Cláudia C. Lage Pereira

Assistant Researcher


Department of Chemistry, FCT-UNL

LAQV-REQUIMTE - Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry

office 426 A, tel. +351212948300, ext. 10946


I was born somewhere in North of Portugal in 1974.

After high school I graduated in Analytical Chemistry (1997) by University of Aveiro. In 2000 I concluded a master degree in Chemistry of Natural Products at the same university where I had the opportunity of working with paper related science.

I moved to Lisbon with a FCT fellowship to accomplish the PhD degree in organometallic chemistry under supervision of Professor Carlos Romão (October 2004). During my PhD I worked with indenyl and cyclopendadienyl complexes of niobum and molybdenum and explored their biological and catalytic applications. During this period I spent several short periods at University of Porto to learn about electrochemistry with Prof. Cristina Freire. 
Back to Aveiro in 2005, the research continued in the field of catalysis as a postdoctoral researcher in collaboration with Professor Isabel Gonçalves. I had the opportunity of working with cyclodextrins and several encapsulation products and evaluation of their biological activity as antitumour agents.
I returned to Lisbon in 2008 to work as an Assistant researcher under Ciência 2007 programme at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, in with Professor Joaquim Marçalo in Mass Spectrometry Research until Feb 2013. In this area of research the main purpose was the identification of new species and reactions in gas phase with actinides(U, Th, Am) by using advanced techniques of mass spectrometry (LDI-FTICR/MS and ESI-QIT/MS). This field of research is exclusive in Portugal and was accomplished in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This area of research gave me extra skills in chemical analysis by using mass spectrometry techniques. Besides this research I deepened my interest in inorganic chemistry and material science by exploring the chemistry of lanthanides by studying their photophysical and magnetic properties of ionic liquids I also had the opportunity of working with metal-organic frameworks based on actinide (uranyland and torium) (acta crystal. C, 2014).

Afterward, I worked as an invited professor at Escola Superior de Tecnol. da Saude-IPL teaching applied chemistry (2013-2014).


Presently I am a post-doctoral researcher at REQUIMTE with interests in photophysical and magnetic properties of lanthanide based ionic liquids, layered lanthanide hydroxides, LLH (2D materials) and metal-organic frameworks, MOFs (3D materials) and combination of ionic liquids and metal-organic frameworks as IL@MOF systems for inmproving gas separation and detection.


5 selected publications:

ORCID: 0000-0003-3421-8676

1-A thermochromic europium(III) room temperature ionic liquid with thermally activated anion–cation interactions, Chem. Comm., 53, 850-853

Highlighthed in the back cover

2-Magnetic Properties of the Layered Lanthanide Hydroxide Series  YxDy8x(OH)20Cl4.6H2O: From Single Ion Magnets to 2D and 3D Interaction Effects, Inorg. Chem., 54(4), 1949, 2015

3-Europium (III) Tetrakis(beta-diketonate) Complex as an Ionic Liquid: A Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Study, Inorg. Chem., 52(7), 2013, 3755

4-Ring slippage vs charge transfer in the reductive chemistry of [IndMo(CO)2α-diimine)]+ cations, Organometallics, 25(22), 2006, 5222

5-Treating cancer in mammals, comprises using pharmaceutical composition containing and organometallic molybdenum (II) complex, Matos MRPN, Romão CC, Pereira CCL, Rodrigues SS, Mora M, Silva MJP, Alves PM, Reis C., WO2005087783-A1 ; EP1737874-A1; US2008311189-A1, 2005
