Doctor Pedro L. Cruz has a postdoctoral research grant (BPD) in the Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV) of REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa). He joined the team on November 8th, 2018 and his work is focused on the project KET4-Gas ("Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Fluorinated Gases in the Sudoe space using Key Enabling Technologies").
Concerning his background, Pedro L. is a Chemical Engineer (2013, Rey Juan Carlos University), owns a Master’s degree on Renewable Energy, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (2014, Menéndez Pelayo International University) and obtained his PhD under the Doctoral Program in Industrial Technologies (2018, Rey Juan Carlos University) with the thesis entitled "Modelling, simulation and analysis of the coprocessing of biomass-based feedstocks in crude oil refineries”. His field of expertise includes complex systems modelling, process design and simulation, heat integration, energy efficiency, thermodynamic evaluation, life-cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis. He has participated in 8 research projects and counts with 7 contributions to international conferences, 1 book chapter and 4 journal articles.
Supervised by Ana B. Pereiro and co-supervised by João M.M. Araújo (FCT-NOVA).