | Elsevier Abstract

Pulmonary hypertension is a significant problem to take into account in the post-operative management of cardiac patients, especially valvular patients. Inhaled nitric oxide allows more effective control of pulmonary pressure and other hemodynamic parameters, with better post-operative results. We present a clinical case of a patient with mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension, with post-operative hemodynamic instability, in which we used inhaled nitric oxide for better control of pulmonary pressures and to help ventilator weaning.

Andrade, SL, Brondino CD, Kamenskaya EO, Levashov AV, Moura JJ.  2003.  Kinetic behavior of Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde oxidoreductase encapsulated in reverse micelles, Aug 15. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 308:73-8., Number 1 AbstractWebsite

We report the kinetic behavior of the enzyme aldehyde oxidoreductase (AOR) from the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas (Dg) encapsulated in reverse micelles of sodium bis-(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate in isooctane using benzaldehyde, octaldehyde, and decylaldehyde as substrates. Dg AOR is a 200-kDa homodimeric protein that catalyzes the conversion of aldehydes to carboxylic acids. Ultrasedimentation analysis of Dg AOR-containing micelles showed the presence of 100-kDa molecular weight species, confirming that the Dg AOR subunits can be dissociated. UV-visible spectra of encapsulated Dg AOR are indistinguishable from the enzyme spectrum in solution, suggesting that both protein fold and metal cofactor are kept intact upon encapsulation. The catalytic constant (k(cat)) profile as a function of the micelle size W(0) (W(0)=[H(2)O]/[AOT]) using benzaldehyde as substrate showed two bell-shaped activity peaks at W(0)=20 and 26. Furthermore, enzymatic activity for octaldehyde and decylaldehyde was detected only in reverse micelles. Like for the benzaldehyde kinetics, two peaks with both similar k(cat) values and W(0) positions were obtained. EPR studies using spin-labeled reverse micelles indicated that octaldehyde and benzaldehyde are intercalated in the micelle membrane. This suggests that, though Dg AOR is found in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells, the enzyme may catalyze the reaction of substrates incorporated into a cell membrane.

Anda, C, Bazzicalupi C, Bencini A, Bianchi A, Fornasari P, Giorgi C, Valtancoli B, Lodeiro C, Parola AJ, Pina F.  2003.  Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes with dipyridine-containing macrocyclic polyamines with different binding units, 2003. Dalton Transactions. :1299-1307. AbstractWebsite

The coordination features of the two dipyridine-containing polyamine macrocycles 2,5,8,11,14-pentaaza[ 15][ [15](2,2')[1,15]-bipyridylophane (L1) and 4,4'-(2,5,8,11,14-pentaaza[15]-[15](2,2')-bipyridylophane) (L2) toward Cu(II) and Ni(II) have been studied by means of potentiometric and spectrophotometric UV-vis titrations in aqueous solutions. While in L1 all the nitrogen donor atoms are convergent inside the macrocyclic cavity, in L2 the heteroaromatic nitrogen atoms are located outside. Ligands L1 and L2 form stable mono- and dinuclear complexes with Cu(II). In the case of Ni(II) coordination, only L1 gives dinuclear complexes, while L2 can form only mononuclear species. In the Cu(II) or Ni(II) complexes with L1 the metal(s) are lodged inside the macrocyclic cavity, coordinated to the heteroaromatic nitrogens. As shown by the crystal structure of the [CuL1](2+) and [NiL1](2+) cations, at least one of the two benzylic nitrogens is not coordinated and facile protonation of the complex takes place at neutral or slightly acidic pH values. The particular molecular architecture of L2, which displays two well-separated binding moieties, strongly affects its coordination behavior. In the mononuclear [ CuL2](2+) complex, the metal is encapsulated inside the cavity, not coordinated by the dipyridine unit. Protonation of the complex, however, occurs on the aliphatic polyamine chain and gives rise to translocation of the metal outside the cavity, bound to the heteroaromatic nitrogens. In the [NiL2](2+) complex the metal is coordinated by the dipyridine nitrogens, outside the macrocyclic cavity. Thermodynamic and/or kinetic considerations may explain the different behavior with respect to the corresponding Cu(II) complex.

