The chemistry and photochemistry of 3',4'-(methylenedioxy)flavylium was studied by means of UV-Vis spectrophotometry, H-1 NMR, stopped flow, and continuous irradiation, in acidic and basic aqueous solutions. Six species were identified: the flavylium cation, AH(+); the hemiketal, B; the cis- and the trans-chalcones, Cc and Ct, and their ionized forms, Cc(-) and Ct(-). These species de. ne a multiequilibria network whose kinetics and thermodynamics were completely characterized. The two pairs of chalcones de. ne two coupled photochromic systems, respectively in acidic and basic media, both allowing cycles capable of writing, reading and erasing to be defined.
ISI Document Delivery No.: 859MPTimes Cited: 3
Cited Reference Count: 11
Fernandez, D Folgosa, F Parola, AJ Pina, F
Pina, Fernando/C-8161-2011; Folgosa, Filipe/F-7640-2012; Parola, A. Jorge/F-4048-2010; REQUIMTE, AL/H-9106-2013
Folgosa, Filipe/0000-0001-5879-151X; Parola, A. Jorge/0000-0002-1333-9076;
Royal soc chemistry