AgroServ - 1st TransNational Access call grants 20 projects

The results of the 1st call AgroServ Translational call are now available. With an acceptance rate ~20%, three projects from Portugal will be funded.

BiofungAL - Biocontrol approaches against fungal diseases in almond trees. PI Liliana Marum. PT institutions: CEBAL, ITQB-NOVA, UEvora

BIOTA - Beneficial microbial communities for legume yield and quality challenges: Phaseolus productivity under elevated CO2 and post-flowering heat spell. PI Carla Pinheiro. PT institutions: NOVA-FCT, ISA-UL, INIAV, IPPortalegre, GROUND.

UnRootINGStress - Uncovering root traits affected by a RING E3-ubiquitin ligase involved in rice osmotic stress response. PI Tiago Santos. PT institutions: ITQB-NOVA.

The 2nd AgroServ call is now open.