A Study in Mauve: Unveiling Perkin's Dye in Historic Samples

Sousa, MM, Melo MJ, Parola AJ, Morris PJT, Rzepa HS, de Melo JSS.  2008.  A Study in Mauve: Unveiling Perkin's Dye in Historic Samples, 2008. Chemistry-a European Journal. 14:8507-8513.


The analysis of different historic mauve samples-mauve salts and dyed textiles-was undertaken to establish the exact nature of the iconic dye produced by W.H. Perkin in the nineteenth century. Fourteen samples from important museum collections were analyzed, and it was determined that. in contrast to the general wisdom that mauveine consists of C, and C, structures. Perkin's mauveine is a complex mixture of at least thirteen methyl derivatives (C, to C(28)) with a 7-amino5-phenyl-3-(phenylamino)phenazin-5- ium core. A fingerprint was established in which mauveines A or B were dominant, and in which mauveines B2 and C(25) were found to be important tracers to probe the original synthesis. Counterion analysis showed that all the mauve salts should be dated after 1862. Perkin's original recipe could be identified in three textile samples, and in these cases, mauveines A and C25 were found to he the major chromophores. These are now shown to be the samples containing the "original mauve".


ISI Document Delivery No.: 360CZTimes Cited: 12
Cited Reference Count: 23
Sousa, Micaela M. Melo, Maria J. Parola, A. Jorge Morris, Peter J. T. Rzepa, Henry S. Seixas de Melo, J. Sergio
Melo, Maria Joao/C-8594-2011; Seixas de Melo, Sergio/A-5388-2008; Rzepa, Henry/F-8979-2012; Parola, A. Jorge/F-4048-2010; Caparica, cqfb_staff/H-2611-2013; REQUIMTE, AL/H-9106-2013; Chaves, Pedro/K-1288-2013
Seixas de Melo, Sergio/0000-0001-9708-5079; Parola, A. Jorge/0000-0002-1333-9076;
Poci [poci/qui/55672/2004, ptdc/eat/65445/2006]; fct; feder
We are grateful to POCI (POCI/QUI/55672/2004 and PTDC/EAT/65445/ 2006), FCT and FEDER for further funding, We also acknowledge Perth Museum (Scotland), Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, Columbia University, New York City, and the Science Museum. London, for the samples, A. Travis for comments and to J. Marcalo (ITN) and M. da Conceicao (IST) Oliveira for help with MS measurements.
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