Revisiting Perkin's dye(s): the spectroscopy and photophysics of two new mauveine compounds (B2 and C)

de Melo, JS, Takato S, Sousa M, Melo MJ, Parola AJ.  2007.  Revisiting Perkin's dye(s): the spectroscopy and photophysics of two new mauveine compounds (B2 and C), 2007. Chemical Communications. :2624-2626.


Two new components have been identified in an early sample prepared according to the original recipe of Perkin, and perhaps even by Perkin himself around 1860 - a new isomer of Perkin's mauveine B (designated as mauveine B2) together with a new mauveine compound (mauveine C) - and these compounds were synthesized again using starting materials chosen to reproduce Perkin's original synthesis and isolated by HPLC-DAD, identified by H-1 NMR, MS and their spectroscopic (UV/Vis and emission) and photophysical behaviour investigated.


ISI Document Delivery No.: 180WLTimes Cited: 16
Cited Reference Count: 20
de Melo, J. Seixas Takato, S. Sousa, M. Melo, M. J. Parola, A. J.
Melo, Maria Joao/C-8594-2011; Parola, A. Jorge/F-4048-2010; Seixas de Melo, Sergio/A-5388-2008; REQUIMTE, AL/H-9106-2013
Parola, A. Jorge/0000-0002-1333-9076; Seixas de Melo, Sergio/0000-0001-9708-5079;
Royal soc chemistry

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