Different polymeric materials have been prepared from the oroartopels formed by a polymerizable methacrylic mixture (methyl i-nethacrylate/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, 1: 1, w/w) and the macrocyclic pseudopeptide 1. The use of (2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)diphenylphosphine oxide as it very efficient radical initiator allows polymeric materials in which the structure of the fibrils formed by self-assembly of the organogelator 1 is truly preserved to be obtained. Removal of the pseudopeptidic molecule provides materials with a porous structure reflecting that of the original self-assembled fibrils. The use of fluorescent probes Such as rhodamine B and pyrene greatly facilitate the Study of the porous structures formed and, accordingly, that of the morphology of the original fibrils. Those studies reveal the presence of a permanent porosity and the organization of the Substructures as a porous network. This confirms the existence of a nucleation and growth mechanism for the generation of the fibrils, giving rise to the formation of spherulitic structures. Those spherulites are additionally linked by connections of variable size. A series of diffusion experiments allowed establishment of a direct dependence of the inner porosity of the materials oil the amount of self-organizing template used for their preparation.
ISI Document Delivery No.: 341NVTimes Cited: 20
Cited Reference Count: 89
Burguete, M. Isabel Galindo, Francisco Gavara, Raquel Izquierdo, M. Angeles Lima, Joao C. Luis, Santiago V. Parola, A. Jorge Pina, Fernando
Pina, Fernando/C-8161-2011; Galindo, Francisco/H-8836-2012; Parola, A. Jorge/F-4048-2010; Gavara, Raquel/C-6669-2013; Caparica, cqfb_staff/H-2611-2013; REQUIMTE, AL/H-9106-2013; Chaves, Pedro/K-1288-2013; Lima, Joao/F-3658-2010
Parola, A. Jorge/0000-0002-1333-9076; Lima, Joao/0000-0003-0528-1967
Spanish MEC [CTQ2006-15672-C05-02]; GVA [GV/2007/277, ARVIV/2007/079, ARVIV/2007/081]; Fundacio Caixa Castello-UJI [P1.1B2004-13]; MEC
Financial support from the Spanish MEC (Grant CTQ2006-15672-C05-02), GVA (Projects GV/2007/277, ARVIV/2007/079, and ARVIV/2007/081), Fundacio Caixa Castello-UJI (Project P1.1B2004-13), and Fundacao para a Cienciae Tecnologia is acknowledged. F.G. and R.G. also thank the MEC for financial support (Ramon y Cajal program for F.G. and predoctoral FPI fellowship for R.G.). We also appreciate the helpful comments made by the reviewers of this work.
Amer chemical soc