Screening and quantification of proteinaceous binders in medieval paints based on mu-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares

Mas, S, Miguel C, Melo MJ, Lopes JA, de Juan A.  2014.  Screening and quantification of proteinaceous binders in medieval paints based on mu-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 134:148-157.




Lopes, Joao/H-1733-2011; Melo, Maria Joao/C-8594-2011; iMed.ULisboa, iMed.ULisboa/C-6292-2014; iMed.ULisboa, InTraCellADD /B-4826-2014; Lopes, Joao/0000-0002-1657-344X; Melo, Maria Joao/0000-0001-7393-6801; de Juan, Anna/0000-0002-6662-2019 8th Colloquium on Chemiometricum Mediterraneum (CCM) Jun 30-jul 04, 2013 Bevagna, ITALY 3

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