Use of fluorescence spectroscopy to study polymeric materials with porous structure based on imprinting by self-assembled fibrillar networks

Burguete, MI, Galindo F, Gavara R, Izquierdo MA, Lima JC, Luis SV, Parola AJ, Pina F.  2008.  Use of fluorescence spectroscopy to study polymeric materials with porous structure based on imprinting by self-assembled fibrillar networks, 2008. Langmuir. 24:9795-9803.


Different polymeric materials have been prepared from the oroartopels formed by a polymerizable methacrylic mixture (methyl i-nethacrylate/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, 1: 1, w/w) and the macrocyclic pseudopeptide 1. The use of (2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)diphenylphosphine oxide as it very efficient radical initiator allows polymeric materials in which the structure of the fibrils formed by self-assembly of the organogelator 1 is truly preserved to be obtained. Removal of the pseudopeptidic molecule provides materials with a porous structure reflecting that of the original self-assembled fibrils. The use of fluorescent probes Such as rhodamine B and pyrene greatly facilitate the Study of the porous structures formed and, accordingly, that of the morphology of the original fibrils. Those studies reveal the presence of a permanent porosity and the organization of the Substructures as a porous network. This confirms the existence of a nucleation and growth mechanism for the generation of the fibrils, giving rise to the formation of spherulitic structures. Those spherulites are additionally linked by connections of variable size. A series of diffusion experiments allowed establishment of a direct dependence of the inner porosity of the materials oil the amount of self-organizing template used for their preparation.


ISI Document Delivery No.: 341NVTimes Cited: 20
Cited Reference Count: 89
Burguete, M. Isabel Galindo, Francisco Gavara, Raquel Izquierdo, M. Angeles Lima, Joao C. Luis, Santiago V. Parola, A. Jorge Pina, Fernando
Pina, Fernando/C-8161-2011; Galindo, Francisco/H-8836-2012; Parola, A. Jorge/F-4048-2010; Gavara, Raquel/C-6669-2013; Caparica, cqfb_staff/H-2611-2013; REQUIMTE, AL/H-9106-2013; Chaves, Pedro/K-1288-2013; Lima, Joao/F-3658-2010
Parola, A. Jorge/0000-0002-1333-9076; Lima, Joao/0000-0003-0528-1967
Spanish MEC [CTQ2006-15672-C05-02]; GVA [GV/2007/277, ARVIV/2007/079, ARVIV/2007/081]; Fundacio Caixa Castello-UJI [P1.1B2004-13]; MEC
Financial support from the Spanish MEC (Grant CTQ2006-15672-C05-02), GVA (Projects GV/2007/277, ARVIV/2007/079, and ARVIV/2007/081), Fundacio Caixa Castello-UJI (Project P1.1B2004-13), and Fundacao para a Cienciae Tecnologia is acknowledged. F.G. and R.G. also thank the MEC for financial support (Ramon y Cajal program for F.G. and predoctoral FPI fellowship for R.G.). We also appreciate the helpful comments made by the reviewers of this work.
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