Thermodynamic, NMR and photochemical study on the acid-base behaviour of N,N'-dibenzylated polyamines and on their interaction with hexacyanocobaltate(III)

Bernardo, MA, Guerrero JA, Garciaespana E, Luis SV, Llinares JM, Pina F, Ramirez JA, Soriano C.  1996.  Thermodynamic, NMR and photochemical study on the acid-base behaviour of N,N'-dibenzylated polyamines and on their interaction with hexacyanocobaltate(III). Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 2. :2335-2342., Number 11




Times Cited: 26 Pina, Fernando/C-8161-2011; REQUIMTE, PHOTO/M-4229-2013; REQUIMTE, LAQV/N-9835-2013 Pina, Fernando/0000-0001-8529-6848; 26

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