Márcia Alves

PhD student


Márcia Alves is a Phd Student enrolled in the MolBioS program, working on a project regarding "Protein Drug Delivery Systems using Ionic Liquids". Márcia holds a BSc degree in Health Sciences from the University of Lisbon, and a MSc in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine, from NOVA University of Lisbon. She has published one paper (Alves, M.; Vieira, N.S.M.; Rebelo, L.P.N.; Araújo, J.M.M.; Pereiro, A.B.; Archer, M. (2017) Fluorinated Ionic Liquids for protein drug delivery systems: Investigating their impact on the structure and function of lysozyme. Int J Pharm 526, 309-320.) since joining the group in 2015.

Supervised by Margarida Archer (ITQB-NOVA) and co-supervised by Ana B. Pereiro.
