My main areas of interest are renewable energies, with special interest in photovoltaics, area focused in my current research. In addition, I also have interests in Quantum Mechanics and Electromagnetism. I ingressed in the Integrated Master's Degree in Micro and Nanotechnology in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where I ultimately received my Degree in Engineering of Micro and Nanotechnology in 2018.
Afterwards, I enrolled in a research fellowship in the scope of the project Apolo in CENIMAT/UNINOVA having also collaborated in other projects, such as project AltaLuz and SuPerSolar.
Currently, I am a PhD student, with a grant from FCT, in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, also affiliated with CENIMAT.