Noémi Jordão

Posdoctoral Researcher


Department of Chemistry, FCT-UNL

LAQV-REQUIMTE - Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry

office 406-C, tel. +351212948300, ext. 10946

short CV / research interests:


I’m graduate in Chemical Engineering (Universidade de Aveiro), where I made my Master Thesis (Tito Trindade, UA) using nanocomposites with polymeric matrix. I´ve joined the Photochemistry and Supramolecular Chemistry Group in 2011, where I made the synthesis and studies of multistimuli responsive polymers using flavylium-supported Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). My current research is development of novel electrochromic  materials based on ionic liquids.  Some of the methodologies used are NMR spectroscopy, continuous photochemical irradiation,  absorption and emission spectroscopies, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), electrochemistry and thermal analysis (DSC).  My main research interests are ionic liquids, chromogenics materials, polymers.




N. Jordão, L. Cabrita, F. Pina, Luís C. Branco, “Novel Bipyridinium Ionic Liquids as Liquid Electrochromic Devices”, Chem. Eur. J., 2014, DOI:10.1002/chem.201304451


N. Jordão, R. Gavara, A. J. Parola, “Flavylium-Supported Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): A Class of Multistimuli Responsive Polymer”, Macromolecules, 2013, 46(22), 9055-9063, DOI: 10.1021/ma401497q


S. Fateixa, A. L. Daniel-da-Silva, N. Jordão, A. Barros-Timmons, T. Trindade, “Effect of colloidal silver and goldnanoparticles on the thermal behavior of poly(t-butyl acrylate) composites”, Colloids Surf., A. 2013, 436, 231-236