de Melo, JS, Pina J, Pina F, Lodeiro C, Parola AJ, Lima JC, Albelda MT, Clares MP, Garcia-Espana E, Soriano C.  2003.  Energetics and dynamics of naphthalene polyaminic derivatives. Influence of structural design in the balance static vs dynamic excimer formation, 2003. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 107:11307-11318. AbstractWebsite

Two new fluorescent macrocyclic structures bearing two naphthalene (Np) units at both ends of a cyclic polyaminic chain were investigated with potentiometric, fluorescence (steady-state and time-resolved) and laser flash photolysis techniques. The fluorescence emission studies show the presence of an excimer species whose formation depends on the protonation state of the polyamine chains implying the existence of a bending movement (occurring in both the ground and in the first singlet excited state), which allows the two naphthalene units to approach and interact. For comparison purposes, one bis-chromophoric compound containing a rigid chain (piperazine unit) was also investigated. Its emission spectra shows a unique band decaying single exponentially thus showing that no excimer is formed. With the two new ligands, excimer formation occurs in all situations even at very acidic pH values when the protonation of the polyamine bridges is extensive. Coexistence of ground-state dimers with dynamic excimers was established based on steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence data. The energetics of excimer formation and dissociation were determined in ethanol and water. Different methods of decay analysis (independent decay deconvolution, global analysis and excimer deconvolution with monomer) were used to extract the kinetic (rate constants for excimer formation, dissociation, and decay) and thermodynamic parameters. In ethanol and acidified ethanol:water mixtures, an additional short decay time was found to exist and assigned to a dimer, whose presence is assumed to be responsible by the decrease in activation energy for excimer formation in this solvent. The results are globally discussed in terms of the small architectural differences that can induce significant changes in the photophysical behavior of the three studied compounds.

Albelda, MT, Garcia-Espana E, Gil L, Lima JC, Lodeiro C, de Melo JS, Melo MJ, Parola AJ, Pina F, Soriano C.  2003.  Intramolecular excimer formation in a tripodal polyamine receptor containing three naphthalene fluorophores, 2003. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107:6573-6578. AbstractWebsite

comprehensive investigation on the energetics and dynamics of a new fluorescent sensor constituted by a tripodal polyamine receptor containing three naphthalene fluorophores, compound L, is reported. The influence of external factors such as the solvent, hydrogen ion concentration, and temperature in the photophysics of the sensor is discussed. The temperature dependence of monomer/excimer interconversion of L revealed an average percentage relative sensitivity of 4.5%/degreesC thus portending its use as a temperature sensor. The activation energy for excimer formation (E-1 = 12 kJ mol(-1)) and dissociation (E-1 = 57 kJ mol(-1)), entropy change (DeltaS = -128 J K-1 mol(-1)), and the binding energy of the excimer (DeltaH = 45 kJ mol(-1)) were obtained in water at acidic pH values and ethanol (E-1 = 15 kJ mol(-1), E-1 = 40 kJ mol(-1), DeltaS = -61 J K-1 mol(-1), and DeltaH = 25 kJ mol(-1)). The dependence of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters on the dielectric constant of the medium and on the degree of protonation of the polyamine chain was interpreted in terms of the excimer destabilization provoked by the electrostatic repulsion between the positively charged chains.

Vicente, M, Bastida R, Lodeiro C, Macias A, Parola AJ, Valencia L, Spey SE.  2003.  Metal complexes with a new N4O3 amine pendant-armed macrocyclic ligand: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures, and fluorescence studies, 2003. Inorganic Chemistry. 42:6768-6779. AbstractWebsite

