Ana Isabel Machado Mouquinho


In 2019, Ana completed her PhD in Sustainable Chemistry at FCT/UNL. During her PhD thesis, she developed a multidisciplinary work, covering areas such as organic synthesis and materials science.

From April 2018 to October 2019 she was also involved in a parallel project with the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG), in which she developed the green synthesis of cork-templated ceria and polymer-replicated foams for solar thermochemical hydrogen production via two-step water-splitting cycles.

Since March 2020, she has been a postdoctoral fellow at CENIMAT/i3N center under the European project APOLO (H2020-LCE-2017-RES-RIA) aimed at developing photonic-enhanced flexible Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) for building-integrated PV.

Main scientific interests:

  • Photonics for Light Management in Solar Cells Colloidal Lithography 
  • Electro-Optical Devices 
  • Liquid Crystals