08:45 | Registration |
09:00 | Welcome |
09:15 | Opening Session Virgílio Cruz Machado (Dean of FCT NOVA) |
09:30 | An innovative meta-evaluation approach: a quality-control tool for the assessment and reporting of environmental education projects, programs and public policies Cláudia Pocho (CENSE, FCT NOVA) |
09:45 | Machine learning modelling for material and drug discovery Florbela Pereira (LAQV-REQUIMTE, FCT NOVA) |
10:00 | Human signalling: novel pathways to form nitric oxide under challenging conditions Luisa Maia (LAQV-REQUIMTE, FCT NOVA) |
10:15 | Environmental Toxicology: interactions between toxicants in the aquatic system Neusa Figueiredo (MARE, FCT NOVA) |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Publishing and the Nature journals David Gevaux (Chief Physical Sciences Editor, Nature Communications) |
12:00 | Lunch (not included) |
14:00 | From light to bioplastics Joana Fradinho (UCIBIO-REQUIMTE, FCT NOVA) |
14:15 | Down conversion materials: new luminescent glasses for artistic and technological applications Andreia Ruivo (VICARTE, FCT NOVA) |
14:30 | Down the rabbit hole: Atomic Physics @ FCT UNL Mauro Guerra (LIBPhys, FCT NOVA) |
14:45 | Automata and languages in Algebra Tara Brough (Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, FCT NOVA) |
15:00 | Integrated assessment modelling for deep decarbonisation of energy systems Patricia Fortes (CENSE, FCT NOVA) |
15:15 | How can RIA help you? Juliana Monteiro (Research and Innovation Accelerator - RIA, FCT NOVA) |
15:45 | TBA Mafalda Dourado (Agência Nacional de Inovação) |
16:15 | Coffee Break |
16:45 | Panning for natural products gold in the post-genomic era Pedro Leão (FCT Investigator, ERC Starting Grant Awardee, CIIMAR, U. Porto) |
17:15 | Porque hei-de falar com jornalistas? Vera Novais (Jornalista no Observador) |
17:45 | Design thinking: gerir o desafio da inovação organizacional Guilherme Victorino (NOVA Information Management School) |
18:15 | Closing Session with a Porto de Honra |
The program in pdf format can be found here!