The synthesis of a new oxaaza macrocyclic ligand, L, derived from O-1,O-7-bis(2-formylphenyl)-1,4,7-trioxaheptane and tren containing an amine terminal pendant arm, and its metal complexation with alkaline earth (M = Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+), transition (M = Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+), post-transition (M = Pb2+), and Y3+ and lanthanide (M = La3+, Er3+) metal ions are reported. Crystal structures of [H2L](ClO4)(2).3H(2)O, [PbL](ClO4)(2), and [ZnLCl](ClO4).H2O are also reported. In the [PbL] complex, the metal ion is located inside the macrocyclic cavity coordinated by all N4O3 donor atoms while, in the [ZnLCI] complex, the metal ion is encapsulated only by the nitrogen atoms present in the ligand. pi-pi interactions in the [H2L](ClO4)(2).3H(2)O and [PbL](ClO4)(2) structures are observed. Protonation and Zn2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+ complexation were studied by means of potentiometric, UV-vis, and fluorescent emission measurements. The 10-fold fluorescence emission increase observed in the pH range 7-9 in the presence of Zn2+ leads to L as a good sensor for this biological metal in water solution.

Huynh, BH, Tavares P, Pereira AS, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2003.  Reductive activation of aerobically purified Desulfovibrio vulgaris hydrogenase: Mossbauer characterization of the catalytic H cluster, 2003. Biochemistry and Physiology of Anaerobic Bacteria. :35-45. AbstractWebsite
Matos, MRPN, Gois PMP, Mata MLEN, Cabrita EJ, Afonso CAM.  2003.  Studies on the preparation of 4-ethoxyalkyliden and 4-aminoalkyliden-5(4H)-oxazolones, 2003. Synthetic Communications. 33:1285-1299., Number 8 Abstract


Rodriguez, L, Alves S, Lima JC, Parola AJ, Pina F, Soriano C, Albelda T, Garcia-Espana E.  2003.  Supramolecular interactions of hexacyanocobaltate(III) with polyamine receptors containing a terminal anthracene sensor, 2003. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 159:253-258. AbstractWebsite

The fluorescence emission properties of a series of chemosensors containing a polyamine receptor bearing an anthracene signaling unit were studied. The fluorescence emission intensity is dependent on the protonation degree of the receptor, the fully protonated form exhibiting the highest emission intensity. By removing protons from the nitrogens a quenching effect can be observed, due to an electron-transfer from the amine to the excited fluorophore. The rate constant of the quenching process is exponentially dependent on the distance of the nitrogen from which the electron is transferred (beta = 0.6Angstrom(-1)). The ability of the chemosensors for signaling anions was tested through the model anion hexacyanocobaltate(III). The temperature dependence of the association constants shows that at least for this compound, the change in solvation entropy is probably the controlling parameter to account for the binding. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Inácio, JM, Costa C, de Sá-Nogueira I.  2003.  Distinct molecular mechanisms involved in carbon catabolite repression of the arabinose regulon in Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology. 149:2345-2355., Number 9 Abstract

The Bacillus subtilis proteins involved in the utilization of L-arabinose are encoded by the araABDLMNPQ–abfA metabolic operon and by the araE/araR divergent unit. Transcription from the ara operon, araE transport gene and araR regulatory gene is induced by L-arabinose and negatively controlled by AraR. Additionally, expression of both the ara operon and the araE gene is regulated at the transcriptional level by glucose repression. Here, by transcriptional fusion analysis in different mutant backgrounds, it is shown that CcpA most probably complexed with HPr-Ser46-P plays the major role in carbon catabolite repression of the ara regulon by glucose and glycerol. Site-directed mutagenesis and deletion analysis indicate that two catabolite responsive elements (cres) present in the ara operon (cre araA and cre araB) and one cre in the araE gene (cre araE) are implicated in this mechanism. Furthermore, cre araA located between the promoter region of the ara operon and the araA gene, and cre araB placed 2 kb downstream within the araB gene are independently functional and both contribute to glucose repression. In Northern blot analysis, in the presence of glucose, a CcpA-dependent transcript consistent with a message stopping at cre araB was detected, suggesting that transcription ‘roadblocking’ of RNA polymerase elongation is the most likely mechanism operating in this system. Glucose exerts an additional repression of the ara regulon, which requires a functional araR.

Amado, M.  2003.  Baseline Comparative Report – Deliverable 8 – ECOPADEV. , Lisbon: European Comission
Spencer-Martins, I, de Sá-Nogueira I.  2003.  Biotecnologia microbiana. Biotecnologia. (N. Lima, M. Mota, Eds.).:249-265.: Ediçõs Técnicas Lidel